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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

  • 389 Replies
3,386 posts

I think, you should replicate this into your story somehow.

That would be kick arse.

1,448 posts

OK - what are the chapter titles again??? I don't want to go back and look...

2,520 posts

Gimme a few minutes to find out please.

2,520 posts


Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 2 - The Stream
Chapter 3 - The Forest
Chapter 4 - Entering The Desert
Chapter 5 - A Rabbit and His Frog

And Chapter Seven with the arrival at the Warren.

2,520 posts

I mean, Chapter Six starts with the re-arrival at the warren.

1,448 posts

Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins

Chapter 1, Part 1:

It was a warm, lazy Saturday when Nurv loped out of an overgrown crepe myrtle into the summer sun. A large hawk followed him, walking with an awkward gait along the ground. Nurv sniffed the air and proceeded onward with an air of confidence.
'It's awfully warm today, why don't we head back to the warren?' said the hawk, who's name was cowmaster. No one knew why they were named that, and no one cared. Nurv looked back and stared hard at cowmaster, who glared but didn't speak again.
'A life of adventure is good for the soul!' Nurv said cheerily. Cowmaster obviously thought differently, and mumbled under his beak as they progressed over a large field and towards a belt of large trees, outlined by the sun down in the sky. It was about 3:00. As they breached the trees, Nurv gasped aloud.

'What is it now? I want to be back, and I won't have you running after another shiny object now.' Nurv would have cast another glance at the sarcastic hawk, but his gaze was held by the large garden in front of him. 'Come on then if you're going to do nothing but stare at a garden, Nurv.' Cowmaster waited expectantly, but Nurv did not come, but rather started a cautious hop towards the garden. Cowmaster was exasperated, but followed at a leisurely pace. Nurv would not look away from the large carrots just uprooted, but someone was watching him. A fox opened one eye nonchalantly as Nurv crept by, then shot to attention and stopped himself from sitting up at the last second. Ddevil6, known to his fellow foxes as DD, started to rapidly salivate as he saw the plump rabbit advance towards the garden. Although he was slightly annoyed at being woken from his dream, he was comforted by the fact he could soon fulfill that dream. He kept to the cover of the bushes, and as Nurv turned back to the hawk trailing him, DD lay down and listened.
'Now, see that tree over there' Cowmaster nodded and did the best a hawk could do to yawn. 'Okay, fly up there, and if you see anything, give me a call, okay?' Cowmaster spread his impressive wingspan, and gave them two hard flaps before becoming airborne towards the tree. Nurv, who had been knocked flat by the second flap, gathered his dignity and reached the garden. He looked around suspiciously, but seeing nothing began to munch on a bright orange carrot. DD chuckled to himself. The rabbits were getting so stupid these days, and now they were practically falling in his lap. As he began calculating his attack, Cowmaster alighted on the tree. It was dead, and while Cowmaster was slightly unnerved by the lack of cover, he stayed, hunched down as far as he could. Nurv progressed towards the edge of the garden, following a trail of scattered parsley. DD crouched, and was prepared to pounce. As Cowmaster surveyed the landscape, a relaxed voice said quietly from the tree,
'Why hello there.' As Cowmaster jumped up in surprise, DD made his move.

Chapter 1, Part 2:

Fortunately for Nurv, when the tree spoke Cowmaster gave out a surprised screech. Nurv, having adept rabbit senses, bolted for the dead tree. DD, landing where Nurv had been five seconds ago, was after the rabbit in a flash. Looking for air support, Nurv was panicked to find the skies deserted.
'Who are you?' Asked Cowmaster, staring incredulously at the tree. He was oblivious the frantic Nurv racing around the garden, being chased by a large fox.
'Me, you ask?' Cowmaster nodded slowly. 'Why, my name is LazyOne.' Cowmaster noticed the voice was very soothing and began to relax. 'What are you and your fluffy friend doing out here?'
'You're a tree.'
'Yes I am. Funny you should ask.'
'Funny I should ask what?'
Cowmaster was thoroughly confused, and was once again drawn to the garden. Upon noticing Nurv's situation, he heaved off the tree into the air, with LazyOne's faint voice wafting smoothly after him. 'Goodbye now.'
Nurv, upon seeing Cowmaster swooping low towards them, was relieved. He stopped for an instant, and realizing his mistake turned to the pursuing fox. DD, noticing Nurv's mistake, rushed in for the kill. The plump rabbit had been fast and he was about tired of the chase, but now he tasted rabbit. A massive thump sounded as two bodies collided, and Nurv closed his eyes. A couple seconds later, he opened them and realized he had not been one of the bodies. DD had been thrown head over paws as Cowmaster, a large hawk by hawk standard, had collided with him. Cowmaster had quickly flown a few feet into the air and was now menacing the bruised fox with his large beak and talons. DD was hungry, but not wanting a fight he retreated back to the bushes. Cowmaster, breathing hard, turned to Nurv.
'How were the carrots?' Nurv was grateful for the hawk's quick actions and did not respond. The sun was starting to set, as the whole escapade had lasted about an hour. As they headed back towards the warren they lived in, Cowmaster spoke.
'I'm sorry I didn't get to you earlier.'
'Want to hear why?' Nurv stopped and sat up, and Cowmaster shared his story. 'I had been in the tree for a while, when I heard a voice.' Nurv stared. 'I know it sounds crazy, but I did.
'What did this tree have to say?'
''Hello, I'm LazyOne', or something like that. I was startled, which was the noise you heard that saved you. I started to talk to it, and somehow I forgot about you.' Nurv sniffed airily. 'He was very slick, and I never grasped what he was talking about, but then I remembered you and left.'
'Why exactly are you telling me this?' They had about reached the warren, and as they stopped just out of eyesight of it, Cowmaster stopped.
'I don't know, It's just that I had a bad feeling about it, Nurv. You've got to believe me.' Nurv showed no sign of believing him. 'Tomorrow, we'll go out, and I'll show you!'
'Very well Cowmaster, but it's late and I'm still hungry.' They walked the last mile or so to the warren, and entered as the first shade began to stretch over the world.

Chapter 1, Part 3:

It was raining the next day. Nurv awoke groggy and sore from the last day, and was determined to find Cowmaster and talk to him. As he passed through the various tunnels of the warren, he greeted some of its members; secretmapper, a large rabbit who was second in command, was the only one to return it, as rabbits are prone to comatose mornings. Nurv finally reached Cowmaster's shelter, a large hole dug into the side of on of the tunnels. Gantic, founder of the warren, had disagreed for such a large predator to be housed there, but had finally relented.
'G'morning.' Yawned Cowmaster as he spread his wings, pressing Nurv against the side of the burrow. Cowmaster turned to face him, 'So, are you ready to go?'
'Excuse me?' Nurv said indignantly, hopping right up to Cowmaster, 'It's early and raining!' Cowmaster shrugged, not caring. 'You want to go out in the rain and look for a talking tree? Come on, I'm going back to bed.'
'Nurv, come on stop being such a coward, a life of adventure is good for the soul,' Cowmaster said smugly. Nurv turned again and glared. Cowmaster returned the gaze. It lasted for a few seconds until Cowmaster broke the silence. 'You HAVE to come Nurv! It's a TALKING TREE! And besides, something about it wasn't quite right.'
'It was a talking tree.'
'I know.' Nurv sighed dejectedly. When the hawk wasn't sarcastic, it was auspicious.
'All right, let me get a few things done before we go heading off to the talking tree.' He hopped out of Cowmaster's burrow even grumpier than he had been when he woke up. He backtracked through the enigma of the large warren, and soon ran into Jeol. Jeol was his best friend of the rabbits living in the warren, as only the two of them weren't quite into the militaristic essence that Gantic had brought.
'Hey Nurv, whatcha up to?' Jeol was slightly bouncy and lively for even a rabbit, and for early in the morning Nurv wasn't prepared.
'Cowmaster and I are going out for a spell. We'll be back later today.' Nurv paused and looked back, where Jeol had stopped in his tracks. Nurv knew what was coming.
'Can I come?' Nurv suppressed a sigh. He was fine with Jeol coming, but If Cowmaster was wrong, heck, if Cowmaster was right, Jeol would have it all over the warren. And Rukia would know. Especially Rukia. But Nurv decided there was nothing for it.
'Sure Jeol, we'll be off shortly.' Jeol brightened and followed Nurv into his burrow.
About fifteen minutes later, they were out. Getting permission to leave from the front hole guard, a wiry rabbit named Lycanac, they had progressed quickly for a while, and came to the belt of trees from the other day. Nurv stopped and regarded the area cautiously, looking for signs of the fox. DD was gone. They made it to the clearing, and Jeol gasped out loud. Nurv paused and enjoyed the effect. Cowmaster had about reached the tree, and Nurv, with Jeol in tow, had run to catch up with him. When they reached the tree, Cowmaster had called out.
'LazyOne, are you there?' No answer came. The hawk called out several more times, but they heard no voice. Nurv glared murderously at Cowmaster, and Jeol looking confused.
'Is the tree going to talk to us?'
'No it's not, Jeol, so let's be heading back.' Jeol, disappointed by the lack of adventure, had started to lope off with Nurv, when they heard a voice.
'Welcome back Cowmaster. You have brought another friend this time. How very delightful.' Nurv turned, fascinated by the voice. 'It is early, why do you venture out now, in this rain? The fox might return, no?' The three animals stood, transfixed by the novelty of a talking tree. 'Hello? Can you speak?
'What are you?' Nurv blurted out. Cowmaster and Jeol looked first at Nurv, then the tree.
'Why, I am a tree'
'You talk.'
'Yes, I do.' Nurv stared at the tree. This was weird. He began to wonder why Cowmaster had brought him. 'Now, why have you come?'
'We want to find out what has made you like this.' Cowmaster said loudly.
'It is a sad story, one that you will not want to hear.' Cowmaster opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, another voice sounded behind him.
'A very sad story indeed'

Chapter 1, Part 4:

Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol turned at the arrival of the voice. They were shocked at what they saw. The figure was a large, hooded man. As hey looked up at him, they noticed a soft, green light pulsating around him. All the sudden the grass was greener, the sun was brighter and hotter. None dared to make a sound as the figure glided across the ground until he reached them.
'A sad story, one that would fill you with despair. You are best to scurry on home; else I might be tempted to tell you. Go on now.' Jeol, the most reckless of the three, could not resist.
'Please, tell us how!' Jeol begged, as all three had forgotten that the tree in question was right behind them. The wraith-like figure paused, and as they sat in the silence, the three animals began to experience an abnormality around them: Jeol, just reaching full growth and having big aspirations for running the warren, felt sad and heavy, as though he couldn't and didn't want to move; Nurv, boldest of the three, felt quiet and serene, as if words had no worth in the world; and Cowmaster, the largest, fiercest hawk the warren had ever seen, felt a deep, ominous sense of foreboding, as if he was falling into a deep pit and his wings would not work. As these feelings of sadness, serenity, and horror mixed together into a vortex of utter evil, and just when they couldn't bear it anymore the wraith finally spoke, a whisper like autumn leaves, shriveled and forgotten.
'Very well. Once, there was a rich man who prospered. He was rich and popular, and became arrogant and foolish in his wealth. Once he had all he could desire, he went off for even more. So this man set out to find me. Although I do not exist in this place, he found me using ancient, forbidden ways. I was displeased, but when I realized all he had gone through to reach me, I relented and heard him out. He wanted one thing. Eternal life. At first, I had told him that it was impossible. But he was persistent, so in the end we decided to make a deal.' Jeol thought he heard a muted sound from LazyOne. 'I decided that in return for the secret for eternal life, he would give me all the wealth he had ever acquired. I suspected he would attempt to hoodwink me, so I warned him of the consequences of not fulfilling the contract. He agreed, and left with the instructions for eternal life. Many years later, He had not returned and I went in search of him. I found him, full of eternal life, prospering and ruling a mighty kingdom. I was furious. Knowing he was aware of consequences, I immediately punished him. To this day, he remains a tree, a sign to all who disobey me.' The small party stood stock still, stunned by the story. Jeol tuned to look at LazyOne, who looked even more haggard and dead than before. Then the wraith laughed. It was the most horrible sound that the rabbits and hawk had ever heard. It was as if ice had set in their souls and was slowly consuming them. Jeol and Nurv desperately wanted to run, however Cowmaster stood tall and stared down the laugh.
'Why are you here?' He said defiantly.
'I am here to talk to the three of you. You see, I am the master of all things in this earth. My elemental powers are unlimited. Once upon a time, in a state of boredom, I decided to create a place to raise a small group of animals. Your warren.'
Nurv was furious. 'That's not true, Gantic formed this warren!' But the wraith only laughed again, cowing the two rabbits.
'Yes, I made this warren, and I could just as easily destroyed it. So if that is not what you want, I have some instructions for you.' The animals waited. 'You see, when I came for LazyOne, he immediately his immortality. I want it back. He extracted it, and had the servants of his mighty empire hide it somewhere. If you do not want your warren destroyed, you will go and find it for me.' Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol were stunned. As they took the last half hour in, the wraith said, 'Now, will you go now or perish?' Nurv stepped forward.
'Where must we go?'
His city was beyond the horizon, in a distant land full of gold and silver. To find it, you must travel east until the sun is gone. From there, you will find the lake, and there you will find the keeper of the maps. If you pass his test, he will show you the rest of the way. If you do not succeed, you will find all your friends dead upon our arrival.' The three friends looked at each other.
'What is your name?'
'KnockoutSloth, but simply Sloth to a commoner like you.' Nurv glared.
'Surely you will let us warn our warren and tell them why we are leaving?'
'No. Leave now, before I withdraw my offer.' With that, Sloth dematerialized, and the three were alone. They looked to the east, a sparse expanse of land that made it to the horizon. Nurv looked at them.
'Well, let's be off, I guess.' As they started on their way, a voice behind them said;
'Good luck. I cannot tell you where it is, but if you are lost, you are found.' Nurv nodded gratefully at the tree.
'Thank you LazyOne. We'll be back.' The three animals had not noticed the rain had come to a peak, and as the downpour battered them, they made their way into the east.
End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - The Stream

Chapter 2, Part 1:

The company thought that Sloth had gone, but they were wrong. As they headed into the rain-soaked east, he watched them with an evil smirk under his hood. He was extremely pleased with how things had gone so far. The stupid rabbits were very easy to sway, but the hawk had almost ruined his plans. He stood in the rain, thinking back on the conversation that he'd had with the three members of the warren. At first, he had decided that he could get what he wanted along with the return of his eternal life, but now he realized he'd been bold. The three had to be destroyed before they reached the city. He slowly floated over to LazyOne, a plan forming in an instant. He rested his hand against LazyOne and laughed. Soon, my leafy one. Soon, they will be gone, and the warren will be mine.
* * * * *
Secretmapper slowly wandered through the many tunnels of the warren. It'd been a rough day, as Gantic had been on edge and bossy. He sighed. When he'd arrived at the warren, he had planned to be in charge soon. However he was wrong. Gantic was a militaristic machine of a leader, efficient and cold. Secretmapper wasn't necessarily the most popular rabbit, being quiet and solitary. When Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol hadn't arrived after a few days, the warren was in a dull, shocked state. None of those members had been very large, but they were key members to the society of the warren. As he reached a new tunnel, he ran into Lycanac, returning from his all-day shift guarding the front entrance. Lycanac had also had it rough, as when the adventurers did not return Gantic had bombarded him with questions, and Lycanac had quickly lost patience. After the tenth time he told Gantic that, they asked permission to leave, I gave it to them, and they left. That's it, he had finally relented and Lycanac had left grumpily. Now they met, and the consternation exploded.
Hey Lycan. How's the shift?
Not good secretmapper. Gantic's gone insane. Secretmapper sat and nodded slowly. He didn't want the downfall of Gantic, but it was nice when someone understood.
What shall we do about Nurv and the rest do you think? Lycanac thought for a few moments, then shrugged.
I don't know. I have no idea why they would leave, and now that they're gone, I guess life continues as usual. Gantic will probably be sending us out for more rabbits later. Secretmapper nodded. They said goodbye and continued on their way.
* * * * *
DD lay in his den, sleeping peacefully. When the silent figure of Sloth drifted in, he did not notice, although he noticed in his sleep that the dead grass lining his den was suddenly softer. Sloth floated silently, there and gone at the same time. DD began to toss and turn, and awoke with a start. He jumped as he turned to find the wraith silently watching him. DD stared suspiciously, and after it became apparent Sloth would not talk, he said,
What are you doing here? Can't I get a little sleep around here? DD sat defiantly, waiting for an answer.
Indeed. I understand you ran into a little trouble with a rabbit and a hawk. DD was furious. Word traveled so fast in the woodlands these days, and he was sure that the humiliation was soon to come from the fox community. How would you like to get revenge, with another rabbit on the side? DD brightened. Not only did it sound good, but also it would help avoid the ridiculing that the foxes would offer.
What must I do?
They are headed for the Eastern Lake. Track them down, and kill them. DD was salivating. Sloth quietly drifted out of the burrow, pleased. However, his work was not completely done. The party had a head start; they must be delayed, perhaps even killed before DD got them. He knew whom he wanted.
* * * * *
The large knight stirred from its position leaning against a massive aspen. He peered through the mist that prevailed in the forest. He had just felt something. As he stood and listened, he soon realized it was Sloth. Guard the misted forest from two rabbits and a hawk? Sloth was getting crazier. CommanderDude, changed to simply Commander when he took up the solitary life in the giant forest, began to lumber towards the general entrance of the forest. He sighed. Life had been peaceful, but getting back to the old grind did not seem to be a bad idea. Drawing a gargantuan two-edged sword, he stopped by the oak marking the furthest the forest was from the Eastern Lake. He sat, and as the mist swirled around in endless tendrils of sadness and longing, he closed his eyes and waited.

Chapter 2, Part 2:

The rain was gone. Steam rose from the wet ground as Nurv and Jeol hopped across a large expanse of country land. Cowmaster rode a small, cool thermal draft about 15 feet off the ground. It had been one week since they had embarked, and so far it had been nothing but grassland. None of the adventurers had been more that 20 miles away from the warren, and they were fascinated by everything they saw. Nurv had developed a nasty blister on his front right paw, and had begun to lag considerably. Assured by Cowmaster that he'd watch Nurv, Jeol had quickly run into a large cornfield as the hawk alighted next to Nurv.
'You hanging in there bud?' Cowmaster asked as Nurv stopped and began to lick his paw studiously. As they listened to Jeol's fascinated gasps from the cornfield, where he'd found a large beetle, Nurv replied.
'I'm fine. I have this **** blister, the warren is in danger, and we're going who knows where in the middle of it all. Cowmaster nodded sagely. They entered the cornfield in silence, and about five minutes later emerged to find a large stream winding its way as far as they could see. The two stopped, and Jeol ran to meet them.
'Come ON you guys! This stream is amazing, you can see these huge fishes swimming around!' He again rushed off. Nurv started after him with a slight limp, while Cowmaster started an awkward hop skip to keep pace. The sun had begun to set, and soon the three were asleep under a tree on the banks.
* * * * *
Sloth floated slowly a few hundred yards away from the warren. He shone a dull green, and seemed to flow in and out of the piercing sunshine that pervaded the warren. He had watched the comings and goings of the warren the past few days, and was content. His plans could be put into action whenever he wanted, but he liked this slow patience. He could wait. As the same sun that had set on Nurv and company began to set on the warren, he quietly advanced. When Lycanac disappeared into the tunnel he had guarded the entire day, Sloth stopped. Again he waited, until it was pitch black. He smiled, and the grass underneath him first grew, and then died. He concentrated for just a second, and then disappeared.
* * * * *
Gantic walked the commander's tunnel with his usual air of superiority, although he did not deliberately mean it. He was tired, and in the morning would, as Secretmapper and Lycanac had predicted, send some rabbits after both Nurv's party and new rabbits. He entered the general's quarters, a large spacious hole he had dug himself. Waiting in the hole was Zaichic, his advisor. Gantic settled down into his large bed of fresh daisies. He was ridiculed for this ritual, but it relaxed him. In a small dugout aside from the hole he heard Secretmapper snoring lightly. Gantic broke the silence.
'So, what do you think I should do about the disappeared ones?' Zaichic turned and looked at Gantic for a long moment. Gantic knew Zaichic was one to ponder things, so he was patient, cleaning himself absent-mindedly until Zaichic spoke.
'They are sure not to come back. Of that I am sure.' Gantic resisted the idea to roll his eyes; Zaichic was a good advisor but thought of himself as a bit of a prophet. 'I think you should let them go. Tomorrow, send some rabbits for new members. The warren is dying. Zaichic turned and would speak no more. Gantic thought on what he had said. Just as he was about to push the issue, the burrow collapsed.
* * * * *
Secretmapper was awoken in a shower of dust and a fit of coughing. Once it subsided, he stood stock still, terrified. After a few minutes, he pushed his ear against the new wall the cave in had caused between him and the general's quarters. He heard nothing.
'Hello?' Nothing. Just as Secretmapper was about to come away, he heard a voice, faintly.
'Secretmapper? Is that you?' He brightened.
'Zaichic! Are you okay man? What happened?'
'I don't know. The burrow just collapsed. It's dark, and I can't find Gantic.'
'Okay, hold on, let me get through.' A few moments later, Secretmapper's head appeared. 'So what's to be done?'
'Escape and see if everyone else is okay.'
'What about Gantic?' The question caused a scramble among the remains of the burrow. When they finally found Gantic, they pulled him clear.
'Dead.' Said Secretmapper somberly. The two rabbits had burrowed their way out of the general's quarters in another ten minutes, and when they checked upon the others, no one else had felt anything.
* * * * *
Sloth threw his head back and laughed. The nearby tree cracked. He was enjoying this. He had not been able to instill this much despair into one place in a very long while. He glided over to the collapsed burrow and slowly shuffled around it. He snickered as he realized he was dancing on Gantic's grave.
* * * * *
A lone howl of some great beast echoed around the misted forest. Commander paid it no heed. The creatures in the forest had learned to fear him. He smiled underneath his helmet, a smile less evil than Sloth's and full of a sad story that only he knew. He had been sitting since receiving his commands, and he groaned has he rose to his feet. He walked to the nearest tree. Might as well do a little whittling while he was waiting, he thought as he uprooted a giant birch in one heave.

Chapter 2, Part 3:

A twig snapped in the darkness, and Cowmaster awoke with a start. He peered into the night, but he was tired. It was their second night on the stream, and the hawk was developing a painful crick in his neck that made flight almost impossible. He had become irritable, and Nurv had not wasted one second teasing him about it. He had just settled back down and was about to fall asleep when another branch snapped, much closer this time. Cowmaster was up and moving in a second, rousing Jeol and Nurv. Jeol blinked sleep out of his eyes and yawned.
'What's up Cowmaster?'
'Shut up and watch out.' The three turned to the sparse woods flanking the left side of the stream. At first there was nothing, but eventually they saw a dim light coming towards them from out of the woods. After it had drawn closer they found it to be two lights, red and bright. Cowmaster slowly advanced towards them, and after even closer inspection saw that they were eyes. Round and malicious, they floated all the way onto the bank and in a few minutes were almost upon the group. Cowmaster resisted the urge to retreat, and when the eyes threatened to pass through him, they stopped. Cowmaster stood expectantly, and when there was no conversation, he said,
'Hello there. Who are you?' Nurv and Jeol flanked the hawk, but still the eyes said nothing. Cowmaster became impatient, and asked for a second time, 'Who are you?' The eyes creased, but still did not speak. Cowmaster cawed harshly in anger. Nurv sat up and cocked his head in the direction of the eyes, while Jeol hopped forward slowly. A third time, Cowmaster asked loudly, 'Who are you?' There was a pause, and the thing spoke.
'Hello there. I am MageGrayWolf. It is nice to meet you.' The voice was utterly disturbing. Not deftly evil as Sloth's was, but it was bestial and crazed. Nurv whimpered piteously, while Jeol crouched down, cowed. Cowmaster, usually annoyed by rabbit instincts, ignored them and waited, but when it was apparent there would be no more, he said,
'Why are you here?' The eyes pondered the question, and then responded, 'Well, I guess I'm here to eat you. You see, your scent is absolutely delectable.' The group froze. In a second, however, they responded. Nurv quickly turned and gave the thing a kick with his powerful hind legs, while Cowmaster quickly took to the sky. Jeol quietly backed up, and uncertain, started to circle the struggle. Nurv's kick had connected with something hard and leathery, and the rabbit recoiled in disgust. With the certain events taking place, Nurv was suddenly enlightened to the circumstances his group was in. When they had set out on their journey, the three adventurers had set off with images of grandeur and bravery, saving their warren from imminent danger. This was most certainly not the case. They had not even thought about danger, and the prospect of their mortality almost paralyzed them with fear. Almost. Before MageGrayWolf could respond, Cowmaster had flown down on him and clawed him, digging in with a sharp beak and talons. MageGrayWolf screeched in rage and disappeared. Nurv and Cowmaster looked around in a panic, and turned, too late, to see the thing appear behind Jeol and strike him savagely.
* * * * *
Secretmapper tried to make his voice heard over the din in the warren, but could not succeed. He sighed and gave up trying. Since the death of Gantic, his home has become a train wreck. Him and Zaichic had quickly asserted his authority as new leader, but they had run into trouble. Gantic himself had designed not only the general quarters themselves, but the entire warren. A collapse wasn't possible. This could only mean one thing; there was something out there. There had immediately been uproar in the warren as to its safety. Secretmapper again tried for attention, but again failed. It was going to be a long couple of days.

Chapter 2, Part 4:

About an hour later, a certain air of order prevailed as a makeshift council presided over the warren. Secretmapper sat at the front, with Zaichic, Lycanac, and Rukia. Lycanac was there for his size and strength as well as level headedness. Rukia was different. She was the only female in the warren, and while valued highly she was, in the end, naught but breeding fodder. She hated it. Secretmapper turned to the congregation, a motley crew of eight to ten rabbits huddled together, scared out of their wits.
'Attention all. As you are aware, Gantic is dead, and I'm in charge. We have decided that there is something out there, and it wants us dead.' Rukia yawned loudly. Secretmapper glared and continued. 'We are here to plan the best course for the warren. Please offer your input.' There was uproar. After once again getting order, Secretmapper selected a rabbit at the front. 'You sir. What is it you wanted to say?'
'My name is Windshift, Mr. Secretmapper, and I am speaking on the behalf of the entire warren. We are certainly scared, you understand, and we want to leave. But we cannot. Gantic was not the spirit of our home, and we want a new future without him.' Secretmapper was astounded. The eloquence with which this commoner had delivered his piece was amazing. This, thought Secretmapper, was a rabbit that could be of use.
'Very well, sir Windshift. What do you propose we do then?'
'Well, a tunnel collapsed. We propose that we start with making our warren defensible. Thus, we will target the weakest parts of the warren and fortify them, and see if it works to momentarily repel the enemy.' Secretmapper pondered this while shaking his head slowly. This was a fascinating idea.
'I see. A grand idea indeed, but we must start immediately.' He was about to turn when Windshift interrupted him.
'One more matter of business, sir. The group that left us. I fear that it may have been the work of the entity attacking us.' Zaichic snorted. 'I wish to send someone after them, to attempt to bring them back. We need all we can, Secretmapper.'
'And who will set out?'
'Rukia, sir.' Rukia looked up in shock as the warren gave a collective gasp. Zaichic whispered something to Secretmapper, who frowned and addressed Windshift.
'Oh. Well, she is means for survival, especially with the winter months on the horizon. This seems a risky endeavor. Are you sure?'
'Yes sir. Trust me.' Windshift said firmly.' There was utter silence, and after a seemingly endless pause, Secretmapper said, quietly,
'Well then. Rukia, be gone by sundown. We depend on you.' The congregation slowly trickled out of the meeting hole, until only Rukia and Windshift remained. Rukia rushed up to the other rabbit and sat, beaming.
'Oh Windshift, I can't BELIEVE you'd do this for me! I can't thank you enough!' Windshift smiled sheepishly and said,
'Well, It was the least that I could do. But I mean it. Cowmaster is an essential asset to warren survival, and Jeol and Nurv are young and important.' Rukia nodded.
'I'll get them. I promise.' She smiled, and with Windshift's good byes floating out behind her, she stepped out into the warm, new world.
* * * * *
As soon as he had been struck, Jeol had become frenzied and angry. He turned and began to rabidly scratch and kick at MageGrayWolf, who hissed and retreated under the onslaught. Cowmaster was upon the thing again, and screeching, MageGrayWolf went splashing into the stream. Nurv went to Jeol, who stood shakily and was shivering forlornly. Cowmaster joined them, and as they ran from the banks, they could hear MageGrayWolf behind them, splashing and screaming, 'Come back you fools, I'M STILL HUNGRY!'
An hour later, they were three miles up the stream, gasping for air. Cowmaster had flown up to make sure they hadn't been followed, while Nurv sat with Jeol. A thick, foul smelling liquid kept pouring from the jagged fang marks on his side, and Nurv feared he would die. Cowmaster landed close, and hobbled over.
'It's gone, we're safe now.' Nurv snorted at this, and continued watching Jeol. He had lost consciousness, and began to come to as Cowmaster and Nurv crowded around. 'Jeol, are you all right?'
'I� think so. I need some rest.' A terrifying roar echoed around the bank, and Jeol struggled to his feet. Nurv looked back, but Cowmaster was already on his way up the stream.
'Come on you two, we need to be out of here.' Nurv looked at Jeol, who gritted his teeth and started to limp forward. Nurv caught up to Cowmaster and said breathlessly,
'What, did you see it?'
'Let's just say I thought it was a tree.' Nurv paled and let Jeol catch up, and the three hurried into the dawn.
End of chapter two

Chapter 3 - The Forest

Chapter 3, Part 1:

Secretmapper and Windshift sat in a newly renovated general's quarters, conversing quietly. It was midnight, and the two had been talking for about three hours now.
'So let me get this straight; we collapse the weaker burrows and fill them with gravel.'
'Correct.' Secretmapper shook his head. This kid was crazy. He had expected Windshift to come up with something conventional or even warlike, but now the rabbit was spewing out all kinds of ideas, half of which were impossible by Secretmapper logic. However, Secretmapper had finally achieved role of warren leader, and anything was good.
'The rabbits in these burrows won't like this at all.' Windshift nodded.
'We will start with one, and see how it goes. The rabbit we be relocated to my burrow while I'm staying here. If it works out, then we can continue. If not, then I have more ideas.' Secretmapper shrugged, but said nothing. 'Excellent. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning.
The next morning, the plan was activated. Kawaii, a relatively new member of the warren, was sitting outside his burrow watching Lycanac and Windshift viciously kicking it. He was nonplussed. Kawaii knew the burrow was unstable, but it held many memories, shamefully most of all his stands with Rukia. He pushed the thoughts away, returning to the grumpiness that comes when you're kicked out of your burrow first thing in the morning. He turned and hopped to the general's quarters, where he settled down into a pile of crushed daisies he'd found. Maybe he wouldn't be so bad off in the first place, even if it did smell kind of funny.
* * * * *
The mist was thick today. A green, furry animal was hopping happily through it, surveying the trees when he came to a clearing and stopped. He could barely see, but he made out a large figure and made his way towards it. The figure was a strange man, dressed in shiny hard stuff, and he had a big, also shiny, stick by his side. Commander regarded the plump green thing with disinterest. Paxis Trenotis, a rare species even in the misted forest, was not a new sight after a few hundred years in the forest. He figures it would leave, but instead he was startled by a loud shout from the commonly known treos.
'HELLO THERE FRIEND!' Shouted the treos. Commander winced, and turned to face the treos.
'Hi there.'
'My name is Tibbers! You look sad!' Commander ignored the creature's loud voice as well as his apparent inability to make sense, but the treos did not relent. 'Want to be my friend?' Commander stood and said quietly,
'Please go away.' He disappeared into the mist, and Tibbers, ever irrepressible, followed.
As Commander neared the end of the woods, he heard voices. Now he hadn't heard voices in a hundred years, and now that he'd heard multitudes in a day he was feeling slightly dizzy. He was even more stunned when two rabbits and a hawk walked right out of the mist.
Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol had been traveling two days since the MageGrayWolf attack. Jeol had almost died the first night, and Nurv was scared. However, on the second day, there was hope. A thin mist had begun to form, damp and cool. The mist had immediately affected Jeol, and by midday the wounds were completely healed. They noticed the woods on the bank where MageGrayWolf had come were getting thicker, and when they settled down on the second night, the woods had curved over and across the stream. On the second day, they had entered a small forest, completely enveloped by mist. Now as they truly entered a thick, leafy forest the likes of which they had never seen, they beheld the most amazing sight they had ever beheld. A massive armored figured, complete with sword, was giving the group a completely confused look. Commander remembered something, but it was in the back of his head. With a jolt, he remembered; eliminate them.
Nurv dived aside as the blade crashed down the ground. Cowmaster stood back and looked for an opening in the knight's helmet, while Jeol rushed between Commander's legs. Commander wasn't very polished, and began to flail randomly with his sword. Cowmaster was on his helmet before he knew what was happening, and roared with pain as a gash opened suddenly across his face. Jeol ran circles around the knight, who became dizzy and crashed to the ground. Nurv gave the helmet a powerful kick, and Commander landed him a nasty backhand that sent him into a tree stump. He got to his feet and tried to take stock, but Cowmaster again assailed him. Tibbers giggled happily, watching the whole ordeal with ignorant glee. Commander shook off the hawk, and swatted Jeol. Cowmaster landed on the oak marking the forest's entry, and looked about. This knight was obviously trying to kill them, for no apparent reason. He had to get the group away and hidden, but Jeol was dazed and Nurv wasn't moving. Cowmaster flew over to Nurv, calling Jeol.
'Jeol, come on and follow us!' He shook Nurv, who quickly came to and immediately began to follow. Commander gathered himself, and taking a deep breath, ran after the quickly disappearing figures.

Chapter 3, Part 2:

DD stepped out of the cornfield and regarded the creek with resentment. He hated water. He turned to the fox next to him, a large, bright specimen.
'So, have they gone this way Fyrefox? I'm afraid we're a bit off schedule, so we need to hurry.' The fox, Fyrefox, looked as if he was on fire, hence the name. DD knew he was about, so when Sloth had told him to find the rabbits, he found him, for he was a renowned tracker. He had been traveling for a couple days, all the while being told by Fyrefox that they were right on course.
'Yes, they've been here in the last few days. Traveling fast and quite erratically. This'll be a tough trail to follow.' They were about to advance when they heard mumbling and crashing behind them. DD grabbed Fyrefox and they disappeared into the edge of the cornfield.
Rukia was extremely grumpy. As she stepped out of the cornfield, she shook a couple of cockleburs onto the ground, wincing with pain. She had been following the trail of droppings and guy smell for a while, and was relieved that she could finally take a bath. Before she could reach the creek, however, two large foxes beset her. Giving one a tremendous kick, she was off in a flash. The fox she had kicked crashed to the ground, but the other one, very bright and fast, was on her in a second. She scratched and clawed, seemingly gaining the advantage, but long-term she was no match for Fyrefox's muscular frame. She wiggled free at the last second, but DD pounced and pinned her. He snickered, enjoying the look of terror on the rabbit's face.
'Where are you off to, small rabbit?' Rukia slashed him across the face, but could not escape.
'I'm-I'm supposed to find a few rabbits. They left the warren where I live.' Fyrefox raised an eyebrow while DD let go and stared at the rabbit.
'Oh really? Us too. You could be of use.' He and Fyrefox held a quick conversation, and DD turned to Rukia. 'Okay listen. You take the lead and go where Fyrefox tells you. Try to escape, and you will die. Understand?' Rukia nodded, and they headed along the stream.
* * * * *
Sloth surveyed the warren. It was silent and still. He hovered in and out of existence, sensing the earth around him. He judged that the weakest part of the warren was about thirty degrees to the southwest, and it would be a good place for a collapse. He floated into relatively close proximity to the ceiling of the burrow, and commanded it to collapse. Nothing happened. He waited a few moments, and then tried again. Nothing again. Sloth was ancient, and completely confused that it didn't work. His arrogance had begotten him. He stood uncertainly, and then disappeared.
Secretmapper and Windshift shook paws as a collection of about six rabbits cheered behind them. Kawaii rolled his eyes. Windshift smiled and surveyed the pile of gravel that had been Kawaii's burrow. It had been amazing. They sensed Sloth, and rushed to the burrow with everyone who wanted to see what was going on. They had watched in silence, waiting for the worst. There was a collective gasp as the pile shuddered slightly, and everyone held his or her breath. A second, stronger tremor struck, but then there was silence. A collective cheer went up, and all was well.
* * * * *
Cowmaster led the two rabbits into the cover of some overgrown bushes, all three breathing hard and sweating. Commander crashed through the undergrowth, but stopped right in front of the bush. Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol waited silently. Eventually, they heard footsteps trailing away from the area. They all took a deep breath.
'Okay, I think-' Commander's sword smashed into the bush, slicing off the right tip of Nurv's ear. He screamed in pain. A huge armor-clad hand swept into the group, and they all tumbled into the open. Nurv, bleeding profusely, looked up at Commander. He was breathing hard, outlined by light particles in the mist of the late evening. Paralyzed, he was jolted by Jeol, yelling,
'Nurv we've got to go!' Nurv backpedaled quickly, avoiding the wanton sword that sliced towards him. Cowmaster came in again, but Commander smacked him hard. As Cowmaster spiraled into the ground, Commander raised his sword for the final blow, but looked down too late to see two rabbits aim powerful kicks to his ankles. He fell against a tree, which gave under his gargantuan weight. Cowmaster rose dizzily to his feet, and the three ran again, wandering in the thick mist.
Commander looked about, tired and confused. He vividly remembered he had to kill them, but they had put up such a good fight. It would be a shame to eliminate them, if he could even pull it off. He could not lie to Sloth, but it was not worth the constant exertion after decades of inactivity. He shouldered his sword, and with one final glance into the mist, started back towards the front of the forest. He didn't look back.
The three adventurers sat against the trunk of a huge maple, exhausted. They had been in hiding for a while, but Commander was gone. They were all relieved. They turned to head deeper into the forest, but they heard something coming. They turned, expecting to see Commander rushing towards them, wielding his sword. But instead, a small, furry puffball came out of the fog. They stared at it, perplexed.
'Well, hi.'
'You guys are funny! Can I come with you?' They all looked at each other. The green thing looked harmless. Nurv turned to it.
'Sure you can come with us. But it may be dangerous.' Tibbers did not care. They introduced themselves, and then set off, three friends made four. The heavy mist closed around them, and as far as the ancient forest was concerned, they had never been there.

Chapter 3, Part 3:

'Come on then, keep moving. We haven't got all day you know.' DD snarled as they walked along the stream. Rukia glared at the fox, but would not say anything. She had been trying to get a little bit of sleep, but after a quick nap, had been rudely aroused by the foxes, which barely ever slept. Night was falling, so she plowed on, knowing more sleep was coming. About an hour later, they settled down on the banks, ready for sleep. Fyrefox and DD went to the edge of the water and began to converse quietly, while Rukia fell asleep instantly. Eventually, the two foxes joined her, and all three were in a deep sleep, oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
Rukia awoke to a racket of snarling and screaming. Rubbing sleep out of her eyes with both paws, she turned about, bewildered. As she began to see her surroundings she was astounded. The two foxes, Fyrefox and DD, were scratching and biting thin air. As she watched, however, she made out two bright lights, twinkling sibilantly in the night. As the scuffle continued, she slowly walked backwards, and when she was a safe distance away bolted into the safety of the surrounding woods.
* * * * *
Sloth came with the wind, there as fast as he'd been gone. He felt so strange, so empty inside. He shook the strange feeling away, and watched the warren with relative interest. He decided it was time to take some drastic measures. He noticed the large rabbit, Lycanac, was guarding the warren entrance. He laughed, and Lycanac stood up, unnerved. Sloth shook his head. What were these rabbits thinking? They could not guard against him. He noticed a large, overhanging tree over the warren. He smiled, concentrated, and left in a second.
Lycanac sniffed the air uncertainly. Something wasn't quite right. He paused, and decided he should go back. As he turned to leave, he heard and ominous crack, and looked up to see the tree above him snap at the trunk and come towards him. He dived for cover, but was too late.
* * * * *
The thick mist pervaded as the group of adventurers made their way slowly through the forest. Nurv tasted the slight moisture of the fog, and stopped. Cowmaster turned, peering through the mist.
'What seems to be the problem? I think we may be almost out of this forest. Hurry along now.' Nurv didn't budge, a distant look in his eyes. Jeol noticed that the rabbit and hawk had stop, and collared Tibbers before he could bound away. 'Nurv?' The three stood, watching. 'Nurv, are y-'
'HEY WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP?' Nurv yelled. The entire forest reverberated with the outburst. Cowmaster was shocked, but there was something in the back of his mind. He couldn't quite grasp it, and suddenly became angry.
'HEY BACK OFF MAN. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?' Nurv jumped, and the two crashed to the ground. Jeol, stunned, tried to see through the mist, but it was becoming opaque, almost solid.
'What-what's happening?' Jeol turned to Tibbers in a panic.
'Oh yeah! I've seen this before!' Said Tibbers with a grin, 'the mist in the deep forest gets hungry sometimes, so it takes victims. Looks like Nurv and Cowmaster are for supper!' Jeol stared open-mouthed at Tibbers and his blank stare. After a few seconds, he ran into the mist. He was unaffected. He tried to break them up, but was unsuccessful. He yelled, trying to make his voice heard over the incessant din of the fight.
'NURV! COWMASTER! IT'S THE MIST!' After a few minutes, they slowed to a stop. They were scratched and breathing hard. Nurv's torn ear was bleeding horribly and Cowmaster was doubled over with a huge bruise in his chest. Along with a milieu of minor scratches, they were beaten badly. They stood staring incredulously at each other. A single light shone through the trees, and the grove was bathed in a dull golden sheen. A million particles of mist jostled for position, but they went unnoticed and an impending horror dawned upon the adventurers. The forest was alive. A sort of telepathic line connected all the travelers (except Tibbers of course), and they all started at a head-on run born from desperation and terror. The mist stayed, floating in space as the ray of light disappeared. There would be more travelers. There always would be.
About a day later, they emerged from the forest. A sort of weight lifted from them, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They were free. A blast of heat greeted their arrival to the open. Nurv squinted, but he could not make out anything but one thing; sand. As far as the eye could see, a vast desert stretched out before them. All the sudden the forest seemed inviting once more, the mist beckoning them. They started forward anyway.
'Tibbers, this forest is our home. You can go back if you want.' Cowmaster said before they reached the edge.
'No I'm good. You guys are so silly. I want more fighting and rabbits!' So they turned and were off. Nurv; brave and fast, leading the group, Cowmaster; Tall and strong, protecting them, Jeol; young and energetic, eager to follow, and Tibbers; Irrepressible and furry, a treos out of him forest. The four stepped into the hot sand, not knowing where they were going, only where they needed to go.
End of chapter three

Chapter 4 - Entering the Desert

Chapter 4, Part 1:

A soft mist wafted through the air, cooling all it touched. However, it did not penetrate the warren, wrapped in tension and sadness. In a chilled, lonely burrow, Secretmapper sat with a few other rabbits watching Lycanac coughing and wheezing, fur matted with blood. His body was covered in bruises, to the extent that it hurt to move, and as the rabbits began to trickle away, he stirred, moaning in pain.
'Lycanac?' Secretmapper whispered, an edge of hysteric hope on his voice. There was no answer, but Lycanac was shaking violently, and after a few seconds threw up violently on the floor.
'It hurts' Lycanac breathed. He scrabbled feebly at the dry bed he lay in, and licked his lips. 'I need - water.' Secretmapper nodded slowly.
'I see. Kawaii?' The grumpy rabbit was present. 'Go get Lycanac some water. He may recover.' Kawaii was on his way, mumbling as he went. As he left, Windshift entered, eyes opaque and dim.
'Rough night. Is he still alive?' Secretmapper smiled.
'He is indeed. Would you like to talk to him?' Windshift's eyes grew wide and he leaped to Lycanac's side, excited.
'Lycanac! Are you better? Can you hear me?' Lycanac pushed himself into a floppy sitting position, and mumbled,
'Yeah I'm good. That **** tree was bound to fall someday. My own stupid fault.' Lycanac grinned weakly, then fell flat on his back, asleep. Kawaii woke him with a splash to the face, and all was well again with the warren. Outside, Sloth bunched up. Some pain pervaded him, of which he had not felt for a long time.
* * * * *
At that moment, Nurv would have done anything for a splash to the face. A merciless sun, red and cruel, beat down on the travelers with relentless heat. Cowmaster had long given up flying, as the thermals were dry and rough, and Jeol was panting and could barely stand. Tibbers on the other hand, bounded along happily, seemingly ignoring the heat despite his thick mane of hair.
'This is sure an adventure guys!' Tibbers said cheerily, 'I'm glad I came with you three!' Cowmaster grumbled, Jeol, incoherent, did not respond, but Nurv turned, smiling.
'We're glad you could come, Tibbers. We need all the adventurers we can get!' Tibbers grinned widely. Him! An adventurer! With new vigor he hopped onwards, but there was nothing but dunes as far as the eye could see. Cowmaster was the most disturbed. He had noticed the topographical impossibility of the terrain, and was unsettled. There had been a variety of landscape around the warren, but now there was a strict order, stream now forest now desert, and now hopefully lake. But they were thirsty, and Cowmaster pushed these thoughts out of his head. The sun was slowly setting, and they all began preparing for their first night in a desert. The temperature began to drop rapidly, and Cowmaster began to shake with the cold. Nurv, Jeol, and Tibbers enjoyed coarse fur coats, but Cowmaster's feathers would not suffice. The three gathered around him as they grouped on the top of a gargantuan dune, and as the moon shone down upon them, they slept in the desert.
Little did they know another rabbit was entering the desert. About 10 hours behind the team, Rukia emerged from the misted forest. She was terrified. Near the end, she had become irritable and angry, with the sudden urge to sleep. Forever. She had luckily shaken the urge, never knowing the danger of the mist. She could see her breath on the desert night, and with a deep breath, set off into the sand. She could sleep when she was dead.
Yet a third party was also active this night, a fox and a knight, standing at the forest's edge from where the travelers encountered Commander). DD sighed, tired and ragged. The night of the attack MageGrayWolf had killed Fyrefox, although in turn the dead tracker had inflicted the fatal blow. A few more scratches from DD, and the terror of the middle stream was gone. When he had encountered the huge knight, his first instinct was to run, but his experiences since Sloth's orders had toughened him. Commander had made the telepathic connection immediately, and they introduced themselves. DD had proposed they set off together for the travelers, and at first Commander was reluctant. But with persuasion, they were ready to set off. About an hour after Rukia had touched the desert, Commander and DD started into the misted forest.

Chapter 4, Part 2:

The sun rose, and with it rose the temperature. Nurv awoke sweating profusely, and the group that had been so closely huddled the night before quickly dissipated. Jeol sniffed the air, commenting drily,
'Huh. No water that I can smell. Figures. We'll die of thirst in this desert.' Cowmaster silenced him with a stare, and after a few preparations, they set off. Tibbers had been shuffling along the sandy ground for an hour when he noticed he was being followed. Looking down, he came face to face with a large ant, which had been walking along with them on its spindly legs.
'HEY THERE MISTER ANT!' Shouted Tibbers. The ant stared blankly, and then directed his attention to the rest of the group.
'What are you fellows doing out in the desert might I ask?' It said. Nurv had grown accustomed to all oddities since his journey had began, and simply responded,
'We're on a bit of a quest. Have to find some big lake. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about?' The ant's face brightened, and he nodded vigorously.
'Oh yes the Western Lake. Dangerous place.' Jeol and Cowmaster exchanged looks. 'It's a fair bit off from here, but if you'd follow me, I'd be happy to lead you there. Name's Nilo. Pleased to meet you.' Nurv was thrilled; they had finally come within distance of the lake. Before the group, now heralding five members, set off, Nurv stopped Nilo.
'Erm, you wouldn't have any idea where to get some water, would you?' At the mention of water, the adventurers stopped, suddenly parched. They stared at Nilo.
'To sate big fellas like you? Nope. Suppose there's some kind of creek around here. Oh well.' The three stared, dumbfounded, as Tibbers giggled.
'Hehe you talk funny mister ant!'
Rukia stumbled in an unstable dune and fell flat on her face. She moaned, got up, and spit a load of sand onto the ground. This was so stupid. She had a faint trail, and they were close, but she was tired. Cowmaster was a commodity for his talons and beak, but Nurv was anti-social to most and Jeol had a huge crush on her. Finding them would be awkward, and why would they come back? If they had left, they wouldn't want to come back. Why would they even leave? Had they known? Rukia gasped aloud. They HAD known! They must have seen it coming! Although the conclusion lacked any evidence, Rukia was desperate to be mad at someone, and with new anger, began a quick run after the group's scent.
* * * * *
Sloth flickered in the field adjacent the warren, an enigma of emotion and evil. He held a hand to his chest, which felt strange and slightly transparent. He had felt this way a long time ago, but so long ago he could not recall. He watched the warren with confusion. Why had it no fallen? The rabbits were stronger, braver than he expected. If the rabbits and hawk returned with the truth before he'd destroyed the warren, what would he do? For a moment, he felt a pang of fear run through his body. The feeling was so foreign that at first he thought it was more pain. Bedraggled and thinking, Sloth dissipated into the sunny morning.
Lycanac peered at the spot Sloth had been moments before. The injury was giving him visions, he thought with a laugh. He had recovered miraculously, already having free-range motion for his limbs. He was getting constant adrenaline rushes, and almost went to investigate the shimmer. But he lay down, deciding it wasn't worth it.

Chapter 4, Part 3:

Sand swirled through the air, irritating and filling every nook and cranny in the surrounding area. Nurv, eyes closed, pushed forward, teeth gritted and eyes closed. Cowmaster, completely alien to the land, shuffled along, falling often. Jeol, smaller than the rest, fought the wind with desperate strength. Tibbers, irrepressible and happy, cheerfully chased after large spiders in the sand. The four could not see a thing, and were going completely on the sound of Nilo's voice.
'OKAY. WE'RE NEARING THE HALFWAY POINT OF THE DESERT. IT'S ABOUT MIDDAY. THIS'LL ABATE, SO WE CAN GET SOME SLEEP SOON.' Nurv sighed with relief at Nilo's words, and promptly received a mouthful of sand. The figures were lost in the sandstorm as they moved forward, drawing will from the knowledge of how crucial their mission was.
About a mile from the storm, Rukia watched with reluctance. She had been sitting for many hours, scared to enter. Were Nurv and crew stuck inside? Her anger towards them abated. Worry overtook her and she began to panic. Windshift NEEDED them! What if she came home empty-pawed? She was, of course, worried because she liked him, but refusing to admit it, she steeled herself and was about to start towards the storm when, footsteps muffled in the sand, DD again claimed a captive.
That night, DD, Rukia, and Commander sat around a meager fire. The temperature was bone chilling and Rukia sat shivering, monitored by DD. Commander had not spoken in front of Rukia, and he scared her. They ate some roots DD found, and hungry, they settled down to sleep. Rukia, despite the circumstances, was asleep instantly. Commander and DD stayed awake however, and conversation floated around in the cold air.
'So what did Sloth tell you when he found you?' Commander enquired, staring at DD. The fire crackled merrily as the fox contemplated his answer
'Well, he told me I could kill the rabbit and hawk that I'd seen earlier, and that there was an extra rabbit in there. I guess I was so eager I never really thought about how he could know that.' Commander nodded slowly. 'I went and found the best tracker in the area-' at this point Commander snorted in derision, everyone knew folk in the middle country weren't the 'best' in anything. '-Fyrefox was his name. We were following a very lucrative trail until we came across that.' DD said while pointing at the sleeping rabbit, 'delectable, isn't she? When my job is done I'll eat her too. Anyway, we were along the middle stream one night when all the sudden this thing with red eyes attacks us. Fyrefox nails it, but the teeth of that thing had some kind of venom, and he died. I finished the thing off, but the rabbit had disappeared. I guess that was good in the long run though, because I could follow her much stronger scent. After a few more days' travel, I ran into you.' Commander nodded again. DD squinted at the night, inquiring, 'how do YOU know what Sloth wants?' Commander laughed.
'Well, he IS the lord of earth. He sends vibrations through the ground, up trees, and to me. Sloth spent a few hundred years training me to read them.'
'Oh. I still think it's awful why you're doing all this for him.' Commander shrugged, indifferent.
'It's my own stupid fault. When I'm free, I'll have learned a valuable lesson.' DD stared in disbelief, not accustomed to 'lessons'. He dropped it however, and soon the two were also asleep.
The trio awoke at dawn. It was DD first, and quietly rousing Commander, they shackled Rukia with a rusted leash the knight carried for just that purpose. Ruk

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... Continued because it was so long that it wouldn't post right ...

Chapter 4, Part 2:

The sun rose, and with it rose the temperature. Nurv awoke sweating profusely, and the group that had been so closely huddled the night before quickly dissipated. Jeol sniffed the air, commenting drily,
'Huh. No water that I can smell. Figures. We'll die of thirst in this desert.' Cowmaster silenced him with a stare, and after a few preparations, they set off. Tibbers had been shuffling along the sandy ground for an hour when he noticed he was being followed. Looking down, he came face to face with a large ant, which had been walking along with them on its spindly legs.
'HEY THERE MISTER ANT!' Shouted Tibbers. The ant stared blankly, and then directed his attention to the rest of the group.
'What are you fellows doing out in the desert might I ask?' It said. Nurv had grown accustomed to all oddities since his journey had began, and simply responded,
'We're on a bit of a quest. Have to find some big lake. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about?' The ant's face brightened, and he nodded vigorously.
'Oh yes the Western Lake. Dangerous place.' Jeol and Cowmaster exchanged looks. 'It's a fair bit off from here, but if you'd follow me, I'd be happy to lead you there. Name's Nilo. Pleased to meet you.' Nurv was thrilled; they had finally come within distance of the lake. Before the group, now heralding five members, set off, Nurv stopped Nilo.
'Erm, you wouldn't have any idea where to get some water, would you?' At the mention of water, the adventurers stopped, suddenly parched. They stared at Nilo.
'To sate big fellas like you? Nope. Suppose there's some kind of creek around here. Oh well.' The three stared, dumbfounded, as Tibbers giggled.
'Hehe you talk funny mister ant!'
Rukia stumbled in an unstable dune and fell flat on her face. She moaned, got up, and spit a load of sand onto the ground. This was so stupid. She had a faint trail, and they were close, but she was tired. Cowmaster was a commodity for his talons and beak, but Nurv was anti-social to most and Jeol had a huge crush on her. Finding them would be awkward, and why would they come back? If they had left, they wouldn't want to come back. Why would they even leave? Had they known? Rukia gasped aloud. They HAD known! They must have seen it coming! Although the conclusion lacked any evidence, Rukia was desperate to be mad at someone, and with new anger, began a quick run after the group's scent.
* * * * *
Sloth flickered in the field adjacent the warren, an enigma of emotion and evil. He held a hand to his chest, which felt strange and slightly transparent. He had felt this way a long time ago, but so long ago he could not recall. He watched the warren with confusion. Why had it no fallen? The rabbits were stronger, braver than he expected. If the rabbits and hawk returned with the truth before he'd destroyed the warren, what would he do? For a moment, he felt a pang of fear run through his body. The feeling was so foreign that at first he thought it was more pain. Bedraggled and thinking, Sloth dissipated into the sunny morning.
Lycanac peered at the spot Sloth had been moments before. The injury was giving him visions, he thought with a laugh. He had recovered miraculously, already having free-range motion for his limbs. He was getting constant adrenaline rushes, and almost went to investigate the shimmer. But he lay down, deciding it wasn't worth it.

Chapter 4, Part 3:

Sand swirled through the air, irritating and filling every nook and cranny in the surrounding area. Nurv, eyes closed, pushed forward, teeth gritted and eyes closed. Cowmaster, completely alien to the land, shuffled along, falling often. Jeol, smaller than the rest, fought the wind with desperate strength. Tibbers, irrepressible and happy, cheerfully chased after large spiders in the sand. The four could not see a thing, and were going completely on the sound of Nilo's voice.
'OKAY. WE'RE NEARING THE HALFWAY POINT OF THE DESERT. IT'S ABOUT MIDDAY. THIS'LL ABATE, SO WE CAN GET SOME SLEEP SOON.' Nurv sighed with relief at Nilo's words, and promptly received a mouthful of sand. The figures were lost in the sandstorm as they moved forward, drawing will from the knowledge of how crucial their mission was.
About a mile from the storm, Rukia watched with reluctance. She had been sitting for many hours, scared to enter. Were Nurv and crew stuck inside? Her anger towards them abated. Worry overtook her and she began to panic. Windshift NEEDED them! What if she came home empty-pawed? She was, of course, worried because she liked him, but refusing to admit it, she steeled herself and was about to start towards the storm when, footsteps muffled in the sand, DD again claimed a captive.
That night, DD, Rukia, and Commander sat around a meager fire. The temperature was bone chilling and Rukia sat shivering, monitored by DD. Commander had not spoken in front of Rukia, and he scared her. They ate some roots DD found, and hungry, they settled down to sleep. Rukia, despite the circumstances, was asleep instantly. Commander and DD stayed awake however, and conversation floated around in the cold air.
'So what did Sloth tell you when he found you?' Commander enquired, staring at DD. The fire crackled merrily as the fox contemplated his answer
'Well, he told me I could kill the rabbit and hawk that I'd seen earlier, and that there was an extra rabbit in there. I guess I was so eager I never really thought about how he could know that.' Commander nodded slowly. 'I went and found the best tracker in the area-' at this point Commander snorted in derision, everyone knew folk in the middle country weren't the 'best' in anything. '-Fyrefox was his name. We were following a very lucrative trail until we came across that.' DD said while pointing at the sleeping rabbit, 'delectable, isn't she? When my job is done I'll eat her too. Anyway, we were along the middle stream one night when all the sudden this thing with red eyes attacks us. Fyrefox nails it, but the teeth of that thing had some kind of venom, and he died. I finished the thing off, but the rabbit had disappeared. I guess that was good in the long run though, because I could follow her much stronger scent. After a few more days' travel, I ran into you.' Commander nodded again. DD squinted at the night, inquiring, 'how do YOU know what Sloth wants?' Commander laughed.
'Well, he IS the lord of earth. He sends vibrations through the ground, up trees, and to me. Sloth spent a few hundred years training me to read them.'
'Oh. I still think it's awful why you're doing all this for him.' Commander shrugged, indifferent.
'It's my own stupid fault. When I'm free, I'll have learned a valuable lesson.' DD stared in disbelief, not accustomed to 'lessons'. He dropped it however, and soon the two were also asleep.
The trio awoke at dawn. It was DD first, and quietly rousing Commander, they shackled Rukia with a rusted leash the knight carried for just that purpose. Rukia, embarrassed and angry, kept quiet and walked ahead of them, following an obvious trail of footprints from two rabbits, a hawk, and what Commander dubbed a 'treos'. Rukia shook her head. Nurv and Cowmaster were idiots. They were practically begging to be killed. And dragging poor Jeol into this? Not to mention whatever a treos was! Rukia found her quick temper returning. When she found them, it wasn't Commander and DD they would have to worry about...
Early into the afternoon, they had come across another pair of tracks, a kind of shuffling walk that no one in the group recognized. DD was panting heavily while Rukia was desperately thirsty, but Commander seemed unaffected despite the huge suit of armor that he was wearing. He was using his sword as a walking stick, gauging it deep into the ground. The tracks became less and less obvious, until there was nothing but slight dips in the dunes. Rukia flopped down, breathing hard.
'I am so thirsty! Come on guys we need water!' DD snarled and swatted at her, and fell down in the effort. Commander laughed good-naturedly, shaking his head at the two.
'Come on you two. I can feel the water from here, only about another thousand yards!' Rukia and DD looked up in confusion. Yards? Commander sighed. 'Just come on.' The fox and rabbit struggled to their paws, and the journey continued.
* * * * *
Nurv sighed with contentment and looked up to the sky. He would never take water for granted again. They had finally come across a small trickle of a creek running through a sparse oasis in the desert. A few palm trees and some vegetation dotted the banks, and soon Jeol, Nurv and Tibbers were full and snoring. Cowmaster found some plump trout farther downstream, and soon was asleep too. When they awoke and overcame the shock they survived, they realized the creek they found was the same stream they found MageGrayWolf. Nilo had eventually gathered them all together, and they had just about set off to leave when Rukia, DD, and Commander walked onto the banks.
Hope the wait was worth it.

Chapter 4, Part 4:

When they reached the banks, Rukia and DD collapsed into the stream and drank desperately. Commander however, upon seeing the party, hoisted his sword and splashed through the stream towards them. Nilo, in confusion, was passed by Commander, who proceeded to swipe off Nurv's other ear tip. Cowmaster was in a state of shock, and Jeol backed up frantically against a shrub. Commander kicked Nurv down contemptuously, and noticing Nilo, stepped on him. He looked back at Rukia and DD, drinking deeply, and turned back with a sigh. He was immediately hit full-force by Cowmaster, who had recovered from shock, flown right into Commander's face, and thrown him into the stream. Spluttering, Commander tried to rise but was clawed viciously by an enraged Cowmaster. This stupid hawk is ruining everything, thought Commander. He threw his hands up blindly, and by a lucky stroke sent Cowmaster backwards onto the ground. But by then it was too late. Nurv, bleeding badly, and Jeol jumped onto him and began to pound him with their powerful back legs. Commander spluttered and flailed, but he was dehydrated and eventually grew still. The three stood back in awe and surveyed the scene; A large knight lying in the stream, with a fox and rabbit drinking obliviously behind him. When DD raised his dripping muzzle, Nurv confronted him.
'Leave, and we won't kill you.' DD looked at Nurv for only a second, and then sprinted back into the desert. Rukia looked back at the retreating fox with distain, then turned back to them.
'Nurv? Cowmaster? Jeol?'
'Nilo.' They all turned to the ant, which dustily rose up, bruised and generally beat-up. 'Exoskeleton.' He said with a grin.
'Oh my God! I could-'
'Shut up.' And with that he headed in the direction DD had left.
'Wait, where are you going? We need you!' Jeol exclaimed. Nilo looked back and shrugged.
'Sorry, I need to get back to the hill and heal. Keep heading straight, and you'll be out of here in a few days. The adventurers watched the ant leave open-mouthed, before turning back to each other. Rukia grimaced.
'We have a lot of talking to do.'
End of chapter four

Chapter 5 - A Rabbit and His Frog

Chapter 5, Part 1:

'So you see? You have to come back!' Nurv nodded slowly as Rukia finished her account of the warren's plight. After about an hour of talking, they had come to the conclusion that Sloth did indeed orchestrate it all, and that he planned to destroy the warren.
'Now we know why that stupid fox was after us!' Jeol added, and Cowmaster snickered. They were at a loss as to what they should do, as they didn't know if Sloth would honor his word and leave the warren if he received eternal life. Rukia was insistent that he would not, and was about to strangle the three of them for being, in her opinion, so naive. They had thought about sending Cowmaster back to aid the warren, but him and Nurv were inseparable and the idea was null. At last it was decided, with the newfound knowledge of Windshift to aid the warren, they would all press forward in an attempt to find the city and retrieve immortality. Aware that they were very much in the middle of a desert with no guide or heading, they set up a camp on the banks of the oasis and Cowmaster rose into the skies to take stock. Commander's prone body was still in the stream, but the three were too scared to try and move it, only watching as Tibbers jumped all around the armored frame. After a few hours, Cowmaster alighted, ecstatic. He had seen the end of the sand, maybe a two-day hike across the rest of the desert. In a rush to be out, they all gathered together and, hearts full of hope, set off.
* * * * *
The sun had just risen on the middle warren, and Windshift was making some precautionary rounds through the various tunnels. Secretmapper was still in a fitful and stressed sleep, so he was attempting to do as much good as possible. He nodded a greeting to Kawaii, who mumbled grumpily on his way past. He came out the front entrance and sat next to Lycanac, ever vigilant.
'A lovely morning, no doubt?' Windshift mused as life began to spring up all around the warren. Flowers, closed against the cold of night, opened in all their colored glory, and dew shone on the grass. 'Shall we go for a bit of a graze?' Lycanac condoned, and they moved out into the open fields surrounding the warren. The cool, wet grass was a delicacy, and they were soon full. They were just about to head back to the mouth of the warren when they noticed someone had been watching them. Gliding over to them, wraith-like and cold, was Sloth, lord of earth. The rabbits were tempted to bolt, but being two of the toughest in the warren, they held their ground as the figure stopped before them.
'I am Sloth'
'Now, I must have a word with you. Three of your warren members, Nurv, Cowmaster, and Jeol, had left earlier, is that not so?' The rabbits nodded. 'Ah yes. Well, It seems I have need of them, for a little errand that needs running. Now, if you could send some rabbits, or whatever you have in there, after them, It'd be much appreciated.' Windshift and Lycanac exchanged wary looks, and then Windshift turned to Sloth and spoke.
'Who are you? Under what authority do you have the power to come to us, out of nowhere, and tell us what to do? It seems you are in no position to do such.' Sloth writhed in some sort of shuffling dance, an immediate motion that threw the rabbits in some sort of panic. Sloth gritted his teeth, and after a few seconds it abated.
'You fool. I have no authority?' Suddenly the sun was hot, and the leaves were greener. Time stood still, and some strange limbo fell over the meadow. The two rabbits floated upwards, and everything went kaleidoscopic, in some strange whirlwind. The rabbits caught their breath and came crashing to the ground. Sloth smirked.
'Now. About the rabbits.'
'We've already sent a doe.'
'Well that's not good enough. Send more, or I will destroy you all.' There was a tense silence as the rabbits looked at each other. At last, Windshift turned.
'Very Well.'
* * * * *
It was night in the desert. It was cold as well. A single breeze blew steadily through the endless sands of the western desert, and ruffled the brush of the oasis it happened upon. The refuge was still and silent. A single frog, floated downriver from the misted forest, croaked as it hopped onto the bank. A few flies were hovering just above the surface, so it swam over and snatched them out of the air. What had they been buzzing over? It noticed it was next to a large, shiny heap, what the flies were buzzing around. The frog hopped up onto the heap, testing it out. IT was hard and spiky, no place for a frog. It was about to hop off the mound when a tremor shook the ground, and the heap moved. Like a great whale beaching, Commander rose to his knees, then to his feet in a shower of water. He took stock of his surroundings, quickly remembered what had happened, and started unbuckling his armor. Underneath the waterlogged armor, there was a tunic drawn over his large chest and muscles. He stretched, relieved to be lighter-armored, and taking up his trusty sword, started in the direction the tracks were going. It'd take more than some rabbits to take him down. The next time they met, it would be over. Before he'd gotten far, he noticed DD was next to him.
'Thanks for the help' Commander grunted, and they progressed together into the desert night.

Chapter 5, Part 2:

Kawaii hated life. Why couldn't he have just barricaded himself in his cozy burrow and slept until he died? When a few days prior he had been unceremoniously dumped out of his hole so they could do some 'renovations', he had settled into the makeshift general's quarters and figured that was that. But then these two leader rabbits, Windshift and Secretmapper, come with the nerve to tell him to leave off in search of the same group Rukia went after? First off, he hated Rukia, and meeting her alone scared him greatly. Secondly, what was he to do when he found them? Drag them back to the warren? He was angry, and obviously argued. When he was forcibly removed and commanded to take the travelers back, he had worked up a large temper and set off in a huff. Now, of course, he was lost. All he knew was he had to find the stream. Being quite thirsty in the first place, he was relieved when he stumbled out of a raucous cornfield and beheld it. Clear, flowing, and cool, he sank to the banks and sucked in water, making a good deal of unnecessary noise. He had drank for a good thirty seconds when a voice sounded politely behind him
'Um, excuse me sir.' Kawaii whirled around in surprise to find a small frog, green and slick, sitting behind him. 'I am Darkroot, and you're drinking my home.' Kawaii spat on the banks and began to scrub his tongue while Darkroot watched, fascinated. 'So, what are you doing here?'
'Phteph. I'm looking for a few rabbits and a hawk, have you seen them pass by here?' Darkroot paused for a second and pondered this.
'Oh yes. Two rabbits and a hawk came through about two weeks ago. Following them by about a day was another rabbit. But she got captured by a couple of foxes and marched downstream with them.' Kawaii froze. Foxes? Rukia? Maybe they ate her! He brightened. This might not be a bad trip after all!
'I appreciate the information! Goodbye Darkroot!' He began to saunter off when Darkroot called him.
'Wait! Umm, can I come with you? I'm a bit bored, and seeing as you just destroyed my home, I guess you owe it to me a little, eh?' Kawaii shrugged nonchalantly.
'All's same to me. Come along if you want.' Darkroot squealed in anticipation, and hopped into the stream, where he swam alongside Kawaii.
The mid-afternoon sun beat down on Kawaii and Darkroot as they passed onwards through the fields surrounding the western stream. Kawaii was sweating profusely, and calling Darkroot, settled down over a hunched aspen. In the shade, he panted as the frog shook moisture from his skin and went out to dry. As he went out, he spotted something nearby.
'Hey Kawaii, come check this out!' Kawaii rolled his eyes and hopped over slowly to where Darkroot was pointing frantically.
'What is it?' He asked. As he followed Darkroot's gaze, however, he soon found out. On the shore of the stream, ragged and covered in dirt, was the carcass of a large fox. Kawaii wrinkled his nose in disgust at the smell, and said, 'let's get out of here. I'm creeped out.' But Darkroot was fascinated.
'That's one of the foxes that took the rabbit.' For a second time, Kawaii froze. One of the foxes was dead? He immediately thought of the possibility Rukia had killed it, but he smirked and pushed it aside. What had happened? The other fox was nowhere in sight, and neither was Rukia. Based on his extensive scouting research, the body was about a week old, and flies were gathering. He was worried. What was wrong with this place? Never having experienced life in the open world, he began to fear the worst. What if he had some kind of outside world disease? What if he were to die tonight? He shook his head at the prospects, preposterous. Darkroot had said that the stream led to a forest about a day's march from where they were at, so without further ado, he gathered Darkroot and they continued, the hot sun at their backs.

Chapter 5, Part 3:

The rancid smell was gone. The sun was bright and warm, and the increasing trees and shrubs dotting the banks of the stream were cool shade from the unforgiving heat. Kawaii and Darkroot were almost to the forest and could see it on the horizon. Little did Kawaii know that Darkroot was a veritable Tibbers, and the simple fact was that he would not shut up. When he got to a speech on staph infection on his first cousin's friend's side of the family. Kawaii lost it and with one swipe of the paw sent him back into the stream, which had widened to a small river. The great body of water unnerved Kawaii, as being a rabbit he was not confident of his swimming skills. He sat back a preened at his fur while Darkroot climbed onto the banks laughing uproariously.
'I like getting wet!'
'Shut up.'
By nightfall they were at the outskirts of the forest, and both looked up in awe at the giant trees above them. Darkroot, having a bit of treefrog in him, wasn't worse for the wear, but Kawaii was stunned. There was a din of insect calls coming from deeper in the forest, and he could not sleep. He lay on his side watching Darkroot chase stray fireflies, mumbling to himself. What was he doing here? It all started when his den was taken, now this? That stupid Rukia couldn't find them herself, now here he was, outside with the likes of an idiot frog. Worse things were rare. Yet soon he was asleep, and when the bugs subsided so was Darkroot.
'I hate scorpions' Commander mumbled as DD and him trudged through the thick sand of the western desert. DD grunted in agreement, as they had been beset by approximately twenty of them, ten feet in length. They would find that Commander's sword took no prisoners, but DD was now covered in numerous painful stings. The whirling sands did not help, and as a sandstorm brewed once more, the fox and knight carried on in a dysfunctional and dissenting way.
End of chapter 5

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 6, Part 1:

It had been two days since the excursion with Commander, and as Cowmaster promised, the end was in sight. With awe they had beheld it at first, a vast lake, larger than any body of water they could have ever imagined. It sprawled over the grassland, surrounded by cattails and wildlife. For many minutes they had stood, speechless, before this natural wonder, before Nurv was shaken out of the reverie by an important discovery.
'Hey look, it's the tower!' Indeed, as Nurv had said, an ancient turret sat on the southern side of the lake, covered in moss and surrounded by debris.
Long grass grew almost halfway up its sides, and it looked utterly abandoned.
'It looks utterly abandoned.' Rukia commented dryly.
'It doesn't matter.' Jeol retorted. 'Sloth said we would find help here, and obviously he really wants whatever we're finding for him. I'm sure there'll be some clue to our trail in there.' Rukia rolled her eyes, but they headed of towards the tower, which still looked to be about five miles off.
At around three in the afternoon, Cowmaster alighted on the uppermost sill of the tower, and began to preen his feathers pensively; the others were still a bit ways off. Nurv arrived a few minutes later, out of breath after a race he barely won against Jeol. Tibbers was next, bouncing happily along, and finally came Rukia, hopping gracefully with her nose and ears pointed in the air. The others ignored her prissy attitude and turned to the door.
'Cowmaster, get down here and check this place out!' Nurv called up. Cowmaster glided down slowly from his perch, and strutted over the crumbled remains of the door, followed by the three rabbits and the treos. The inside was deplorable. Moldy desks and faded tapestries were all that was left, a subtle sign of life hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago in this foreign land. There wasn't anything to look at in the one room mess, with ceiling reaching up to its zenith, when Rukia crashed through the floor with a scream. Tibbers giggled.
'Are you all right down there?' Nurv asked, annoyed.
'NO! There's someone down here!' She shrieked back.

Chapter 6, Part 2:

The four companions rushed to Rukia's defense, and fell ignorantly ten feet into the pit, which was blanketed by complete darkness. After a few moments, weak dusty rays of sunlight drifted in, revealing a large, hunched shape in the corner. Upon further exploration, the figure snorted and raised its head. It was a warthog, crimson and bulky. A pair of minute spectacles perched upon his snout, and he sniffed with distain as the group drew near.
'Excuse me sirs and Madams! Cannot you see I am busy? Poetry doesn't write itself you know!'
'My poetry does!'
'Shut up Tibbers. May we ask your name?' Nurv inquired.
'My name, if you please, is Waluigi. What pray tell is yours?'
The group of compatriots went about introducing themselves, and went without incident until Tibbers tried to give the name of Commander, at which point Jeol admonished him sternly.
'Most interesting titles indeed.' Waluigi mused thoughtfully. 'Now, Is there a manner of your arrival? I have much things to attend to.'
'Yes, in fact, we do.' Nurv stated. 'You see, we are searching for a certain city. We were told by a - source that you would know where to find it. Are you perchance a keeper of the maps?'
'I once was, long ago. Now I practice writing, but I suppose I could direct you in the right direction. Why do you seek this place?'
'We wish not to tell.' Cowmaster interjected.
'Very well. There are many cities in Endril, and more perhaps than I am familiar with. Can you be specific?'
'Endril? What is Endril?' Rukia blurted out.
'Why, that is this land's namesake. Just as we converse on the shores of the Western Lake, we all preside in Endril. Anyways, can you describe this city?' While all were dumbfounded by the knowledge that this land not only had a name, but was otherwise heavily inhabited, Nurv managed to recover long enough to reply quite stupidly;
'A land of much riches?'
'Ah, that would be Armor City.' Sloth said quietly. 'It's a very dangerous journey there. But, I'm afraid I have bitter news.'
'What would that be?' Jeol asked.
'Why, you're going in the complete opposite direction.'

Chapter 6, Part 3:

'What?!?' Yelled Nurv incredulously, a stricken look on his face. 'We've spent the better part of a month traveling, and all of us have risked death! And you tell me that we're going the WRONG WAY?!?'
'I'm afraid that's exactly my point, old boy.' Said Waluigi huffily. Nurv exploded, and began to run about the desolate basement, kicking and clawing at anything he could. 'Be careful with Aristotle!' Waluigi cried as Nurv sunk his buck teeth into a particularly large book. Rukia, Cowmaster, and Jeol's combined efforts finally settled Nurv down, while Tibbers looked on with glee. Panting, Nurv looked up.
'What are we going to do? He said mournfully. 'How far away are we from Armor City?
'That, dear man, is a secret. You must, as I'm sure your source told you, pass a test of mine.'
'And what would that test be?
'Cross the lake. I might as well tell you, you must cross the lake height-wise to reach your goal. From there, you can make out large grassland from there. If you can cross it, you should be able to spot a river. Ford it, and you will reach the city. But it's a dangerous journey, and the fields of Asphodel are broad and wild. That is all I can tell you, for my map of Endril has been destroyed.
'Cross the lake? That's all?'
'That is all.' Waluigi said, adjusting his glasses. 'There is a raft out back, it should take you less than half an hour to cross. But as always, my new friends, you must beware. Farewell, and luck be with you. As Galileo said - ' But his words were lost as his head turned back to his writings. Nurv led the group up a steep incline back to floor level, and out the abandoned turret. The sun had just begun its downwards fall when they reached the shore of the Western Lake, glittering and full. As Waluigi had said, a ramshackle wooden raft awaited them, large enough to accommodate them comfortably. They all piled on, but Cowmaster chose to stay in flight, to enjoy the warm lake currents. The three rabbits and treos shoved off from the shore, and began to float peacefully down the lake on some unknown rapid. The four sat in relative silence, until Rukia piped up'
'A whole new world. Who knew what we've missed while we went about our business in the warren?' She trailed off as she contemplated the sheer size of Endril, and Nurv interjected.
'Gantic must have known something about this. If only he were still around, we could find out. But hey, we might find some interesting tidbits while we're abroad!' Jeol nodded in agreement.
After about fifteen minutes of drifting, Cowmaster alighted on the raft in a flurry of feathers. The others paid him little heed, for they were drowsy and the floating raft was quickly putting them to sleep. Cowmaster, however, shook Nurv anxiously and stood by as he regained his bearings.
'What is it, Cowmaster?' Nurv asked, looking about. He saw no disturbances.
'Something is coming towards the raft in the water.' Cowmaster said loudly, startling Rukia and Jeol. 'I can see its shadow, and it's gaining fast. We need to get the raft to shore somehow. Nurv looked about, but he couldn't see the shore in any direction. With his ruff on end, he went to the edge of the raft, apprehensive, and again saw nothing. Just then , there was a gigantic rumbling, and the water began to ripple as something rose to the surface. As it breached in a spray of foam, only yards away from the raft, the only things visible were long, red, primordial spikes webbed together. The water foamed on either side, and before any of them could jump overboard, three dragonesque heads had risen out and were staring right at the five. Green eyes and snarling mouths defined the heads, with teeth as long as Cowmaster's wingspan.
'It's an Alt!' Rukia screamed over the commotion. 'Gantic taught us about these in his biology class!' But before she could finish, Cowmaster took to the sky with a shriek, and the Alt's middle head swung down and crashed into the raft.

Chapter 6, Part 4:

Kawaii wriggled as he extracted a sticky burr from his tail. Darkroot had helped him for the most part, but after the fifth extraction, Kawaii had been in so much pain that he had snapped at Darkroot and the treefrog had fled. Kawaii regretted that now, but he decided he'd find the frog after he was done.
They had decided to skirt the main bulk of the forest, due to the eerie tendrils of mist that curled around them, and in a matter of a few days they had arrived at a desert, so large that neither could see the edge. Kawaii was an expert tracker, and successfully identified the tracks of Nurv, Jeol, and Rukia, He also noted a treos, and assumed that Cowmaster had flown. He did not recognize the large footprints accompanied by a four clawed foot, but he paid no heed to it many creatures probably roamed these parts. Kawaii was fascinated by the world around him, and although he started his journey against his will, he was beginning to appreciate the solidarity, accompanied by Darkroot, who he had begrudgingly began to like. Now that he was free of the hitchhikers that had attached to him from the desert shrub he'd run into, he was feeling fresh and ready to travel. Citing the tracks and where they led, he called out to Darkroot, hoping the irrepressible frog hadn't gone too far.
'Darkroot? Come on bud, let's get ready to go.' Darkroot, had, in fact, been just on the other side of a small dune, and without further ado, they started the long trek across the desert. Kawaii was slightly worried about food and water, but he was feeling good and he decided that if he didn't make it, then the others hadn't made it, and his journey had been a success anyways.
A few hours later, Kawaii's attitude had very much changed. He cleared his parched throat, wincing with pain as the sore muscles contracted. Darkroot, as well, had been suffering, and as they breached a particularly large dune, they both groaned; there was no end in sight. Kawaii felt like giving up, but he was distracted by a quiet 'ahem' at his side. He looked down, and was surprised to see a bruised, ragtag ant waiting expectantly for a reply.
'Who are you?' Kawaii rasped at the ant. The ant waved its feelers around for a few moments, as if pondering the question, then replied;
'My name is Nilo. No doubt you search for Nurv and his cohorts?'
'Why - yes. Yes I do. How did you know?'
'Long story. Long...freakingâ¦story.' Mumbled the ant. Kawaii raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. 'I can lead you to where I last saw them, if you're finding it hard of late to read the tracks.' Kawaii admittedly was; sandstorms had all but buried traces of the group. Darkroot was going along with whatever the sarcastic rabbit was choosing, so Kawaii relented, and Nilo turned to lead them into the barren wasteland.
Back at the warren, things were deathly still. None of the rabbits dared to go outside, for fear of Sloth, and with four rabbits gone, there were little paws for gathering, and starvation was setting in. Lycanac, the faithful guard, was the only one who stayed outside, furtively watching the horizons for any sign of returning parties; but there was none. Secretmapper began to spend hours in the general's quarters, looking over maps and conversing quietly with Zaichic, who had smoothly transitioned to Secretmapper's advisor. Windshift was not seen often, and it was speculated by the few ragged rabbits left that Secretmapper had given him some enigmatic task to complete for the good of the warren. It was on such day, as Secretmapper pored over some scrawled notes, that a rabbit hopped in and greeted him.
'Hello, Secretmapper, can I have a quick word with you please?'
'Ah yes, Einfach, please take a seat.' Einfach was a large rabbit, perhaps the largest the warren had ever seen besides Nurv and Gantic, and he was shrewd and surly. Secretmapper did not know him well, but he had respect for him. 'Now, what is it you want to discuss?'
'The monster outside our doors, that's what!' Secretmapper blinked irritably at the outburst, and leaned forward towards the larger rabbit.
'Einfach, do you not think we're doing all we can to fix this? Supposedly, there is some invincible wraith outside the warren, who was already done away with FIVE of our members, not to mention our only source of protection, Cowmaster. I have been studying with Zaichic and Windshift for many weeks, and we may soon reach a conclusion. Is that enough for you?'
'No.' Einfach said coldly. 'I want into your little scheme.'

To be continued...

2,520 posts

Kick-*** job Einfach. I really appreciate that!!!!!

3,386 posts

Now I can read it all, woot.
Nice Einfach, though you did the same as me, just went through and changed it. That is why you use ' instead of " xD

2,520 posts

I'm thinking about appealing for an archive of this to be stickied; it's longer than any other AMW thread besides the WOM, AND focuses on AG characters.

676 posts

I think that'd be a good idea. It would really help readers and as it get longer we wouldn't have to read though all the comments, unless we wanted to

2,520 posts

The problem is that Endril and End Cold simply does not have enough fans.

676 posts

don't worry, more fans will come in time

3,386 posts

It doesn't need fans as much as it does people that will stick with it, and how much of an impact it makes on AG.

Now with all of it bundled together, newer members of the AMW will be able to come in and introduce themselves into your story, if you don't plan on ending it anytime soon.

And to be frank, Stickied threads don't get attention from people. It is the threads that stay on the first page after a long time.

If you want fans, set out a template like Tacky and I did, and let people apply for the story. Numerous people will answer the call.

2,520 posts

Indeed; an interesting idea Moon. The problem is that I don't want to insert people I have no use or want for. But, I'll ask Zophia to add a 'taking applicants' comment to my title.

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