Hi! I've been working on Colony v6.0 and we're doing some testing and technical things now. It should be out really soon. Anyway, here are the notes:
Anti-Hacking New features are being added into 6.0 to make it harder for hackers. Using more server-side code so that it's not easy to breach, and also you will automatically be de-synced from a hacker if the game thinks that he is hacking.
Friends List Added a friend list feature. You can add friends by user name, so you can see whenever they come online, chat with them directly whether you are in a game or in the lobby, and also you can block users.
Balance Changes Influence Cap raised to 200. Prides: Now cost 40 Influence, up from 35. Gladiator: Price reduced. Weapon range and damage increased slightly. Sakata Spider: Price slightly reduced. Range, speed and HP slightly increased. Meditec: Now takes slightly few seconds to deploy.
New In-Game Commands
/add [username] Adds that player to your friends list.
/remove [username] Removes that player from your friends list.
/friendlist Displays a list of all your added friends, and shows whether they are online, offline, or blocked.
/block [username] Block that player from sending you private messages.
/unblock [username] Unblock the player.
/w [username] [message] Sends a private message to the user. He/she has to be on your friend list for that to work.
Note: The usernames in all friend list commands are case-sensitive.
That's all for now I'm still trying to figure out a way to create a kind of spectator mode. No promises though!
Lol. It doesn't sound that deadly to me. It's price is only going to be slight reduced and the rand, speed and hit points are slightly increased. It's not like it's fire power/attack power has increased a lot.
This isnt my opinion, it needs to get special armor, or the hovers will stay better forever.
sounds good the spiders are going to be deadly. almost like hovers.thats going to make a new build
This is what im afraid of. Gladiators and Spiders, both tier 3 units of forge, have gotten a bit better. Now Forge will be dominant at Early AND Lategame.
Spiders spawn extremely quickly, cost only energy and now they are also strong! If they outrange hovers (they are also quicklier than hovs), tier 3 forge is definetly overpowered :S
Lol, and make bqs, Sphinx and Glads much stronger. This build time is... not worth the strength for their price lol.
OMG KRIN THATS TOO MUCH the spiders can already take out the hovers right now pretty well and if you increase the range again then they will outrange the hovers im happy about the glads stronger they are so weak now and if you update it then they will be able to kill 3 prides by itself
dont listen to people about making the sphinx strong again because it still dominates the field especially if you know how to use it
and at the very least make some of the other units stronger too because the mod sakatas CANNOT DIE against anything lower than tier3 units...the marines continue to be useless against anything except scouts; and groditz STILL SUCK extreme amounts the only better tier 2 units are snipers, romans, and AA sakata but otherwise the units are useless please pump them up
Are the spiders really going to have that much of a range advantage? I mean based on what everyone is saying seems like it out ranges a far sniper. jk. Also wouldn't a hover still cover the distance fast enough for them to get only one or two shots off?