ForumsWEPRVegetarian, and views on hunting

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252 posts

Ok, I am a bit of a vegetarian, I don't eat a lot of meat, because I feel the way people are killing nowadays is wrong. (Plus just the scent of some meats makes me want to hurl) I support the killing of animals for survival, but not just for sport like it is now. I also think if you are going to kill, you should use as much of the animal as possible. Share your thoughts on vegetarianism? Do you support kills for sport

  • 41 Replies
3,817 posts

Ok, I am a bit of a vegetarian, I don't eat a lot of meat, because I feel the way people are killing nowadays is wrong. (Plus just the scent of some meats makes me want to hurl) I support the killing of animals for survival, but not just for sport like it is now. I also think if you are going to kill, you should use as much of the animal as possible. Share your thoughts on vegetarianism? Do you support kills for sport

The question of the day: WHY!

Vegetarians are fine, as long as they remember to get there protein from some source.

Hunting is actually beneficial to the environment. It keeps populations in check (Witch is good, since we killed most of there[deer, buffalo, and other widely hunted animals] predators), provides cheap food, and is an enjoyable way to spend a day. It can also be used for parental bonding. On a side note, it also improves your aim if you ever wish to join the army. Thus hunting is good.
9,434 posts

Am vegetarian myself. Opinions?

Hunt for sport: Idiot's game.
Hunt for food/other reasonably justified cause other than pure human amusement: Fine to just acceptable.

Livestock taken good care of (proper living conditions, real food, as unstressful of a death as possible): If you must, fine enough.
Livestock treated like products rather than living things: Dis-effing-sgusting.

Meat intended for food, raw and cooked alike: It's dead flesh. Useless and might as well be tossed away (or fed to one of the carnivores we keep as pets).
People who care about what meat they eat: Fine.
People who just want their darn steak without having to worry about were it game from: *insert swears here*

1,360 posts

I love meat, I love animals.
But I enjoy eating them more

Don't support hunting for sport but I'm not against it either, nothing I say will stop them so why dwell on it xD

252 posts

I have issues with stores, I see the meat counter and am pretty close to gagging, I can't help but think of the fear in the animal or shellfish. And I think tossing it away is wasteful, that's my other problem with meat, you see how much we have, but how much of it goes bad in the freezer and or is thrown out? It sickens me.

9,434 posts

So close to avoiding being ninja'd...

Hunting is actually beneficial to the environment. It keeps populations in check (Witch is good, since we killed most of there[deer, buffalo, and other widely hunted animals] predators)
Hunting has killed off several species over the times. Sure, some species are now moderated via hunting, but it's not automatically good.

Oh, and now that I notice...
Ok, I am a bit of a vegetarian, I don't eat a lot of meat,
You eat meat occasionally = you are not a vegetarian. You just eat very little meat.
4,005 posts

I kill for sport. However I don't waste the meat, I use it, as do most hunters. Sure, I could go to the grocer and get meat, but I enjoy the sport of hunting.

3,817 posts

Hunting has killed off several species over the times. Sure, some species are now moderated via hunting, but it's not automatically good.

True, in the past some ignoramuses with shotguns/rifles ended some species, but we are speaking of modern times, no? We have regulations now. You can just go out and say "OH LOOK! A PASSENGER PIGEON! SHOOT IT!" as it would be a protected species. You can't shoot a deer without a license. We have hunting seasons to make it easier for the species to survive. Modern hunting is beneficial. I will admit that hunting in the past kind of screwed things up, though.
252 posts

Yes, I am not a true vegetarian, but I do not support killing animals, I'm a total animal person.. Actually my family wants to attend a pig roast, but I find the idea disgusting, I don't like dead animals at all. Blech.

5,043 posts

It can also be used for parental bonding.

Wow, I have to say, I never thought of it before, but you're right. OH THE DANGEROUS GUNS BEING HANDED TO KIDS! AND WHAT ARE THEY LEARNING?! Well, they are learning gun safety, how to be resourceful, and they are bonding with a parent. I'm very glad you said that.

Now, hunting has caused problems in the past, and it's unfortunate, but many species go extinct by being over hunted by other animals as well as humans. However, it's still sad how humans have over hunted some animals to extinction.

However, today, hunting is controlled with seasons and limits.

I don't hunt anymore, I may hunt again in the future, but it's not really my thing. I have no problem with people who mount their kill, as long as the eat the rest of the meat. The head isn't really that good for anything anyway unless you enjoy eating brain, which you very well could do.
1,026 posts

Hunting for sport s just stupid.
You are throwing food away.
And I love eating meat. I can't stand people faking they like their soy steak (milk,cheese,whathever).
We are meant to eat vegetables and meat alike, that's why we have so many different theet.
Animals usually taste great. Vegetables often do it too.
And ants! And honey!

3,085 posts

Unless you intend to cook up and eat what you've killed or use it for some other equally useful purpose then hunting is wrong.

As for vegetarians? They made a personal choice and it should stay personal - you enjoyable your fresh watercress and spinach salad and I'll happily chow down on a free-range chicken leg.

252 posts

Water chestnut, now those are good. Yum. And thanks Avorne, it is a personal choice. Some people do, some don't.

22,207 posts

for the sport/fun/amusement: yes, and no. a trophy looks really good on a fireplace/place, which i think is fine if that is your kill, but just killing a lot of animals just because you want to is wrong.

for survival: its either me, or that bunny right there. it's mighty cute, but i need the food -.- . was that supposed to be a question?

using all of an animal: in a small scale, like a local market or a hunter, there just simply aren't enough customers to create a demand for certain parts. in a large scale, yes, it all should be used.

i don't see what is so wrong with eating meat. that animal is going to die anyway, and just not buying it at a market doesn't really make a dent in anything. yes, i realize there is more than one way to get meat than the market, but if the meat is already on the shelf then the animal's already dead,and the next one will die whether you like it or not, so might as well make that animal's death useful by consuming it for your own good.

145 posts

Hunting for sport: should be done in moderation, no endangered animal should be killed, no excess pain involved. Also, the meat should not be wasted. The world is in a shortage of food now.

Hunting for meat: why not? A lion hunts for meat, too. As humans have teeth for eating meat, we can eat meat.

About livestocks: They of course should be treated nicely. But if we treat them as product, acceptable. However, no disease must occur.

About vegetarians: Vegetable is nutritious. I also have friends who are vegetarian. But making all of the people in the word vegetarian? No. The agriculture won't be able to support us.

240 posts

But making all of the people in the word vegetarian? No. The agriculture won't be able to support us.

Do you know how this all works? It would be easier to support vegetarians.... =/ Takes much less energy !

By the way I am not vegetarian, and I don't want to be. My view on the OP subject is that I wouldn't mind hunting, myself.... I understand many hunters do use the meat and stuff when they hunt. And yes things like deer are overpopulated in many areas so it's kind of good. And I'm sure it's fun I have never gone though.
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