ForumsWEPRQuestion for Christians: Were is heaven?

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3,817 posts

I am short on time, so I will keep it short and sweet. For you Christians, were is heaven?

Many modern Christians state that heaven is a place that we can not reach in the physical world. If that is true, than how does the tower of Babel make since?

In the binging of Christianity the Christians believed that heaven is in the sky, as the name and tower of Babel suggest. Then once human were able to fly, Christians said it was further out in space. Once we were able to send satellites into space, they said it was not in the physical realm.

So to recap, were is Christian heaven, how does the Tower of Babel make since if it is not close enough to build to, and to add, if the Tower of Babel story is a metaphor to you could you please state what it is a metaphor for?

  • 65 Replies
3,817 posts

sin is simply what god calls it if god is pefect and can be nothing but perfect if he commits sin it is no longer sin

Wow. Great logic hear. "If he does it its fine, but if you do it you will be tortured forever". Great policy. If I did believe he existed I would be driving an iron chariot threw heaven right now battling off the angles...
9,462 posts

So god's committing one of the deadly sins? Has anyone else noticed how much of a hypocrite this omnipotent being is?

He committed more then just one of them.

heavenis not even a place in my oppinion it is the mere presence of god. if he is their everything is perfect as the defanition of heaven states for god cannot stand before evil

Seeing how many things aren't perfect this statement seems to go against Gods omnipresence.

sin is simply what god calls it if god is pefect and can be nothing but perfect if he commits sin it is no longer sin

Special pleading at it's worst. But let's say for a moment that being perfect means even if you do something that would be regarded as a sin it's not. This would then mean that Adam and Eve and Satan could not have sinned because of them being perfect creations.

Here's a question is there free will in heaven?
2,420 posts

This question is so ridiculous.

9,462 posts

This question is so ridiculous.

How so?
If free will exists in heaven and we are all sinners by nature, then sin is allowed in heaven contradicting the nature of heaven. Even if we are absolved of such a nature, we would still be free to continue any of those sinful acts and build anew. If we would not then we have been altered in a way that contradicts our free will.
If our free will is removed then the contradictory nature of allowing us in heaven is eliminated but then the argument of God being all about free will comes into question.

While this might not be directly linked with where Heaven is, it does touch on the nature of the place.
2,420 posts

How so? We don't know if heaven exists, and acting as if it does is ridiculous. Debating religion is stupid, and I honestly think it should really stop.

9,462 posts

How so? We don't know if heaven exists, and acting as if it does is ridiculous. Debating religion is stupid, and I honestly think it should really stop.

There are plenty who do believe it does exist. To hold a belief that is not questioned is flawed and can become dangerous. While it may seem to have it's futility to it, it's far from stupid to do.
1,573 posts

Beliving religion is rediculous and I think it should stop... In fact some people breathing is just plain rediculous and they should stop. Morals are just stupid and should just stop. Kevin is rediculous and should just stop :P

2,420 posts

There are plenty who do believe it does exist. To hold a belief that is not questioned is flawed and can become dangerous. While it may seem to have it's futility to it, it's far from stupid to do.

FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME. YOU CANNOT DEBATE BELIEFS. Nobody wins, and it doesn't progress. To debate where heaven is is stupid because they have never been there themselves. All we can know about heaven is told to us, and we believe it. We don't see it, we don't go there, we believe it.

Beliving religion is rediculous and I think it should stop... In fact some people breathing is just plain rediculous and they should stop. Morals are just stupid and should just stop. Kevin is rediculous and should just stop :P

Fail troll is
9,462 posts

FOR THE LAST ****ING TIME. YOU CANNOT DEBATE BELIEFS. Nobody wins, and it doesn't progress.

It's not a matter of winning or losing, it's a matter of what you get out of it. While I can't speak for everyone I have gotten a great deal out of these topics.
1,573 posts

How is it fail... you fail for asking people to STOP DEBATING. Id love to facepalm you with a steel keyboard.

If we stop debating then progress stops. Also we will never get rid of the mind disease that is religion if we dont stand up against it. AAAAlso Mage said it best when he said debating on these forums has helped him to express his views much more clearly and to formulate an argument instead of saying the most usless thing ever... that there is no point. Which is what you have been saying...

The question in the OP is no more rediculous than believing in a deity by pure faith with nothing to back it up. Your welcome to smeg off and NOT take part in the debate but I for one enjoy the thought process and the fact that I have to use my brain. Keyboard at the ready... its not metal but it will still hurt like hell on earth!

2,420 posts

While I can't speak for everyone I have gotten a great deal out of these topics.

What do YOU get out of it?

How is it fail... you fail for asking people to STOP DEBATING. Id love to facepalm you with a steel keyboard.

The point of a facepalm is to show how frustrated you are with someone's ignorance. You can't facepalm me. /facepalm

If we stop debating then progress stops. Also we will never get rid of the mind disease that is religion if we dont stand up against it. AAAAlso Mage said it best when he said debating on these forums has helped him to express his views much more clearly and to formulate an argument instead of saying the most usless thing ever... that there is no point. Which is what you have been saying...

Progress continues. Where'd you get that? Religion is not a disease, it is an answer. I am saying debating about other things, not religion. You can debate over Machiavelli's "The Prince," but you didn't do that, now did you. You debated over religion. How many classroom discussions have you heard about religion. How many have you heard about books? Historic people? Hm?
9,462 posts

What do YOU get out of it?

Pretty sure this has been answered in your own replying.

"AAAAlso Mage said it best when he said debating on these forums has helped him to express his views much more clearly and to formulate an argument instead of saying the most usless thing ever."

Progress continues. Where'd you get that? Religion is not a disease, it is an answer.

It's as much an answer as Astrology is a science.

I am saying debating about other things, not religion.

There are plenty of other threads about other subjects. You have chosen to come onto these threads specifically and just whine and moan abut how we should all just stop discussing the subject.

Honestly it's all coming off as seeming like spam and making you look like nothing more then a troll.

If you really feel the need to continue to B!^&% about how we should stop then here, a whole thread dedicated to complaining about how we shouldn't talk about the subject. Feel free to use it.
263 posts

I'll tell you when i get there

1,573 posts

The point of a facepalm is to show how frustrated you are with someone's ignorance. You can't facepalm me. /facepalm

You were ignorant, I facepalmed you. You deserved it. Why dont you go tell some extremist or reacist nut that there is no point in arguing about the same religion or race of people... Im sure you would get some great debate back.

Progress continues. Where'd you get that? Religion is not a disease, it is an answer.

Well I looked at the world around me and realised there is progress from debate. You are just naysaying now for the pure sake of it and I think you are growing troll fluff in your brain. My keyboard is polished and fresh if your ready.

Also please explain the part about religion being the answer??? Surly it could be concieved as ONE of the answers. Care to debate on this?
5,061 posts

And what pray tell is religion the answer to? How many debates about religion have you heard in a class room!? Teachers don't even have to introduce the topic, I started arguing about religion in my fifth grade classroom. When you believe in atheism, agnosticism, or any entirely different religion in a predominantly Christian classroom debates happen by them selves.

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