I think the name of the thread is allready enough explanation. You can't use the things listed here:NukesNuclear Weapons/DevicesFirst Boss:Weak AlienHp: 100/100Strong Against: GunsWeakness: Being Punched
i eat its face and throw it into the sun
@Brooo007 His lazer fires at the alien, but he ducks and jumps to one side.@Gtf You throw some Banana-Bombs at him. They explode dealing 19 damage@SonicHeroes You beat him with a bat and do all that crazy stuff to him, dealing 20 damage@DarkFire Because of the time the rocket takes to reach the target, he rnus to one side and only then do you notice you forgot to lock your target!@WolfMan you munch his cheek but he kicks you in the stomach and you fall back. However, your munch deals 10 damage.Strong AlienHP: 40/150Strong Against: Guns, Punches, Banana AttacksWeak Against: NothingStatus: Heroic (better against any attack
I throw a pineapple at it.
I start to chase him with the banstick hitting him repeadtdly.
@KingJac The pinapple hits him in the head, causing 1 damage.@Commander He kicks you right after you hitted him once, and you cause 4 damage.Strong AlienHP: 35/150Strong Against: Guns, Punches, Banana AttacksWeak Against: NothingStatus: Heroic (better against any attack
I throw an explosive pinapple in his general direction.
I try to remove part of its armour (a random resistance) with a Sonic Screwdriver.I wear a fez while doing so, because The Doctor made fezzes cool.
i attack him/her/it with................nothing! just kiding.i shoot with dual freeze rays on him.
Your combined attacks slay the Invader!Next boss: Zogward AlienHP: 200/200Strong Against: Punches, any close combat attackWeak Against: Fried ChickenStatus: Heroic (better against any attack
I go to KFC and bring the Colonel back to fling chicken buckets at the alien.
@Commander Your attack inflicts massive damage on the Zogward. The Fried chicken scares him.Zogward AlienHP: 180/200Strong Against: Punches, any close combat attackWeak Against: Fried ChickenStatus: Scared of Fried Chicken Attack
Me and the Colonel break out the KFC Doubledown sandwhiches! Pwnage!
Sonic Screwdriver, attempting to remove a resistance.(And yes, a fez is being worn.)
i throw a spinning perfet sledge hammer that remarkubly hits!
Easy. I will do THAT to the planet where he is. P.S. Its not a nuke!!!
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