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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

  • 389 Replies
3,937 posts

This story is awesome! I can't wait for the next chapter to come out!!!

4,689 posts

I hope commander comes back. Even if it is only for an awesome death scene.

3,937 posts

Yeah, I like Commander's role...

2,522 posts

Chapter three titled: The forest.

âCome on then, keep moving. We havenât got all day you know.â DD snarled as they walked along the stream. Rukia glared at the fox, but would not say anything. She had been trying to get a little bit of sleep, but after a quick nap, had been rudely aroused by the foxes, which barely ever slept. Night was falling, so she plowed on, knowing more sleep was coming. About an hour later, they settled down on the banks, ready for sleep. Fyrefox and DD went to the edge of the water and began to converse quietly, while Rukia fell asleep instantly. Eventually, the two foxes joined her, and all three were in a deep sleep, oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
Rukia awoke to a racket of snarling and screaming. Rubbing sleep out of her eyes with both paws, she turned about, bewildered. As she began to see her surroundings she was astounded. The two foxes, Fyrefox and DD, were scratching and biting thin air. As she watched, however, she made out two bright lights, twinkling sibilantly in the night. As the scuffle continued, she slowly walked backwards, and when she was a safe distance away bolted into the safety of the surrounding woods.
* * * * *
Sloth came with the wind, there as fast as heâd been gone. He felt so strange, so empty inside. He shook the strange feeling away, and watched the warren with relative interest. He decided it was time to take some drastic measures. He noticed the large rabbit, Lycanac, was guarding the warren entrance. He laughed, and Lycanac stood up, unnerved. Sloth shook his head. What were these rabbits thinking? They could not guard against him. He noticed a large, overhanging tree over the warren. He smiled, concentrated, and left in a second.
Lycanac sniffed the air uncertainly. Something wasnât quite right. He paused, and decided he should go back. As he turned to leave, he heard and ominous crack, and looked up to see the tree above him snap at the trunk and come towards him. He dived for cover, but was too late.
* * * * *
The thick mist pervaded as the group of adventurers made their way slowly through the forest. Nurv tasted the slight moisture of the fog, and stopped. Cowmaster turned, peering through the mist.
âWhat seems to be the problem? I think we may be almost out of this forest. Hurry along now.â Nurv didnât budge, a distant look in his eyes. Jeol noticed that the rabbit and hawk had stop, and collared Tibbers before he could bound away. âNurv?â The three stood, watching. âNurv, are y-â
âHEY WHY DONâT YOU SHUT UP?â Nurv yelled. The entire forest reverberated with the outburst. Cowmaster was shocked, but there was something in the back of his mind. He couldnât quite grasp it, and suddenly became angry.
âHEY BACK OFF MAN. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?â Nurv jumped, and the two crashed to the ground. Jeol, stunned, tried to see through the mist, but it was becoming opaque, almost solid.
âWhat-whatâs happening?â Jeol turned to Tibbers in a panic.
âOh yeah! Iâve seen this before!â Said Tibbers with a grin, âthe mist in the deep forest gets hungry sometimes, so it takes victims. Looks like Nurv and Cowmaster are for supper!â Jeol stared open-mouthed at Tibbers and his blank stare. After a few seconds, he ran into the mist. He was unaffected. He tried to break them up, but was unsuccessful. He yelled, trying to make his voice heard over the incessant din of the fight.
âNURV! COWMASTER! ITâS THE MIST!â After a few minutes, they slowed to a stop. They were scratched and breathing hard. Nurvâs torn ear was bleeding horribly and Cowmaster was doubled over with a huge bruise in his chest. Along with a milieu of minor scratches, they were beaten badly. They stood staring incredulously at each other. A single light shone through the trees, and the grove was bathed in a dull golden sheen. A million particles of mist jostled for position, but they went unnoticed and an impending horror dawned upon the adventurers. The forest was alive. A sort of telepathic line connected all the travelers (except Tibbers of course), and they all started at a head-on run born from desperation and terror. The mist stayed, floating in space as the ray of light disappeared. There would be more travelers. There always would be.
About a day later, they emerged from the forest. A sort of weight lifted from them, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They were free. A blast of heat greeted their arrival to the open. Nurv squinted, but he could not make out anything but one thing; sand. As far as the eye could see, a vast desert stretched out before them. All the sudden the forest seemed inviting once more, the mist beckoning them. They started forward anyway.
âTibbers, this forest is our home. You can go back if you want.â Cowmaster said before they reached the edge.
âNo Iâm good. You guys are so silly. I want more fighting and rabbits!â So they turned and were off. Nurv; brave and fast, leading the group, Cowmaster; Tall and strong, protecting them, Jeol; young and energetic, eager to follow, and Tibbers; Irrepressible and furry, a treos out of him forest. The four stepped into the hot sand, not knowing where they were going, only where they needed to go.
End of chapter three

3,937 posts

This is AWESOME!!! I can't wait for chapter 4.

4,689 posts

wow! Now they are in a desert? This is just better and better. I think maybe I will write some stories too. Probably not a big one but several small ones. Wish me luck!

3,937 posts

I wish you luck, then!

2,421 posts

It took you 14 pages to get to chapter 3? Either you are a slow writer or people just spam these threads up a ton.

753 posts

Well the individual entries make for a little discussion.

676 posts

Love this! But cow and nurv almost were eaten! that would have been unfortunate.

5,880 posts

It took you 14 pages to get to chapter 3? Either you are a slow writer or people just spam these threads up a ton.

If you write a story hella fast...then it is most likely your story will be lame. And as Cinna said, discussions about the story pop up. That's why there are 14 pages. And how would you tell that people spam it up? If it was spammed, it would've been already locked.

Please ask yourself the question before you ask us.
2,522 posts

A soft mist wafted through the air, cooling all it touched. However, it did not penetrate the warren, wrapped in tension and sadness. In a chilled, lonely burrow, Secretmapper sat with a few other rabbits watching Lycanac coughing and wheezing, fur matted with blood. His body was covered in bruises, to the extent that it hurt to move, and as the rabbits began to trickle away, he stirred, moaning in pain.
âLycanac?â Secretmapper whispered, an edge of hysteric hope on his voice. There was no answer, but Lycanac was shaking violently, and after a few seconds threw up violently on the floor.
âIt⦠hurtsâ¦â Lycanac breathed. He scrabbled feebly at the dry bed he lay in, and licked his lips. âI need⦠water.â Secretmapper nodded slowly.
âI see. Kawaii?â The grumpy rabbit was present. âGo get Lycanac some water. He may recover.â Kawaii was on his way, mumbling as he went. As he left, Windshift entered, eyes opaque and dim.
âRough night. Is he still alive?â Secretmapper smiled.
âHe is indeed. Would you like to talk to him?â Windshiftâs eyes grew wide and he leaped to Lycanacâs side, excited.
âLycanac! Are you better? Can you hear me?â Lycanac pushed himself into a floppy sitting position, and mumbled,
âYeah Iâm good. That damn tree was bound to fall someday. My own stupid fault.â Lycanac grinned weakly, then fell flat on his back, asleep. Kawaii woke him with a splash to the face, and all was well again with the warren. Outside, Sloth bunched up. Some pain pervaded him, of which he had not felt for a long time.
* * * * *
At that moment, Nurv would have done anything for a splash to the face. A merciless sun, red and cruel, beat down on the travelers with relentless heat. Cowmaster had long given up flying, as the thermals were dry and rough, and Jeol was panting and could barely stand. Tibbers on the other hand, bounded along happily, seemingly ignoring the heat despite his thick mane of hair.
âThis is sure an adventure guys!â Tibbers said cheerily, âIâm glad I came with you three!â Cowmaster grumbled, Jeol, incoherent, did not respond, but Nurv turned, smiling.
âWeâre glad you could come, Tibbers. We need all the adventurers we can get!â Tibbers grinned widely. Him! An adventurer! With new vigor he hopped onwards, but there was nothing but dunes as far as the eye could see. Cowmaster was the most disturbed. He had noticed the topographical impossibility of the terrain, and was unsettled. There had been a variety of landscape around the warren, but now there was a strict order, stream now forest now desert, and now hopefully lake. But they were thirsty, and Cowmaster pushed these thoughts out of his head. The sun was slowly setting, and they all began preparing for their first night in a desert. The temperature began to drop rapidly, and Cowmaster began to shake with the cold. Nurv, Jeol, and Tibbers enjoyed coarse fur coats, but Cowmasterâs feathers would not suffice. The three gathered around him as they grouped on the top of a gargantuan dune, and as the moon shone down upon them, they slept in the desert.
Little did they know another rabbit was entering the desert. About 10 hours behind the team, Rukia emerged from the misted forest. She was terrified. Near the end, she had become irritable and angry, with the sudden urge to sleep. Forever. She had luckily shaken the urge, never knowing the danger of the mist. She could see her breath on the desert night, and with a deep breath, set off into the sand. She could sleep when she was dead.
Yet a third party was also active this night, a fox and a knight, standing at the forestâs edge from where the travelers encountered Commander). DD sighed, tired and ragged. The night of the attack MageGrayWolf had killed Fyrefox, although in turn the dead tracker had inflicted the fatal blow. A few more scratches from DD, and the terror of the middle stream was gone. When he had encountered the huge knight, his first instinct was to run, but his experiences since Slothâs orders had toughened him. Commander had made the telepathic connection immediately, and they introduced themselves. DD had proposed they set off together for the travelers, and at first Commander was reluctant. But with persuasion, they were ready to set off. About an hour after Rukia had touched the desert, Commander and DD started into the misted forest.

2,522 posts

Mh hm. I doubt Sloth will have a change of heart; his evil is key to the sequel

4,689 posts

Yay the commander is forming a team of evil! I am glad the next story has been writin but now I cant wait for the next. BTW Nurvana I started my own story you inspired me its called "The Fire Rekindled".

3,390 posts

Sorry Nurv, I would read it, but you have the squares and crap, and I vowed to never read one that had that stuff again. It hurts my eyes ALOT. And too many people are popping up with stories and no one is finishing them, and I might be a hypocrite for saying that, but I just don't want to read something that I don't know that you will finish it. So. Yeah.

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