agewanted=all">This article talks about a school who's goal is to encourage children to befriend everyone they can, rather than hold certain friends above others. Simply put, they discourage children from getting too close to a single other person.
If a teacher spots two children who do seem very close, they will not break the friendship, but they will watch over them closely. As soon as one of the children feels hurt or if any of the other children feels hurt, the teachers take action by talking to parents to help their children with future relationships.
I already raged about this to someone over the phone, that way I would be able to type all this without telling Christine Laycob to go fuck her god damn self, that fucking whore. But I won't say that because I'm a good, responsible, moderator.
I understand that some people don't have a single best friend, but should teachers encourage children not to have them?
Do you have a single best friend, or are you good friends with everyone? Do you agree with what these teachers are doing?
Bonus: Tell us a story about a memorable moment you have had with one of your best/good friends.
I agree that in life being a winner is important, I've set out a detailed plan of where i'm heading and should any bugger get in the way they will be promptly and efficiently mown down. However, at events like schools sports days - it is the taking part that matters - being a sore loser gets you nowhere and makes you look childish.
It seems what the school system is trying to do is make a army of loving drones, this could be a way to combat bullying because there would be no best friend to team up with? Also maybe there trying to make the students not dependant on one person?
I agree, Bullying happens and if happened to me you have to deal with it in your own way and making those children into loving drones makes it one step closer to everyone being the same it doesn't support being different or being and indivaul
Men are not created equal, in the biological and psychological sense. Forced make-equal is a very very bad thing. Everyone should have a choice to be different.
Men are not created equal, in the biological and psychological sense. Forced make-equal is a very very bad thing. Everyone should have a choice to be different.
I disagree with this statement merely because it justifies the belief that being different encourages inequality.
Thaat's how it usually works: The pyramid of friendship Bottom layer: the people you know. First layer: the people you like. Second layer: the people you enjoy being with. Third layer: the people you usually hang out with. Fourth layer: the five people you let know your business and fears. Top layer: the only person you can call for help on 4am in winter, and he will comply. Your best friend. That's for men. Women, I don't know.
I wouldn't be able to function around at my school if I was being for to friend everyone, and being pushed away from my friends. Because of the mutual hatred between me and so many other people I need my small group of like 5 or so people that I am extremely close to.
This is really terrible. I believe that best friends are the most important to have, because they may be in contact with you for the rest of your life. It's not important to be super popular in middle or high school because none of it matters in the future. No one will care how popular you were. Having a small group of friends that you truly care about is essential in life.