Sexual addiction is a pattern of sexual behaviours that are out of control and continue despite negative consequences. As in other addictions, changes in brain chemistry are at the core of the addiction. In sex addiction, the changes are caused by sexual behavior and fantasizing about sex or romantic activities. Sex addiction is a process addiction because no chemicals are taken into the body. Chemical changes occur in the body because of the addicts behaviours. Any sexual activity that causes changes in body chemistry can become and addiction. Even on-line romances become addictive when they are a substitute for reality or a way to escape reality.
Sex addiction..anyone know of anyone that has a sex addiction?Its terrible!
There are norms for every individual person on the planet. If you sleep 20 hours a day every day, are you addicted to it? I don't know for sure since I'm not a psychologist, but I would assume you are. I don't usually eat 3 times a day, once or twice is my norm. If I at 27 times a day, would I be addicted, I would think so, and there are people who do. Breathing is an automatic thing controlled by your mid-brain, so that doesn't apply here. You can only focus on control of breathing for so long before you have to stop.
I don't get why you are so deadset against something that is logically obvious? That addictions can and do exist?
Regardless, when you begin to talk about it like this, you begin to go into semantics.
You must surely agree that being addicted to food and sleeping is okay and natural, so isn't sex okay and natural also, if it in the same category, which it does?
i don't agree that being addicted to food is okay and natural. If you eat constantly, then you are slowly eating yourself to death. At best, that sound like a suicidal person. I can't make someone who wants to do that not do it anymore than I could stop someone from sleeping all day every day. Food, sleep, sex...all natural things. But, there comes a level where it is unhealthy and not natural. Where that line is can be semantics, but once crossed is addiction.
Do you really believe that if someone stopped having sex/watching porn/masturbating/engaging in some sort of sexual activity only long enough for food, water, and sleep every their lifestyle for years...for the rest of their life...that that sort of behavior is just natural and in no way an addiction?
Am I the only one who noticed that Keeton just claimed to be a threat to society willingly putting forward that there is a high possibility of him committing **** against another and you two are arguing about whether you can get addicted to food or not?
Keep in mind he also said he is seeking help to prevent this from happening.
If someone has a desire to have sex to the point they feel they need to possibly rape someone to get relief then I would most defiantly call it a problem. As the link I posted suggested it may not actually be an addition but rather a type of disorder or some other sort of classification. Basically the problem is real but classifying it as an addition might not be correct.
I'm going to side with the people with the MD's and PhDs on is an addiction, I don't have to cry about it. And, MageGrayWolf is right, Keeton said he's in are someone who feels they need to attack people when they're vulnerable so i really don't care what you've got to say.
Without sex, you wouldn't be alive. Without sex, the human race wouldn't exist. Sex gives you pleasure as a reward for keeping your species alive. You NEED sex. You can't live WITHOUT sex, or else you're not human.
Excuse me ... one can live without sex ... for example, monks and nuns take an oath of celibacy for life. No one needs sex and they can live without sex ... are u calling people of God not human? And think about it ... if one man or woman out of billions of people dont have sex, is the human race really going to die out? Lets be realistic here.
Son of Zion, you don't listen. Sleeping is okay and natural. Breathing is okay and natural. Eating is okay and natural. I eat three times a day. That is normal. I weigh 156 pounds. I am "addicted to food." I'm normal.
Sometimes I had sex twice a day. Sometimes I jack off twice a day. Does that make me addicted?
Snazzy, everyone needs sex. 10,000 years ago, did you think the human race would survive if people didn't have sex? Sex was the most basic action a human could make. It still is.
People with PhD's saying sex is an addiction are just trying to create their own profession. They want people to seek "rofessional" help for their "sex addiction" so they can profit from them.
Son of Zion, you don't listen. Sleeping is okay and natural. Breathing is okay and natural. Eating is okay and natural. I eat three times a day. That is normal. I weigh 156 pounds. I am "addicted to food." I'm normal.
Honestly it seems like you're the one who doesn't listen to them. I don't really know why you can't see the difference between normal use and overuse.
I also don't know why you claim that every single individual human NEEDS sex. Different people have different drives. You don't need to engage in sexual activities to be alive and stay alive as an individual.
Honestly it seems like you're the one who doesn't listen to them. I don't really know why you can't see the difference between normal use and overuse.
I do listen to him. He insists that too much eating is unhealthy, though that is true, sleeping isn't an addiction that is bad for you. Neither is sex.
I also don't know why you claim that every single individual human NEEDS sex. Different people have different drives. You don't need to engage in sexual activities to be alive and stay alive as an individual.
A. we are not in ancient times. B. having sex or fulfilling a need does not an addict make C. People with PhD's say that one can be addicted to sex. The majority of the world has a healthy normal functioning sex drive. I enjoy lots of sex, as does my wife. I'm a big fan of sex morning noon and night, but i do not need to go have sex with random people, day in and day out. If i did, my marriage would fail. If i continued without care for the consequences, i would loose my job, money, home, probably the respect of my family and friends. If i did something like that, without care or regard for anyone or anything except my sexual that, then that would be an addiction to sex.
D. your stance seems to be that it is impossible to be addicted to something that is basic to human need, which is stupid. As i already explained, it is not really sex that a person is addicted to but the nerochemicals that are released during sex, at climax, and just after. I don't understand why you keep talking about fred flintstone.
I do listen to him. He insists that too much eating is unhealthy, though that is true, sleeping isn't an addiction that is bad for you. Neither is sex.
The craving for sex can get to a level that has a negative influence on one's life in general. Also, too much friction can cause burns and/or rashes. I'm not qualified to say whether or not it can truly be an addiction (as pr. definitions of what an addiction is), but it can get to levels where something needs to be done to normalize the activity.
Too much sleeping isn't exactly healthy either, btw. Don't have the source, but I'm pretty sure I've read that too much lying about with your body on standby can end up being harmful to your physique.
In ancient times, you had to have sex to survive.
This is outright wrong. You did notice I wrote in regards to an INDIVIDUAL, not a species, right?
Too much sleeping isn't exactly healthy either, btw. Don't have the source, but I'm pretty sure I've read that too much lying about with your body on standby can end up being harmful to your physique.
If you sleep more than you do anything else, your muscles will atrophy. That means they start to break down and you will eventually be immobile. Then come the bed/pressure lesions, then serious infection, which is usually followed by death. I worked in a nursing home for a while...i've seen the results first hand.
I love getting on here to see that kevin person bash me, and yes clearly I have some guts to openly admit my inner demons. Again your libido is always in control.