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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

  • 389 Replies
2,522 posts

I don't care what you vowed and I don't care if you don't read it. That post served NO purpose and wasted space. Nice job.

3,390 posts

Well I wanted to clear it up now so that way if you see when I read other peoples and gave constructive criticism and stuf, you wouldn't be a total ass like you just were
And if you didn't care, why would you 'waste space' commenting back? Hmm. Do I detect a contradiction?

Nice job.

Thank you.
2,522 posts

Trust me I don't care if you never say anything about my story. I commented because 1) It's my thread and my story I can comment when I want to stupid and 2) So I wouldn't get anymore crap from you. If you'd make a comment on that, you'd do it again.

753 posts

Haha thanks man great comment! It had purpose!

2,522 posts

Appreciate it Jeol! I like your stories.

3,390 posts

Check your profile. Can't have my stupid posts taking up your space, now can I? Oops. I guess I just did.

It's my thread and my story I can comment when I want to stupid

Rude. and I said nothing bad about your story, simply that I wouldn't read it because of the squares on it. You shouldn't of called me stupid, because that is not a very bright move to make me mad.
So I wouldn't get anymore crap from you

Welp. Too freakin bad, cause I will find out why you are being so mean to me. So figure out a halfway decent lie to tell me besides the fact that it is your thread and that you don't care what I say.
If you'd make a comment on that, you'd do it again.

I don't mind doing that. It is almost humorous to see your temper flaring into your comments, because in comparision to mine, yours is a spark while mine is a bonfire.
4,689 posts

Why dont you people read my story instead of arguing? No one really reads it and you all seem full of opinions that could help me. Its called "The Fire Rekindled".

2,522 posts

Rude. and I said nothing bad about your story, simply that I wouldn't read it because of the squares on it. You shouldn't of called me stupid, because that is not a very bright move to make me mad.

Oooooh I'm scared. This is the internet you can't scare anyone.

besides the fact that it is your thread and that you don't care what I say.

Well I sure don't care what you say if that's what you mean.
I don't mind doing that. It is almost humorous to see your temper flaring into your comments, because in comparision to mine, yours is a spark while mine is a bonfire.

It's fascinating you should use ad hominem to try and prove a point. It doesn't work.

You randomly come with a comment you shouldn't have made, and now your immaturity comes through by your inability to walk away. You're embarrassing yourself in front of a group of people who don't care what you say, so why don't you leave with the shreds of your dignity.
2,522 posts

We've hit 1000 words!
The sun rose, and with it rose the temperature. Nurv awoke sweating profusely, and the group that had been so closely huddled the night before quickly dissipated. Jeol sniffed the air, commenting drily,
âHuh. No water that I can smell. Figures. Weâll die of thirst in this desert.â Cowmaster silenced him with a stare, and after a few preparations, they set off. Tibbers had been shuffling along the sandy ground for an hour when he noticed he was being followed. Looking down, he came face to face with a large ant, which had been walking along with them on its spindly legs.
âHEY THERE MISTER ANT!â Shouted Tibbers. The ant stared blankly, and then directed his attention to the rest of the group.
âWhat are you fellows doing out in the desert might I ask?â It said. Nurv had grown accustomed to all oddities since his journey had began, and simply responded,
âWeâre on a bit of a quest. Have to find some big lake. Perhaps you know what Iâm talking about?â The antâs face brightened, and he nodded vigorously.
âOh yes the Western Lake. Dangerous place.â Jeol and Cowmaster exchanged looks. âItâs a fair bit off from here, but if youâd follow me, Iâd be happy to lead you there. Nameâs Nilo. Pleased to meet you.â Nurv was thrilled; they had finally come within distance of the lake. Before the group, now heralding five members, set off, Nurv stopped Nilo.
âErm, you wouldnât have any idea where to get some water, would you?â At the mention of water, the adventurers stopped, suddenly parched. They stared at Nilo.
âTo sate big fellas like you? Nope. Suppose thereâs some kind of creek around here. Oh well.â The three stared, dumbfounded, as Tibbers giggled.
âHehe you talk funny mister ant!â
Rukia stumbled in an unstable dune and fell flat on her face. She moaned, got up, and spit a load of sand onto the ground. This was so stupid. She had a faint trail, and they were close, but she was tired. Cowmaster was a commodity for his talons and beak, but Nurv was anti-social to most and Jeol had a huge crush on her. Finding them would be awkward, and why would they come back? If they had left, they wouldnât want to come back. Why would they even leave? Had they known? Rukia gasped aloud. They HAD known! They must have seen it coming! Although the conclusion lacked any evidence, Rukia was desperate to be mad at someone, and with new anger, began a quick run after the groupâs scent.
* * * * *
Sloth flickered in the field adjacent the warren, an enigma of emotion and evil. He held a hand to his chest, which felt strange and slightly transparent. He had felt this way a long time ago, but so long ago he could not recall. He watched the warren with confusion. Why had it no fallen? The rabbits were stronger, braver than he expected. If the rabbits and hawk returned with the truth before heâd destroyed the warren, what would he do? For a moment, he felt a pang of fear run through his body. The feeling was so foreign that at first he thought it was more pain. Bedraggled and thinking, Sloth dissipated into the sunny morning.
Lycanac peered at the spot Sloth had been moments before. The injury was giving him visions, he thought with a laugh. He had recovered miraculously, already having free-range motion for his limbs. He was getting constant adrenaline rushes, and almost went to investigate the shimmer. But he lay down, deciding it wasnât worth it.

2,522 posts

Thanks bro. I dunno man.

Darn quotes.

676 posts

Hurray! The true Nurvana is appearing! Easily angered and doesn't get a shit what the world says!

3,390 posts

You got some real issues don't you? My dignity is still intact tyvm, and what you think is a 'diss' is kinda stupid. If you didn't see why I made that comment, let me repeat it.
I said that because I didn't want to seem rude if you saw that I read others and didn't read yours. I don't see what the huge problem you have with me. I made a comment, you got mad, I kinda-ish got mad in response, but told you its purpose, you then thought that somehow your comments actually made my dignity go down, And I am now responding trying to come up with a conclusion as to why you were so rude in the first place. It isn't like my comment was the first usless comment on your thread. Or the first useless comment you have ever seen, but do you get mad at them as well every time you see one?
I just want to know why you got so mad. I will walk away as soon as I know the answer. But not until then.
I JUST came across this thread because I haven't been on AG for about a week, and if I had seen your story when it was only around 3 pages full on the forums, I would of gladly read it, reguardless of the squares and that, because I would of wanted to see how it developed. Apparenty you are on Chapter three, which would still give me time to see it, but I am honestly too lazy to sift through all of the pages.
This is the internet, and I am free to make whatever comments I want to on any topic. I guess people think higher of you, although I don't see why. If they don't care what I said, then it doesn't hurt me in any way, because really I am just talking to you, trying to figure out one simple answer.

2,522 posts

I said that because I didn't want to seem rude if you saw that I read others and didn't read yours. I don't see what the huge problem you have with me.

And I said I wouldn't have been bothered. Pay attention.

You're wasting time, and I'd ask you to leave again, but feel free to stay. It's funny.

Your name isn't Melissa Duval is it? You remind me of her.
3,937 posts

Well, I came to this thread to read a story but all I can see are some peaple fighting.
Please stop this nonsense,you won't win anything by fighting.

2,522 posts

Ah. The any guide is here lol

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