choose parasite. sell all symptom you need to have no visibility. just wait and the number of infected will grow. buy all drug resistance. You must still have zero visibility at this point. Starting region doesnt matter but Japan sure wins for me(you get airborne and heat free.)after resitances buy transmission. then buy syptoms that will get you to infect people with the lowest visibility possible. Just wait and madagascar will be infected too. As soon as madagascar is infected(you should have tons of evo points now) buy symptoms that will infect and kill people. Your visibility should have had a huge jump and the world is making a cure. but due to your virus' lethality all hospitals will be closed before the cure is made. buy resistances if you have points. all will die
i was SO close i tried 3 times the first 2 Madagascar were left and i thought i was so close but then China starts handing out water and it's a huge and every one's afraid the last time took FOREVER i have like over 90 and i mean it and i had only Peru but then again China starts handing out water and then they shut down every thing and i lose but otherwise great tactics
about the 100 days comment. Okay you pick the one that is on the left. Its the fastest but gives away your position quite quickly. Just buy infecting and lethal symptoms although I'm not sure if its going to infect madagascar, you're going to get a lot of score even before 100 days