Hehe, I just love playing at stereotypes. We all do them, it's instinctual. While we can't help that we do them we can change the way we act because of them and I think that is very important. Reacting based on stereotypes is reacting on instinct. Everyone always says 'trust your instincts' but really, how many times have you jumped at something that startled you (an instinctual reaction) and it's turned out to save your life? The fact is that our instincts are usually wrong. But they are right often enough that we have them. If that instinct saves your life just once, then it made the other thousands of times it was wrong worth it. That doesn't mean it should be trusted completely though.
Just bringing up other stereotypes that had nothing to do with the image. I am bored! And how could I not notice the fried chicken in his arms? I happen to be black and I love me some chicken. (maybe it's true what they say?)
Every time I hear that I am reminded of George Carlin's stand up routine. You can watch a clip here so you get what I mean.
And I'm white, and I love fried chicken and malt liquor, not too big on watermelon though. But I do love me some greens. (and no I'm not from the south either)
Past is the past. Blacks and whites are treated the same now (legally). I'm not talking for the rednecks out there who hate blacks because they are still living in the 1800's.
Back then slavery wasnt neceserily considerd wrong.White people shouldnt feel guilty about slavery anymore.White people may have had black slaves but we were also the ones who stopped slavery.
Past is the past. Blacks and whites are treated the same now (legally). I'm not talking for the rednecks out there who hate blacks because they are still living in the 1800's.
Blacks and whites are treated the same now (legally).
i beleive you mean "whites and blacks." Supperiors come first. Kiding.
What happened happened. Blaks should stop sittign on welfare saying its there right beacuse there ancestors where oppressed, so now they can sit on there porchs all day and drink koolaid. (Sorry for the steryotype, I don't hate blacks, just the knid I described, so like inner city ones)