I think the name of the thread is allready enough explanation. You can't use the things listed here:NukesNuclear Weapons/DevicesFirst Boss:Weak AlienHp: 100/100Strong Against: GunsWeakness: Being Punched
lol! That is one of the reasons I want spore. All I have is the creature creator. :P
Spore gets boring after awhile.And I think you need to get to the center of the universe to be able to do that.
@Commander you deal 20 damage at the Zogward@Brooo07 ?@SporeManiac That is similar to a nuke. I won't take it.
And I think you need to get to the center of the universe to be able to do that.
well since you cant understand this tank atacks you!!!
I guess I failed to remove a resistance.
@Brooo07 before the alien takes out his Alien-Bazooka, your tank shoots and deals a massive 30 damage.Zogward AlienHP: 130/200Strong Against: Punches, any close combat attackWeak Against: Fried ChickenStatus: Alive
I fire some Dalek weaponry at it.
the tank continues to attack you although your bozzoka shot was destoyed by the twin-linked hevey bloter
The Colonel and I continue our chickeny assault this time with pocorn chicken.
i use chaos control to send the alien to the center of the sun.
@DalekSparta What is a Dalek?@Brooo007 Your tank was blasted to pieces by his futuristic weaponry.@Commander The colonel is killed in the mission and only you remain alive. The popcorn chicken does nothing to the Zogward.@SonicHeroes What is chaos control?Zogward AlienHP: 130/200Strong Against: Punches, any close combat attackWeak Against: Fried ChickenStatus: Alive
I then grab two drumsticks and proceed to smack that alien around. Oh and I call him a noob.
Bring out Shurikens and skillfully assassinate him.*Insert ninja Music Here*
I shoot chicken. Then using my telepathic powers I ammas all the chickens in the world and tell them to bite the alien. I then fry them and throw them on the alien.
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