Hi! I've been working on Colony v6.0 and we're doing some testing and technical things now. It should be out really soon. Anyway, here are the notes:
Anti-Hacking New features are being added into 6.0 to make it harder for hackers. Using more server-side code so that it's not easy to breach, and also you will automatically be de-synced from a hacker if the game thinks that he is hacking.
Friends List Added a friend list feature. You can add friends by user name, so you can see whenever they come online, chat with them directly whether you are in a game or in the lobby, and also you can block users.
Balance Changes Influence Cap raised to 200. Prides: Now cost 40 Influence, up from 35. Gladiator: Price reduced. Weapon range and damage increased slightly. Sakata Spider: Price slightly reduced. Range, speed and HP slightly increased. Meditec: Now takes slightly few seconds to deploy.
New In-Game Commands
/add [username] Adds that player to your friends list.
/remove [username] Removes that player from your friends list.
/friendlist Displays a list of all your added friends, and shows whether they are online, offline, or blocked.
/block [username] Block that player from sending you private messages.
/unblock [username] Unblock the player.
/w [username] [message] Sends a private message to the user. He/she has to be on your friend list for that to work.
Note: The usernames in all friend list commands are case-sensitive.
That's all for now I'm still trying to figure out a way to create a kind of spectator mode. No promises though!
Love the games by krin like sonny sonny 2 and colony my favorite of them all know why it can't just be a mini game i think it can be a video game! if i had the money i would invest in it but i don't.
u play with hackers..... thats why sir, plus the notes he used r old, and the..... anti hack squad r getting alot of hackers banned, my advice for u, do not play with anyone rank 10 or above, and beware of guest...
Rank 10 is fine, End, there are a couple of legit rank 10s around, just check the stats and if they have like 100 games (even though rank 10 can be achieved in less than that.) and are rank 10 then don't play them. And yeah, rank 16 people are obviously hackers and so are rank 10 guests. But some are okay...Some..:L
lol i k how to hack ! is so easy lol! and my rank is 10000 in colony IF U GOT ANY QUESSHIONS add me on it and tell me ur quesshion ! cya and glitch does rlly sux ....
and dudes about guests with rank 10: u are thinking they are rank 10 ! but they are not at real LOL! is rank 10000 and if u dont belive me try doing this : /stats:username AND ULL SEE .... but some of guests of are rank 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 they cant be rank 10000 only they can be 10! the site of hackers use: www.colonyhackerz.webs.com LOL ITS A SUCKER SITE TRUST ME ! )))
O_O i said the site now any1 going to hack !!!! O_o !!!! colony=dead now COLONY IS BASE OF HACK NOW !!!! O_o any 1 are transforming to hackerz !!!! O_o and i lost my rank !!! god **** !!! lol.... well got rank 10 now , not bad .... COLONY = BASE OF HACKERZ
Wow too many trolls here don't post unnecessary comments and this patch is very old so just let it be and let it die like all previous patches die off.
There are lots of new glitches that opening up in v6.0...if you're afraid of this happening, I don't think it would be "hacking" to do it to them as well...but the best solution is just to quit or to not play until Krin fixes them. Thank you for pointing that out. When I first started playing colony, I played on Kongregate, which only had v5.3, then I made an Armorgames account, andd learned this "Influence Glitch", I went back to Kongregate, and the "Influence Glitch" was not on 5.3!! Please fix this glitch.