ok,we all know that the economy is falling apart and so is the country.and it is all because people wanted a black president.obama is making this country debt even more because of his stimulus money and other things he has not taken action for.this country's defenses have been put down.
we are submittable to invasion.any full-blown attacks could not be related.now give me your opinion.
Clearly English isn't your first language and politics and the economy are not your forte. I can't respond to most of this post because it's incoherent. But to say that the economy is in the shape it's in because we wanted a black president is just ignorant and offensive. First, the economy was going downhill long before Obama took office. The first stimulus package was introduced by Bush. Were you even thinking when you wrote this?
Hoo boy, even with the title, I knew what I was getting into....
If you have taken these kinds of economics, you would know that the current deficits are from preceding presidents. Clinton was magnificent; he took away a chunk of our debt. Bush comes along and puts us back into a deficit. Another four years, he pushes us so far into debt, that when Obama is president, he has so much of this stuff to take care of, because of what he proposed and didn't propose. It's going to take another term of office for him to get out of the hole Bush put him in--or make bad decisions and make the hole bigger for the next president to take care of.
or make bad decisions and make the hole bigger for the next president to take care of.
Like he is currently doing. And the way he's going, he'll be lucky to make it past the primaries the next round.
Democrats never get to 'achieve' there goals because there is always a problem that needs to be solved when the previous president was in office (in this case Iraq and a large economic slump).
I really don't think democrats and republicans have anything to do with it. It's the people who are in office. Both parties have had terrible failures and magnificent successes.
ok,we all know that the economy is falling apart and so is the country.and it is all because people wanted a black president.obama is making this country debt even more because of his stimulus money and other things he has not taken action for.this country's defenses have been put down.
I had to read this excrutiating piece five times to get what you're saying. Not to be a grammar Nazi or anything, but space after your periods and commas. They're only a pixel thank you very much.
I think what Obama is trying to do is use the Stimulus Package as something that will hopefully be a quick fix to the stock trend (which is sort of was) so that he could focus on other things to do in his term so he doesn't run out of time (assuming he doesn't get a second term).
His stimulus package was the quickest way to blow a trillion bucks ever. Total waste of time, money, and resources. Intent was good, but how it came out was terrible.
we are submittable to invasion.any full-blown attacks could not be related.now give me your opinion.
No idea what that means, but if submittable means vulnerable than no, no we are not. One man suicidals are easy, full blown invasions aren't even the domain of the president.
ok,we all know that the economy is falling apart and so is the country.and it is all because people wanted a black president.obama is making this country debt even more because of his stimulus money and other things he has not taken action for.this country's defenses have been put down. we are submittable to invasion.any full-blown attacks could not be related.now give me your opinion.
Well for one I think you're racists. For another I think you haven't the slightest idea what you're actually saying. The American economy has been going down for a while, and just because you have Obama in office right now you feel the need to blame him. I feel the need to kick you, however I remain here and am unable to express my deep frustration at you. So instead I leave you with this: "The night is darkest before the dawn"
It's not based on our economy, our economy rests in the hands of the countries we trade with just as theirs rests in our hands, problems globally have caused the economic problems that plague us at this point in time. I don't know how many people know this, but the money constantly being printed to get us out of debt, is worth nothing but the paper it's printed on. In the 90s we had the silver standard, and farther back we had the gold standard, which meant that for whatever value your bill was, somewhere in the world there was an ounce of gold backing it up. The govt. realizing this left them without 'enough' money to spend, changed it to the silver, then to paper.
Total waste of time, money, and resources. Intent was good, but how it came out was terrible.
Sustained low unemployment and growth within 18 months of the biggest recession in memory. Yea. Total waste of money. Not like every economic mind in the world reached consensus that to not instigate a stimulus package would have been economic suicide.
Sustained low unemployment and growth within 18 months of the biggest recession in memory. Yea. Total waste of money. Not like every economic mind in the world reached consensus that to not instigate a stimulus package would have been economic suicide.
It supported low unemployment? That doesn't sound good. At all. We want to make jobs, not give people a reason to stay not working for as long as possible. Now, I know how unemployment works, and they make you look for jobs, but many people milk the system.
As for growth, we still have an unemployment that's way too low for being one of the most powerful countries in the world. We need more jobs, not richer companies.
Whether or not it worked in a few places is irrelevant, it was still a trillion dollars completely blown. Too much money that the government didn't have. Failure.
We are still close to where we were a year ago so it's not like it failed the worst history has ever seen.
No, it's better than some attempts, but it still wasn't a success. The short term it provided was overglorified.
Had their been a much longer and better spent solution, or it had been way less than what it was, it might not be as much as a failure as it was.
History lesson; American politics has nothing to do with parties only with controls the vote of the masses and keeping the corporations happy.
Economic lesson; America is a self deemed capitalist country capitalism works on cycles of economic bust and booms and therefore it's very difficult to pin economic prosperity or problems on the president.
Government Lesson: In total the Senate is more powerful than the president. Have a problem with the direction the country is going? Complain about the legislative branch not the president.
History lesson. This is not worse than the Great Depression
Common knowledge: Compare the size of the population during the depression and now, and you will see that while our percentage is lower the actual number or people is as high, or higher than the number of unemployed during the depression.
You think that because he is black he is ruining the country's economy. That's very silly. You can be both black and a great economic scientist, the one does not exclude the other. Economics are not a restricted club that's only for members of the "Aryan race".
Common knowledge: Compare the size of the population during the depression and now, and you will see that while our percentage is lower the actual number or people is as high, or higher than the number of unemployed during the depression.
Yet that has no real relevance. The simple facts rely on percentages. America was not as populated in the 30's so really we can't say "Well we have more people now" it is a matter of stats.