Since I can not expell the thought from my mind, I said to myself: "Why not suggest it to Armor Games and see if they can use it?"
See, the thing is... I can not stop thinking about the fact that when a user that stays a member of Armor Games long enough and stays active, he/she will eventually reach the highest rank possible, being 'GOLD KING/GOLD QUEEN'.
And with that, no more ranks are available for them to set as a goal (for those who actually have that as a goal), so I thought of a few additional ranks for Armor Games to possibly implement and thus stretch the existing ranking system!
My suggestions (highlighted in bold) for a new ranking system based on medieval ranks would be:
Note: I see the problem at hand with the double ranking name of 'countess' when Earl and Count are to be used together in this system.
This suggested ranking system would provide a lot more ranks for the Armor Games users to gain over time when they would (preferably) stay active members of this great community. Of course, the appropriate shields would have to be made for those 'new' ranks and I will do some more research on that if it is a viable option for Armor Games to use!
I hope it provides some thought on the matter and I'm very curious to find out what everyone thinks of it! =D
That's just an idea but could something like this be set: when you reach a new level, you choose between different equal names. So it would diversify the ranks without changing the global system. I give an exemple: when you reach 10 AP at the moment you become a Wood Serf. What I suggest is, when you reach 10 AP you become Peon, Serf or Slave for exemple and so on for the different levels.
This will also result in more spam. like when you reach ... points, you can get the cool title of ... People are willing to spam to reach that cooler title, and tend to forget the rules.
This will also result in more spam. like when you reach ... points, you can get the cool title of ... People are willing to spam to reach that cooler title, and tend to forget the rules.
no I actually think that making new titles and choosing is pretty cool. Although yes there would be more spam. Maybe also having cooler armatars
Now even Carlie knows anything about the content of v.3.0... But.. "3.0 won't have anything, everyone's points will be reset, and mods will be picked by "Guess the number I am thinking at"."
The only people that know the goings-on of 3.0 are Dan and the web staff, since Carlie is just the community manager of this current site.
An interesting thing to think about though: What 3.0 could do is, if you have an existing AG 2.0 account, you could submit your information (E-Mail, password) to an account and have the contents (AP, Bio, friends, games, etc.) uploaded to the new 3.0 account. It can happen, but I don't know if they plan on doing this, or starting off with a clean slate.
I'm going to predict that the mods for 3.0 are going to be currently-existing mods and quite possibly the beta testers, if they prove competent enough. After all, part of the elements of a good mod are leadership, responsibility, and eagerness to help. Helping out as such can fit the bill perfectly, if you do your job right.
no I actually think that making new titles and choosing is pretty cool. Although yes there would be more spam. Maybe also having cooler armatars
The idea is nice indeed, but there's enough spam already. Things would get a little more interesting though. But the spam needs to be decreased first anyway, just look at the comments of games, they're useless. Noone tells a developer properly what he did wrong and what he did well, and where he should improve and where he shouldn't.
An interesting thing to think about though: What 3.0 could do is, if you have an existing AG 2.0 account, you could submit your information (E-Mail, password) to an account and have the contents (AP, Bio, friends, games, etc.) uploaded to the new 3.0 account. It can happen, but I don't know if they plan on doing this, or starting off with a clean slate.
I;m not sure which one is better. Starting off clean will make some people mad and others will spam to get back their AP. On the other side, if they do something to prevent more spam from being posted, and change the AP-gaining system and the ranks, they could make AP more fair, and if you do get 1 ap, you deserved it more than on 2.0
Thinking of it, how about a system that makes a comment give no AP, untill somone rates it as non-spam. If you make sure you can only rate someone's comment once, then the spam will gain nothing and surely decrease. the more people that will rate your post as usefull or good, the more AP you get from it. If it's plain spam, people can rate it spam and it won't give ap or even decrease your AP. Then again, you will need to limit the rating to once, otherwise people will keep on rating it good to increase their friend's AP.
HAHAHA I Cant Even Reach The 4th Rank And You Are Saying To Reach All These Ranks It Will Take Ages To Reach King Rank. You Know Well.
But mate, you are still rather new. With only 29 you still have nothing compared to people like graham; the "elite" of AG have alot of friends (resulting in alot of comments) and post alot on the forums. Stick around here long enough and you can easily get ranked up
You mean spammers. Most users in the top 100 have a shady past. Not all though, and some people are pretty nice even though they spam.
With only 29 you still have nothing compared to people like graham;
Or the mods for that matter. One of the reasons they get modded is because they're pretty active in the forums. And write good posts.
Stick around here long enough and you can easily get ranked up
Most users fall into these categories:
Inactive users- 0 AP Slow-active users (Like me, or how I used to be)- 5 AP Normal users (These guys comment a lot)- 10 AP Quick users- 25 AP FAST users- 100+ AP
(Amount of AP users make in a day). Now, if you make 5 AP every day and stay active for a year, that's... 1800+ AP or so. 10 AP a day is 3600. And if you stay active for a long time, you will have a lot more.
An interesting thing to think about though: What 3.0 could do is, if you have an existing AG 2.0 account, you could submit your information (E-Mail, password) to an account and have the contents (AP, Bio, friends, games, etc.) uploaded to the new 3.0 account. It can happen, but I don't know if they plan on doing this, or starting off with a clean slate.
Which is why we're still waiting...
I'm going to predict that the mods for 3.0 are going to be currently-existing mods and quite possibly the beta testers, if they prove competent enough.
We don't know about a beta test, although it seems liable.
I wonder: Will the game comments be kept on AG 3.0? It would be a waste if we kept them, but everyone would lose their merits...
You mean spammers. Most users in the top 100 have a shady past. Not all though, and some people are pretty nice even though they spam.
I wonder: Will the game comments be kept on AG 3.0? It would be a waste if we kept them, but everyone would lose their merits...
I think, then it comes to 3.0, we all wonder about it. And considering the work and effort we mods have put into trying to clean up the games for spam (a slow, SLOW job), we would be a bit sad as well, it is all just wait and see.
Rating comment sounds nice, maybe it could be done by (one of) the developper(s) of the game that was commented even if that's not their role. It could also be done by moderators but I think they already have a lot of work. The flag system should also be kept at the same time.
As it is, there will always be someone who hits the highest rank. We can't add new ranks just because people reach the final tiers. I have been fairly active for longer than most members and I'm not even ranked king. The people who are overly active so that they may reach king and queen are generally very active. Most people are not ranked high enough that the ranks should be messed with.
When ArmorGames is updated, I do hope the game comments and forums are reset in many ways. We can use a fresh start with the comment system, and hopefully implement a system that asks for creative criticism rather than mindless bantering.
Uhm, I don't want to be mean or anything, but putting more ranks in between is a bit silly. It will then mean that every few hundred AP, we will go up 3 badges (Wood, Iron, Silver). That's not a good idea.
no...can't you all understand it it would be something like
get it, poeple who are kings now (who have 12000-17500AP) after this change they would still have still number of armor points but they would be Knights, and poeple who are Knights now after change would be Yoemans, as he said he wants to be harder to reach hightest rank), so According to list firetail_madness with his 55,186 would be Gold Lord or something like that