one head out to sea while the other is headed right for my hometown of Mobile, AL.
I am stuck in this humid hell hole >_<
Anyways, life down here will be screwed for DECADES to come. Most people make their lives off of fishing and tourism, which now we don't have either. (bp=broken pipe) XD
Their plan, will more than likely NOT work. It was a last resort move, but the cons outweigh the pros and basically most people are gonna move away. my mom is alrady looking for a place to move.
1) they shouldn't of drilled down here in the first place, They had to think of the possibilities that would happen, and this was one of them. The Gulf would carry the oil to the Oceans, and It will. What if we get a hurricane? We most likely will. Our peace time was last summer, when we didn't have any. And I highly doubt that we will get that again. There is always a hurricane here, major or minor.
2) THEY NEED REAL FRIGGIN ENGINEERS TO WORK ON THIS. My 7 year old brother suggested that they clog it with stuff, and the next day that was their annouced plan. WTF.
3) When the rig blowed in the first place, they didn't call anyone to look for the oil. They saved all of the people, and called it a day. There should of been People Circling the rig All Day and Night to look for ANY sign of oil.
4) BP lied about the amount coming out, and GOT AWAY WITH IT. The government trusted them, even though They already knew that they cut corners on the rig in the first place, which should of DESTROYED all trust that they had. SO it isn't JUST bp at fault.
5) This new plan, cutting off the top, will release MORE oil than is already coming out, and will increase the amount flowing into the water by at least a half before they could even place on the new cap thing on there.
6) they were already taking risks just by knowing that if disaster happened, the water currents would ruin everything, but they had to drill to depths never before drilled in, and that would make it harder for any plans to fix any type of leak to actually work. IDIOTS!
about this far into my rambling I realize that I have an insane urge to find the people responsible for letting them drill here, and bite them reapeatedly until I draw blood, then take toothpicks and shove it in their fingernails, then take a nail gun and if they are male, make it so they can't have children anymore, and if they are female, make it to where they can never take a crap again
It doesn't matter what they do now, the amount already out there will destroy any ecosystem left, what they do now will just affect everyone else. It already smells bad down here, and it will for a long time.
There need to be different ways to get around instead of cars, different resources. Something that you could reuse maybe? They have a Hydrogen engine, but it is very costly to make, but I think that they should mass produce them and try to cut people off from oil. Rations on oil should be made, and SUV's off the street. IT IS CALLED USING A BIKE PEOPLE! If we stoped being oil crazy, we could quit polluting the air with gas emissions, and not have accidents like this happen. Make the world a better place, instead of ruining it by cheap crap.