do you like avatar the tv show talk about it here. What dont you like about it. why. And of course which thing wouold you choose? water wind earth fire? Not all you are just a bender not a avatar :P
Fire all the way. It always owns. Anyways Shamalans movies are either good or bad and I hate that every movie is in 3D. TV show was cool probably movie will tank like eragon movie.
Well judging that i watch nicktoons cartoons "not all that reallity crap", it would be a LONG movie so i guess they have to take some of the parts out, like the episode with the diffrent storys.
I agree they are not going to be able to fit in everything that happened. So, something important may be missing while, they may also decide to add something that is not needed.
Water i could get so good that i could make that 70% water in peoples bodies burst out, causing the person to explode, and i change temperature of water so Ice and stuff.
Also is it true that the movie was originally going to be title Avatar: The Last Air Bender? I heaard that they use The Last Air bender because of the previous movie James Camorans Avatar?
Umm... what is an airbender? have I been living under a rock for the past few years or what? I saw the movie, but I don't remember anything about airbenders or tv shows...
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a tv series that was on Nickelodeon. It's been made into a live action movie called The Last Airbender that opens July 1st. It was originally going to be called Avatar: The Last Airbender, but then the James Cameron movie beat it to theaters and they shortened it to The Last Airbender.