Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
Remember your Good Noble friend from The Masqurade? Well he's back and has information that can throw him in jail... and you. One person in the party survived and escaped with just bruises, he then fled to his house, gathered his wife, belongings and his servants and guards and fled to the desert where he built a hidden desert base. Now why is that going to throw you in jail? Well a week from now he plans to go back to the main city with a mountian of evidence to throw you and the noble to jail! Or worse... the death sentince.
The rogue Privateers have been wrecking havoc in our New World Plantations. We've received a distress letter from the governor. "I beg your majesty to send a warship before the pirates steal all our goods and destroy our WAREHOUSE & CHARIOT." read the message.
It's the annual WINTER JUNGLE FESTIVAL organized by the Wizards and peasants throughout the Kingdom. Everybody's invited. Bring your goat, lamb, chicken or pig if you want to contribute to the feast.
I tried to create a dimension. To make it look like people can walk behind the walls and inside. I don't know what you guys think. It was a pain in the derriere to create and it makes the castle lag a little.
You will never get any realistic 3D effect with what is available here. Nice castle anyway, but haven't you posted it before?
No that's a different castle. The one I posted previously had shades on the right side. With this one I tried to create a dimension, a feel of depth. I don't know if I achieved it but what I know is that it was a pain to build.
The Privateers heard from a spy that the King was about to meet with his first knight and set a plan to capture and execute the traitors who rebelled against his Majesty.
Pirate SSTGius will reward you with 1 chest full of gold and another one after killing the King during his meeting on the BOMB the ROYAL BRIDGE .