
45 6380
4 posts

In light of the recent incident concerning North and South Korea, do you think that hostilities between the two countries will start up again? Granted that the North has tried to provoke the South on many occasions(even attempting to assassinate a South Korean President...twice),but this time the North has allegedly sunk a military warship with a torpedo. Could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

  • 45 Replies
2,269 posts

No. I mean anything could happen, but when have we not heard of the North doing something the South didn't like? Or the North saying it would launch a missile into orbit, and claim it were a rocket?

And how many times did we think they might break our into war once again, when that too dissolved away?

It's a matter of time before they go at it, but not at the moment, no.

408 posts

I think Kim's bluffing when it comes to war, he has to know he can't win. If he invades South Korea, the United States would go to war with North Korea as well and Japan would probably also join in. There is a large number of US miliary personnel in South Korea and that number could be greatly increased in less than a week, even if it meant cuts to troop levels in the middle east. Another Korean war would be a major international thing and would jump ahead of the middle east in importance in an instant. Granted, the US forces in South Korea are basically a "speed bump", told that if the north should invade to shoot at them and go south as fast as they can, but the North's army couldn't stay on the offensive for long.

North Korea's only real possible military aid would come from China which would be a fool to aid them, the effects on their economy would be severe and they don't want a major war on their hands. North Korea would most likely be on its own against at least three powerful militaries with state of the art technology. And, let's not forget, a North Korean attack would be a major thing so other countries would send forces to South Korea's aid, a few NATO ones and possibly even Australia with the situation being in their area of the world.

In all reality, North Korea's chances in a war are bad, very bad. The problem and the real scary thing is that he could go nuclear, there are two major U.S. bases in South Korea and they would be good targets for him. If Kim fires a nuclear weapon however, especially at a U.S. instilation, the U.S. would have little choice but to fire one back. Basically, goodbye Pyongyang. Kim's nuke would be around 1 megaton, the U.S. one probably 5 or so. The war would be over in about an hour, though it would be the first nuclear exchange in history.

Still, unless Kim's planning on going out in a "blaze of glory" instead of simply handing power down to his son I don't think we have anything to fear. Kim talks a BIG game, but he doesn't back it up becouse he knows he can't win a war, but, he likes to talk big, and as long as it's only big talk, let him should his mouth off.

3,880 posts

Relations have never been good since the cease fire (The Korean war never officially ended).

So yes, I definitely this conflict could build up.

323 posts

I agree with Texan. N.K. doesn't have the luxury of barging through the DMZ, taking Seoul, and throwing nuclear bombs since they don't have their all mighty Soviet and Chinese allies anymore like the Korean War. Kim is putting more oil in the flames like building more missiles and sinking a S.K. warship. He's a leader that needs attention before he dies of one of his diseases.

2,269 posts

Look even one nuclear warhead exchanged would be bad for everyone in the world. You know how much radiation would spread throughout the world?

And let's not forget the fact that it would cause a domino effect. If North Korea attacked the US with a Nuke, what's stopping someone else from attempting the same? This is not a game like Call of Duty where things are planned - war changes, and it could do so in a matter of hours on someone's desk.

Like Texan said, North Korea would have to be trying to get it self buried in a deeper hole. The US at the moment is not afraid to throw out some more troops. If Kim Jong Il were to attack, he would have multiple countries on his back - not including NATO.

And North Korea may have a Military but it does not have an economy, it will suffer more then it's fair share in times of war.

13,817 posts

I agree with Texan. Unless Kim's insane, he really isn't going to war. If he did, then North Korea would be quickly overrun.

As for nuclear weapons, it would be bad if North Korea had some. Though if they did, they could receive hundreds more.

Unlike times long gone by, North Korea doesn't have China to protect it. Especially in these changing times.

So in all scenarios, North Korea would lose, eventually.

If North Korea attacked the US with a Nuke, what's stopping someone else from attempting the same?

Well, most nuclear capable countries have nothing against the United States or no reason to declare thermonuclear war on it. Has not been proven that Iran has real nukes. North Korea's stockpile is low. I myself am rather concerned that certain organizations would acquire nuclear weapons. Or an accidental launch could occur.

I believe time will tell.
4 posts

I also agree with Texan. North Korea may have a big army, but let's consider if the U.S., Japan, Great Britain, etc. entered on the side of the South.The U.S. has stealth bombers st it's disposal that I doubt North Korea has any way of dealing with. The U.S. could also park a couple aircraft carriers that could do some major damage. Great Britain could do the same. U.S. air power alone could do some serious damage as we've seen in the two Gulf Wars.
I see Kim as a spoiled child. "You keep trading with us, or we'll attack you!" That's been his mantra for the past few days, but now he's severed all ties.
Who knows where this will lead? What we do know is that we have a slap crazy little man with a big weapon at his disposal. That's scary.

88 posts

unless Kim's planning on going out in a "blaze of glory" instead of simply handing power down to his son

that crazy lady has a son!!!!!

Here's some stuff on North and South Korea.

887 posts

I think this is relevant to the thread.

260 posts

Better watch out i think a nuclear attack will happen eventually

5,642 posts

North Korea is (in a metaphorical sense) the yipping chihuahua of the world. IT will yell and ankle bite and be there as a looming threat until if manages to find an explosive. It'll use this explosive to try and get whatever it wants. North Korea has the excellent motivational motto of:

"Screw 'em all."

Therefore, if this yipping Chihuahua is deciding to f*ck with us, why don't we just kick the Chihuahua out of the door, kill the damn thing, or train the Chihuahua to be an obedient, functioning little thing instead of a total bleep.

I suggest we just nuke the damn Chihuahua, it's starting to tick me off. I mean, it couldn't take any more than 3 xbox's charge plugs in order to cover the place, I'm sure that a nuke or two could wipe out North Korea completely. Only problem is that everyone would hate us even more for that and we'd become the rottweiler of the world. The guy who you hate but you know they'll destroy you.

3,085 posts

And have you considered the consequences of nuking North Korea?

-You kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in North Korea
-You kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in South Korea
-You leave the land unusable for quite a long time (depending on the speed at which the radioactive substance breaks down)
-You pollute the Earth's atmosphere with toxic material
-You start a war
-You lose trade with other countries that see you as being tyrannical

1,903 posts

Nukes are never the answer, mate. Besides, nobody has the 'nads to use them, they're just a psychological weapon now. It would be far easier to just use a few JDAMs in the right place and their entire infrastructure would disintegrate, that's a trademark of dictatorships.

I say just ignore them for now, and when they slap us for doing that, make sure they have nothing left to slap with.

3,085 posts

As Winston Churchill said

Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.

This quite well sums up North Korea and its Dictator.
5,642 posts

-You kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in North Korea

You realize that absolutely EVERYONE in North Korea has a form of firearm and is part of the military?


Yes, that guy with the cat is part of the military.

So is his grandma. They are not innocent.
-You kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in South Korea

I should have said we just need to nuke NORTH korea. They're the chihuahua here.

-You pollute the Earth's atmosphere with toxic material

Depends on the nuke. Hell, we could just use an old fashion bomb. Or a M.O.A.B. wipe out a city without much radiation backdrop.
Wait, you do know that they can make it max boom and minimal radiation, right? If you don't then you know little to nothing 'bout nukes :B
-You start a war

Not if you do it right. Besides, the "Korean War" is still going on.
-You lose trade with other countries that see you as being tyrannical

explain to them that they're doing the same in a more passive-aggressive style. Since, you know, they end up killing civilians instead of soldiers by not trading with us.
America: "Why won't you give me food?"
Them: "You are tyrannical. F*ck you."
America: "You realize you're being tyrannical too, right?"
Them: "No I'm not."
America: "You suck."
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