I got the idea for this thread on my way to work today, they were talking about Hannibal Lecter on NPR, and I realized what a likeable character he is, especially for a crazed villian. So that leads to the question, who is your favourite villian; not because of how evil they are, but how strangely likeable they are. This can transcend movies, video games, etc.
Skylar, Heroes. He's so evil! But you just can't stop liking him! I don't know how they do it. Skylar is about as evil and twisted as it gets, yet he captures your attention like Hiro does, maybe even more-so.
Hmm well sylar was a pretty good villian but by the end he was pretty much a hero. My favorite villian has got to be bowser. Nothing gets him down. Years of being stomped on by mario and he still doesnt give up.
Sephiroth is a douchebag. The whole squabble is stupid, because Kefka is better-written, but Sephiroth has better backstory and such. Neither of them are as good as Golbez or Exdeath.
On that note, Kefka is the most likeable video-game villain I know of, because of his silly lines.
Hannibal Lecter is the most loveable overall villain, though. Beautifully written in the books, and beautifully acted in the movie.
it's safe to say that they're villains due to the horrible things that they do.
I'd consider Dexter to be a hero, because although he does horrible things, he does them so the bad guys will no longer surface. His ambitions are heroic, but his deeds are slightly more villainous.
The Jew Hunter from Inglorious Basterds. I lol'd every time he came on the screen. Then getting the swastika carved into his forehead. Ah, sweet hysterical justice.
My vote? It's a tie between John Kramer in SAW and Venom from the Spider-Man 2000 game. I absolutely love Kramer's ideology, and he was acted perfectly. As for Venom, I liked his voice, and he was humorous throughout the entire game.