Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
Yes, I recorded it, I'm not finish watching it so don't tell me the results. BTW, I created a thread for it so If you want to discuss it go here. Le Tour De France
I'm not interested in that thread. I hate cycle racing >8O I'm a mountainbiker and I hate people in a latex suit with their *** shaking. They always do that for sprinting, I agree, but it's like the enjoy shaking their *** in front of your face! And why those latex suits? You can see their genital and anus! I opine it are gays. Sorry for the dirty language. That's what I see. At least that's in Belgium
The port of Oran in the Mediterranean Sea is full of contraband products stolen from merchant ships by privateers, and corsairs. The King gives you a Galleon and 50 men. Now go and crush those bamdits!
The CTC2PP mercenaries hired by the King's adviser accomplished their mission to crush the smugglers hiding in the port of Oran. After getting all the stolen merchandises, they took a liking at being privateers so they turned rogue and attacked a rich MEDITERRANEAN PALACE near the ancient city or Carthage.
This is the hardest castle I've ever seen! After 25 minutes I got it in 2 shots, but when the wooden beam flew, just before it toutched the other wooden beam, it crushed! So I still didn't finished it! Can somebody finish this castle in 3 shots? I think even CJ can't do this
1) Use a single log to break the ice, shoot just above and let id drop onto it - don't hit it direct, you will move the piece of wood that will drop & it won't work. 2) Use one log to knock the dominoes - don't throw anything big. 1 & 2 can be done either way round. 3) use the fire.