ForumsWEPRSo about this oil leakage...

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1,101 posts

Yea I kinda searched through the first 7 pages, and didnt find anything to do with this at all, so i figured.. why not start one myself? Just really wondering what the rest of armor games thinks of BP and the oil leakage....

  • 91 Replies
3,035 posts

What are you talking about? Filling the pipe with shredded tires and old golf balls is a great idea!

60 posts

I agree with valkery on this one. They have 4 huge pumping ships with millions of gallons of mud. Hoping to block the pipes... sounds like it might work...

They also are using detergent. If you have taken chemistry or even AP chemistry as I have you would know that detergent is designed to break down oils. BP is pumping genetically altered detergent into the pipes to help break it down. Not once in their discussion did they even hint on the idea of what it will do to the ecosystem. Fish and other sea creatures have oil in, on, and around them. If this detergent screws them up then who is to blame? Bp you got that right.

They are also trying to cut the top of the riser off and attach a newly designed "cork" attached to a new pipe to it. This is a slow cutting process with a diamond saw. And even if they manage to cut it all the way off. It will be a nightmare attaching the new pipe head under 5,000 feet of water. The ROV's are already having enough trouble working down their. And they have a good 30 of them!

Here is a live stream of what I am talking about:

over a month later and the pipe is still gushing in 3 locations. . . . It sort of speaks for its self.

3,085 posts

I really don't think we should make a definitive judgement against BP until we find the full long-term effects of the oil-spill. It was a horrible incident (involving more than 40 deaths which some people have forgotten about) and i'm not defending BP, I just want to have all the facts before I can throw them at BP.

60 posts

Avorne... where did you hear 40? BP announced it was only 11 deaths from the main oil rig that went down. Anyways, we do know the full long term effects. Hence why this is such a huge deal to a lot of individuals right now.

Simply look at the Exxon Valdez facts
(270,000 barrels) were released into the ocean during that "ONE" freighter spill. Over 11 Million gallons. The Deep Horizon spill has already leaker way more than that.

We know it will have an impact on the economy. Louisiana is up in arms right now dealing with their fishing routes being closed and threatened by this crud. The coast guard has let down nearly 5,000 miles of barrier around the coasts to protect the beaches and land.

The only difference from the Exxon Valdez and the Deep Horizon spill is that one happened on the surface, and one on the ocean floor.

1,296 posts

ahh this spill is in my thoughts a good and bad thing. we all know why its bad weve been discussing this the whole time. but if you look on the other side this is what you find.

1. they are going to not make oil tankers unless they are perfect

2. thisis a awakening to the future so we can plan what were going to do next we have a problem like this

3,085 posts

Oh dear, last time I trust sky news as my source for information. Terribly sorry.

26 posts

The oil spill shows just how much Evermental(mind my spelling) damage oil can cause without use. No matter want. All there plans are short term. And will effect future and it might effect this one aswell. So I think is is Horrible,

5,061 posts

Anyways, this is a major cluster****. The scope is quite alarming, and what was the government doing for the first week? Letting BP handle it all. That's automatically a bad idea, because BP isn't nearly as large or powerful as our oh so important government.

What exactly do you expect out government to do? They're not equipped to deal with this kind of disaster, this is a job best left to the oil companies that know what they're dealing with. Asking the government to fix this, is like asking, a VP of Marketing to fix your car.
938 posts

What exactly do you expect out government to do? They're not equipped to deal with this kind of disaster, this is a job best left to the oil companies that know what they're dealing with. Asking the government to fix this, is like asking, a VP of Marketing to fix your car.

Kyouzou, BP wasn't exactly preparing itself and this rig in particular for a massive oil spill. They cut corners and didn't follow safety procedures, and the only reason they didn't install an extra safety valve was to save a few dozen thousand bucks. The government is the head of everything. If they don't physically have the tools and workers to fulfill the need, then they should at least know where to find them, and tell them where to go. As others have mentioned, BP isn't letting independent scientists to investigate the problem.

As for me, I think that this is a crisis that will affect us for years soon to come. We must act quickly, otherwise the oil may be carried on currents out to the Atlantic where it can affect the Eastern Seaboard and possibly even areas across the Atlantic.

The oil spill shows just how much Evermental(mind my spelling) damage oil can cause without use. No matter want. All there plans are short term. And will effect future and it might effect this one aswell. So I think is is Horrible,

Well Xail, put yourself in their shoes: Would you rather sit dawdling around making a mastermind plan that will rap up the whole problem, which will take months and months of debate and reorganization, or cap the gushing pipe as soon as possible, so that they can then move elsewhere in the entire crisis? When trying to make a point, extract yourself from the situation and look at it from different perspectives.
125 posts

That's how bad BP is. screw them.

3,826 posts

Just some points of clarification from things I've read over the past few pages.
First, BP was leading the oil rig from Deepwater Horizon. Also, BP chose to not have insurance for this kind of event, mostly because it wasn't required and was unprecedented.
Still, amongst all the conspiracy theory crap, there are some hard and disturbing facts.
1) BP tried to claim from the start that only 1,000 barrels of oil a day were leaking from the burst pipe. This was obviously an effort to limit the fine they would have to pay (which is based on oil leaked per day).
2) BP claimed to have the resources to manage a leak of 250,000 barrels a day. Their actual capacity isn't remotely close to this number.

Also, as of Sunday, it was determined that the top kill method (using heavy mud and particulate matter to jam up the leak) didn't work. The next step is apparently to use ROVs to actually cut and clamp the pipe manually, but I have serious doubts about how effective this will be. And from what I can tell, there are like 4 separate leaks down there - I can't imagine an operation like this closing all the leaks.

What's most disturbing is the unprecedented use of these highly toxic chemical dispersants. No studies have been done, really, than can help estimate the damage underwater marine life would suffer. But I think it's a fair guess that this is going to be absolutely catastrophic - both for the ecosystem and the economy that depends on it.
These dispersants have also created underwater tunnels of oil that has broken up into droplets. Of the two funnels that traveled away from the spill, one head out to sea while the other is headed right for my hometown of Mobile, AL. The oil, because it's in droplet form, is virtually invisible and is traveling just a few dozen feet below the water's surface.
Current forecasts are predicting the oil spill to hit Mississippi and Alabama by late Wednesday, although trying to predict this stuff has been really hit-and-miss.

Here's the bottom line: this oil spill has already gained the status as the largest disaster in the history of the United States. And, in all likelihood, oil is going to continue to spill at massive rates until additional reservoir wells can be drilled - in late August.
Both the economic and ecological impact of this event are incalculable. It still doesn't even seem real to me, but I imagine in a week or so, it's going to be all too real.

14 posts


1,101 posts

Yeah, i've kind looked up some informaton on this, as well as been watching the news (not FOX lol), and found a couple interesting facts out. First off, a private company in florida made these special boxes, that could lie ontop of the oil spill, and collect the oil, then rize to the top of the water, allowing it to be filtered out. Basically it would look like a continuous watermill, catching the oil and raising it to the top to get filtered out. This of course was just a machine made not to fix the problem, just to delay it until BP finds a solution. BP miraculously said no to this, most likely because they were scared to show the true amount of damage this oil pipe is causing.
Second off, the oil spill has already gone into currents, and streams along the spill, and already is headed out to other oceans around the world. Of course thats not a big deal either.... haha.
I also bealive that BP as paid off the media, and government to stop advertizing this to the public, just to get people off there back...

PS: The one time PETA could have ppl on there side, there no where to be found.. haha made me sorta laugh.

And like ive already said before... It keeps looking like the end of the world in 2012 is becoming a little bit more realistic..

3,562 posts

I actually found out about the oil leak through SNL. and they plan to fill the hole with trash and some stuff. lol

4,871 posts

They already tried and failed.

Looks like the problem wont be stopped until August now. Sad day for marine life and BP.

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