ForumsWEPRAbsolute Truth

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130 posts

I see a lot of these debates on here narrow down to whats true and whats not.

I didnt see another topic for this so il post it.

The basic argument here is. Is there truth? is truth relative to you?
Is there any form of complete absolute truth we can rely on? if so what is truth and how can you find it?

a lot of questions asked so this will be interesting.

If you have seen any of my other posts you probably know that i am a christian and i belive that there is truth and gods word( the bible) is where you find it. But we are not debating religion here just views on truth. What do you think?

  • 45 Replies
3,437 posts

Truth. A fickle fiend of perspective. We can say things are true, we can prove them, give them concrete definitions in our understanding of reality. Yet this accomplishes nothing except to solidify our arrogance that we are masters of the universe. Truth is what it is. Let those who seek it find nothing for truth itself is nothing and everything all at once. The only truth in this world is the manipulation of the soul.

130 posts

I couldent quite make out what you were saying in "The only truth in this world is the manipulation of the soul." From the begining it sounded like you were saying truth is relative is that waht you were saying?

3,437 posts

Make of the post what you will, I'll neither support it or defend it.

1,714 posts

I see truth as just a human idea that means nothing. For a we claim as truth, in reality we have no idea. The only things that can be true are things created/said/done by man. Even something as simple as saying "that deer is alive" while point to a deer may seem like truth at first glance, but do we really know it is alive?

1,714 posts

For a we claim as truth

Sorry it should read "For everything we claim as truth".
9,504 posts

Join the Wall O' Text Club!

Oh and by the way, that's the thread you couldn't find lol

3,035 posts

No such thing as absolute truth, unless you have a religion, but for the sake of the atheists, there is no absolute truth. For all we know nothing really exists and your mom doesn't really love you and 2+2 doesn't =4.

3,437 posts

Religion is for those too weak to find their own way. So they latch on to something false. Something to make the facts of life less scary.

183 posts

nothing is true without an origin.And nothing worth to be an origin in this world.

9,462 posts

There is no truth we can rely on, we pick and choose to believe in different truths who other people *ahem* quote above can obviously question and state as false in their own aspect or sense of mind.

We can rely on objective evidence that is testable and is repeatable. For example I can take the red pen on my desk and measure the light waves being reflected off the pen and compare that spectrum to the red spectrum and see if they match. This would give me objective evidence that the pen is indeed red. This is objective because even if someone who looked at the pen and saw it as a different color could do this and come up with the same results I did. Since they could repeat the test this also makes the test repeatable allowing a double, triple +... check making sure that the previous tests weren't in error. So it really isn't a matter of pick and choose.
3,035 posts

And I'm colorblind so maybe the pen doesn't look red to me...(I leave you to decide if there is a deeper meaning to that)

3,035 posts

Then why do I sometimes see certain shades of red as brown or green?

3,025 posts

Then why do I sometimes see certain shades of red as brown or green?

Perception of the colors, don't as me too much please, I suggest you visit Wikipedia

You CHOSE to believe the pen is red. It looks red, produces the same wavelength of red so obviously it's red right? Well someone could easily come over and say, "Sorry nope, that pen is green."

Err, that's perceiving something as something else.

You can easily say "hey, that's blue" when it is red, or green, or anything really. I might not even be a color, but the point is you perceive it as such.

Words are hearing symbols, ink (to us usually) is like looking symbols, we perceive them as X means Y so I need to do Z. Simply because that's how we were grew up.

It's theory time!!!

Alien comes, poof. He speaks an alien language, same words, different meaning.

If you drew A, he may translate it (eventually) into his I. If you drew And, he may draw Ion. If you said "Ion..." at him, he would probably perceive it as your "and..." Simply because it means the same thing, just different symbols.

O.o Huh? Point is Green is simply a group of symbols for the most basic form of what it represents (lightwaves, I suppose). If it's called blue, it doesn't change its lightwaves, nor meaning, just pronounciation and symbols.

So... When we look at truths, it's hard to define. Truth would be something that we ourselves have created, and that includes money, and symbols. Just the words that change, as well as pronounciation (pronounced (pronounced is pronounced, pro - now - ounce - D) pro - now - ounce - E - A - Shun, lol....)

Oh, and abbreviations. You speak same language but you may see something different with pronounciations.
To put it simply:
BBC - B Bomb Site (CoD4 anyone?)
BBC - TV Channel(s)

Don't ask xD
Meh, I'm tired so if some of it doesn't make sense, quote it and tell me on my profile please

- H
846 posts
Nomad guys are thinking really deeply about this...its late at night when I'm posting and Im listening to Man of Constant Sorrow but I will try to make somewhat sense
But Highfire did make a valid point there because if you say the pen is red then that could be the truth to you but if someone else who the word red is not in there language comes along and tells you the pen is something else in their language that they use to refer to that color of pen then to them you stating that the pen is red is lie. And then to you them stating it is something else is else a lie. So in a way neither of you knows if your telling the absolute truth because to someone somewhere in the universe you are not....
So in a way no truth is absolute...

618 posts

There's a true story in my church about a atheist who's soul went to burn in Hell because he refused to be save by Jesus. And there was a time that Saint Peter went down to see if maybe he could make purgatory. So Saint Peter said, "What is it you did to end up in such as hot a place as Hell?" And the atheist goes, "It's not hot and I'm not here!"

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