ForumsWEPREmotionally fragile, Loner when my parents wants a prep.

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252 posts

I am a bit of a goth, punk, and honestly an emo. My parents want a prep, but that isn't who I am. I have friends, but I don't have many, and I seem to get left out a lot. That plus my parents not liking my style makes me emotionally fragile. Has someone else here been through something like this? I'm in a youth group, but only 4 2 of the people there, a few of the others tick me off just by coming close to me. Ex-boyfriend among them. What did you guys do? I'm tired of being alone, but I don't make friends easily, I'm, different.

  • 49 Replies
8,257 posts

I am happy with who I am. I am me, but other people don't get that. I don't mind being hated by society, but there are certain people who do get to me. I'm sure they do think I'd be happier as a prep, but it would be a lie. I'm not like that. I'm darker. I understand more, and I'm not obsessed with superficial things, like OMG U messed up my hair!! Oh my dog! It's the end of the world! A lot of the girls at my school kinda are. I am cool with who I am, I just want to be accepted. I don't like that I do, but I need it.

You probably already did many times, but just to make sure: did you tell your parents exactly that? The thing to do I think is discuss with your parents until they really understand your point.
9,462 posts

I am happy with who I am. I am me, but other people don't get that.

You don't seem to really present yourself as such. I'm glad you are, but how everyone else sees you shouldn't matter. It would seem you could really use a heart to heart with your parents. If both at once is to much, go with just one out to lunch some place where you can talk.

Accepted as what exactly? I don't think you're so different. I think you just think you are.

I have to agree with Drace here, you really don't seem all that different.

Is it possible that things really aren't as bad as they seem to you with everyone being on your case about changing who you are?
252 posts

I don't know, I just wish my parents would support MY wishes for myself. They hate that I wear black all the time, And that half my shirts are too big. (I like them that way, it's comfy) I might not be all that different, but not many people are open with what they are, even if they are like me. And I know not all girls are superficial, I'm not, so there has to be others. My friends aren't either. And I never have just gone up to my parents fully open, I told them earlier that I can't take them bashing on my style anymore, and Mom has backed off. Dad, he'll never get who I am.

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