ForumsWEPRVegetarian, and views on hunting

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252 posts

Ok, I am a bit of a vegetarian, I don't eat a lot of meat, because I feel the way people are killing nowadays is wrong. (Plus just the scent of some meats makes me want to hurl) I support the killing of animals for survival, but not just for sport like it is now. I also think if you are going to kill, you should use as much of the animal as possible. Share your thoughts on vegetarianism? Do you support kills for sport

  • 41 Replies
8,257 posts

I'll repeat pretty much what I've written in the Vegetarian or Omnivore thread..
I eat meat because I love it, and because I need it. It's an important part of my living quality, that's why I won't give it up. I try to look a bit where the food comes that I buy however. And I don't mind vegetarians, after all humanity is eating lots of meat and the more meat we eat, the more we need to feed our living stock, the more we take away the grain from poor countries who would need it. It's true, vegetarians do take much less energy and ressources to feed :P
I avoid eating fish coming from open oceans though. I'm against overfishing, of course, but the real reason is because of the Great Garbage Patch intoxicating the fishes, a very serious topic.. I only eat lake fishes.
Concerning hunting.. It's needed for meat supply, and also for regulation of populations if they are so big that they threaten to throw out the equilibrium of the ecosystem. But I never did, I'll never do. Except if I'm alone in the wild and need food badly, but that's not going to happen.
And don't worry 'bout hobby hunters, they mostly end up shooting other hunters by mistake

9,434 posts

I can't stand people faking they like their soy steak (milk,cheese,whathever).
Soy sausages and roasted tofu tastes awesome.

Animals usually taste great.
Strongly disagree. I've only tasted meat a few times, and none of those times were to actually eat it (stray piece of pig or cow on a bought pizza, a piece of pasta that had been too close to something meaty, that sort of thing)... But it tasted absolutely horrible.

I'm pretty sure such preferences are based on what you're used to tasting.

that animal is going to die anyway, and just not buying it at a market doesn't really make a dent in anything. yes, i realize there is more than one way to get meat than the market, but if the meat is already on the shelf then the animal's already dead,and the next one will die whether you like it or not, so might as well make that animal's death useful by consuming it for your own good.
If there was less of a demand for meat (read: if fewer people bought it), less animals would be bred and thrown through the conveyer belt-ish process of mass meat production.

But if we treat them as product, acceptable.
How can you find that acceptable?

About vegetarians: Vegetable is nutritious. I also have friends who are vegetarian. But making all of the people in the word vegetarian? No. The agriculture won't be able to support us.
The two posts above pointed out the flaws in that statement. I'd just like to add a facepalm *facepalms* and that the worst consequence would be people needing to change profession.

It's needed for meat supply, and also for regulation of populations if they are so big that they threaten to throw out the equilibrium of the ecosystem.
Don't really want to start a discussion about it, but I think it's really strange how humans feel they should decide how the world works.
8,257 posts

Don't really want to start a discussion about it, but I think it's really strange how humans feel they should decide how the world works.

Agreed, it is strange, and purely humane. Ecologists still argument over this point, and even the lecture on environmental phylosophy we had one day could only tell us there is no absolute, no right or wrong. Just wanted to say this. I don't want to discuss it either, it would be pointless.
4,689 posts

Well living in wisconsin there are quite a bit of hunters around here and as most hunters either eat the kills themsleves or give it to Hunt for the Hungry nothing is wasted. Personally I enjoy meat. I also enjoy fruit vegetables and anything else because Im a proud omnivore.

3,085 posts

As long as there is a healthy balance between vegetarianism and meat-eaters then it's all good. After all, vegetarians help to reduce the number of intensive farms we have which means the overall quality of an animals life is better and therefore the meat is tastier. So, by my reckoning, more people should be vegetarians. I grew up around farms and farmers and I hate to see animals treated like a slab of meat or a bag of money. The animals have to be cared for and looked after - allowed to live a good life and then killed as humanely as possible or we're no better than the animals that (by all rights) we are.

121 posts

I have omnivorous teeth and I'll eat meat. I don't eat much meat but some. Hunting is good for the enviroment and I think it'd be fun to hunt.

145 posts

Don't really want to start a discussion about it, but I think it's really strange how humans feel they should decide how the world works.

Hey, aren't AG forumgoers humans? Aren't the government humans.
Isn't it the humans who enjoys cooking? And finally, only the humans are able to wield guns and pwn all noobs in animalia. Maybe I forgot to mention, but you, Zophia, along with other equally beloved and respected moderators in AG, are also humans.
1,017 posts

Steak and Cheeseburgers are the best! There is the food chain for a reason and we eat animals... its a fact of life.

4,206 posts

lol i saw too many movies that showed how merciless and bad meat industries are to eat 1 more bite of meat :P And yea im vegetarian.

4,206 posts

I have omnivorous teeth and I'll eat meat.

we don't really anymore. Because we cook everything before eating it. Back in the cave-man age we did have omnivore teeth.
3,817 posts

we don't really anymore. Because we cook everything before eating it. Back in the cave-man age we did have omnivore teeth.

You know those pointy shredding teeth in the front? Those are meat eating teeth. Do you know those flat crushing teeth in the back? Those are plant eating teeth. Put them together in a human mouth and you have omnivore teeth!
9,434 posts

Hey, aren't AG forumgoers humans? Aren't the government humans.
Isn't it the humans who enjoys cooking? And finally, only the humans are able to wield guns and pwn all noobs in animalia. Maybe I forgot to mention, but you, Zophia, along with other equally beloved and respected moderators in AG, are also humans.
Nice ignorance there, yo.

Note that I said humans, not mankind. Not everyone think they should be ruling the world. Most think of humans as a superior species for some reason, though.

I have absolutely no idea what your point was beyond pointing out the obvious and trying to make it seem like I hate us all or something.

Steak and Cheeseburgers are the best! There is the food chain for a reason and we eat animals... its a fact of life.
This does not address the actual topic of this thread.
145 posts

Nice ignorance there, yo.

Note that I said humans, not mankind. Not everyone think they should be ruling the world. Most think of humans as a superior species for some reason, though.

I have absolutely no idea what your point was beyond pointing out the obvious and trying to make it seem like I hate us all or something.

Ah, sorry, I DID think you hate us all for some reasons. Sorry.

But yet, we have kill any animal with ease, if adequate tools are used. With tools, we're one step (only one step, though) higher than other animals. We have control (albeit not complete) over animals. Therefore, we say it all. I don't think we would care when all of the cows disagree with our dominance and start a protest. Therefore, there's nothing wrong for us to control the fate of our fellow livestocks.
1,360 posts

Therefore, there's nothing wrong for us to control the fate of our fellow livestocks.

Only because it's been that way for so long.
Just because one species have power over another doesn't mean we should control them entirely.

Animals still feel, think, eat, breathe, sleep and basically function the same way we do.
So don't you feel we are doing the wrong thing by breeding these animals basically to be slaughtered and put on our plates?

Anyway nothing will change in the world just because of a few veggies, so I will never personally stop eating meat for a purpose which won't stop anything, not the slaughter of animals nor the consumption of them.
I still feel it's wrong though.
75 posts

I think becoming a vegetarian is perfectly practical when the person doesn't like the taste of meat or it makes them sick; or any health reason.

I don't like it when people become a vegetarian for the sake of the animals. (Although I have nothing against those people; I just don't think it necessary or logical)
For one thing, if nobody ate meat the world would be overrun with animals.
I believe that certain animals are made to provide meat or be meat. (I think that becoming a vegan is just dumb. No offense; unless, again, it is for health reasons. And if you ask why... well, I think if you thought about it for a while you'd figure it out.)
As long as the animal is killed swiftly, it does not feel pain.

I may not be active in this discussion but wanted to post that. I may add more later.

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