There have been a lot of fantastic debates in this section of the forums, so I thought we could make things a bit more "interesting." Here's how it works: I will create profiles on which 2 people will debate one-on-one on a topic of their choosing. You will receive points based on 3 categories: argument strength, evidence, and refutation. Argument strength is just that - how strong are your arguments. Logical fallacies and cogency of the argument play a strong role here (so, is the argument "correct" and does it make sense). Your spelling and grammar are important to, so either get a browser with spell-check or put your comments in Word or something that can check your spelling. Evidence is articles or journals to which you can provide links to help support your argument. How reliable the evidence is also matters, so Wikipedia articles will not count towards evidence. Refutation means being able to counter what your opponent is saying. If you can point out flaws in their argument or present counter-examples to their arguments then you can get points in this category. The debate will go on until a predetermined score has been reached. The winner will have his or her best argument point merited - thus receiving 25 AP! ---- So, if you want to join, just put your name, the topic you would like to debate about, and how many points you would like to go to (I would suggest maybe 10 or 15 for right now, I'm not exactly sure how all the scoring will work out yet). Also include your stance on the topic. Once you have this info posted, you have just given out a challenge and anyone can challenge you. If you would like to challenge someone, then post your name, their name, and the topic. Feel free to create multiple challenges, so long as you can keep track of them all! Once two debaters have been matched, I'll post a link to the profile on which you guys will be debating.
I think that's everything, but here's an example of a challenge:
Name: Moegreche Topic: Does God exist? My stance: God does not exist!
If someone were to challenge me, then they would have to argue an opposing view to mine (in this case, that God does exist). So, let the debates begin, and if anything is unclear or if I've missed anything then let me know either on this thread or on my profile. Thanks, and happy debating!!
darn!and i thought i was so close to getting into my first debate! oh well, now I'm curious as to why you think this? what supporting evidence do you have?
BTW in my opinion, the creationism debate will be tough because it is based of sheer believe and trust. There is no website or magazine that tells exactly and accurately what the answer is and is the truth. So really it is a debate of sheer logic and who has a smarter and more logical mind because it will be kind of tough to site your sources.
No wait, i can see it now, "God is my dad and he said..."
OMFG stop talking about evolution if u dont know what it is, it is the change between speicies to another speicies through millions of years and is responnsible for all the diversity in this world not how life began, creation is everything so it is stupid
^^ Is that a challenge? I bet I can prove to you alot of things. Still a bit confused on your "actual" stance, but for evolution to be totally true, doesn't the one celled organisms have to evolve from something? I myself, believe in both, but if you really want to debate me, i will.
Daniel - the omnipotence paradox has been used frequently in almost all religions. It is becoming rather old now and we are getting the same responses from theists: ...
Yeah, so we're pretty much done using that, for now at least, until theists come up with a proper argument, then BAM we shoot'em down with that beauty.