ForumsThe Tavern:/ Im really depressed right now..

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100 posts

.. Someone please cheer me up?

  • 125 Replies
5,875 posts

im still depressed... oh well no one cares.

Just read the advice that most of us give to the OP.
Are you asking for attention?

He might be.
60 posts

this is a dumb forum your depressed cause your on AG too much. to much of anything is bad.

3,937 posts

Go and help other peaple. Helping others gives you a great feeling of satisfaction.

34 posts

Running helps improve mood and self esteem. Try it.

3,562 posts

maybe you should kill yourself

telling someone to kill themselves when they are depressed is not good.

also telling everyone that you are depressed, in hopes of getting a reaction from them over the internet is generally not a good idea anyway. because most often than not psychologically you probably arent depressed and you just want attention.

if you want to know depressed, I've been depressed a few points in my life, especially when you outlive your best friend and he dies tragically. especially if it happens every year since freshman year of high school.
imagine going through that 4 times. Thats depressing. feeling useless is NOT depressing.
22 posts

Take a shower that always clears my mind.

9,462 posts

Thats depressing. feeling useless is NOT depressing.

I disagree, feeling useless can be very depressing.

This is coming from someone who knows quite a bit about losing people who are close as well.
9,434 posts

if you want to know depressed, I've been depressed a few points in my life, especially when you outlive your best friend and he dies tragically. especially if it happens every year since freshman year of high school.
imagine going through that 4 times. Thats depressing. feeling useless is NOT depressing.
While what you've gone through probably was several kinds of traumatizing and definitely enough to throw someone into a depression, "just" feeling useless can be quite depressing too and shouldn't just be shoved away as a "there's so many worse things, just get over yourself".

Seeking help on a flash game site's forum isn't exactly the best thing to do. It may in fact look like you're just pleading for attention, but then again that could indicate there's some other problem down there...

I really think you should go talk to a doctor if the feelings of sadness and uselessness persists, though. There could be a chemical imbalance in your brain that can get treated medically, or you could possibly just get some conversations either with your doctor or a psychologist that can help you to figure out that you aren't useless and don't need to be so sad.

Shoving the sad thoughts away with fun and pleasant things is fine for a while, but if the feelings persist over a long time you should stop just ignoring it that way and try to get it treated.
6,921 posts

I disagree, feeling useless can be very depressing.

I disagree. In that case, I've been depressed all my life because I think that I'm just in the way of others, and that I'm useless. And I don't think I'm depressed. I'm not sure though, and it's not something I want to ponder about.
3,386 posts

if you want to know depressed, I've been depressed a few points in my life, especially when you outlive your best friend and he dies tragically. especially if it happens every year since freshman year of high school.

I am now a sophomore, but that has happened to me too over the past 4 years. O.o that is just weird.

Shoving the sad thoughts away with fun and pleasant things is fine for a while, but if the feelings persist over a long time you should stop just ignoring it that way and try to get it treated.

While I could argue that it isn't always a medical problem, I will agree with the first part.

Having the temporarly happiness tends to be the worst part, because you feel like all of the sadness, has really gone away, but it hasn't.

You need to FIND the problem. I know it isn't just feeling usless Shadow, there is something you aren't spilling. Which is totally fine.

When you identify the problem, figure out your options. What you could do, Can you change anything at all now, or would it be better to keep on going and wait?

If you go tell a depressed person to kill themselves, You have absolutley no heart. You would rather give someone the idea to DIE, than to even try to help? You would take your time to tell them to end their life because you don't want to help? Selfish Bastards.

You aren't usless Shadow. I am completely positive that you are a daily dose of sunshine for alot of people out there.

And if you, yourself, think of ending your life, then you are no better than the douche that said you should. You are stronger than that.

Think of your family members. Think of your friends. You would send them sadness because you didn't want to fight your own. Life is a fragile thing, don't waste yours.

Cinna, I thought you were cool up until you suggested that she was useless. You just dropped like 50 points from the Cool meter. It is only out of 25.

NO one is useless. Every one has a purpose, no matter how insignifacant it may seem, it goes a long way.

Compare the degree of uslessness.
1) Not being able to make your own decisions. It can make you feel like that, but it is not worth this.
2) Not being able to help an injured person. It happens. Depends on the injury though.
3) Watching someone die, and not being able to do a single fucking thing about it. That has to be the worst in my opinion. But it STILL isn't worth ending your own life.

You really need to tell the ENTIRE story Shadow, then maybe all of us could help a little bit more.

Just tell me if you want. My email is or
9,434 posts

While I could argue that it isn't always a medical problem, I will agree with the first part.
When I said "treated" I didn't mean it had to be with medicine. Therapy too. Feeling worthless can be a problem with one's attitude, and psychologists or some such should be able to help one work on changing that attitude.
On top of that, the sadness it has caused may have been so persistent that the chemical balance in the brain is out of order, and some medication can be given to get that back to how it should be. This isn't necessarily the case, though.

Depending on the individual, either thing may be completely unneeded or just simply not work.

You really need to tell the ENTIRE story Shadow, then maybe all of us could help a little bit more.
While I think your post is quite well thought out, written and nicely worded, I would like to point out that this is a flash game forum full of teenagers, and if anyone posts here about a thing like this, actual valuable help is ... really not something to expect.

It's great if it can actually help to tell stuff and get advice here, but it should not be a replacement from seeking help in real life.

I do hope she gets better. I really do. This just isn't the best place to ask for it (as evidenced by the nubs suggesting suicide - this isn't 4chan, critters).
13 posts

Im Feelin Depresed Rit Nw Too Evryon Sys Im Bd At Speelin.

2,770 posts

You are feeling lonely and useless because you are realizing you are lonely and useless. You are a kid who has accomplished nothing, and you will realize someday that most of your friends you have now you will never speak to again because they are children friends whom you will grow to hate.

But wallowing about it won't do shit, we are all useless and lonely as children. Get over it, and make sure to do something with yourself.

Or jump off a bridge.

13 posts

I Trid To Jup Of Da Brij Bat Recu Helicopys Goot Ma

9,434 posts

Thank you for illustrating my point, guys. :/

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