ForumsWEPRVegetarian, and views on hunting

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252 posts

Ok, I am a bit of a vegetarian, I don't eat a lot of meat, because I feel the way people are killing nowadays is wrong. (Plus just the scent of some meats makes me want to hurl) I support the killing of animals for survival, but not just for sport like it is now. I also think if you are going to kill, you should use as much of the animal as possible. Share your thoughts on vegetarianism? Do you support kills for sport

  • 41 Replies
4,005 posts

So don't you feel we are doing the wrong thing by breeding these animals basically to be slaughtered and put on our plates?

Not at all. They are a part of the food chain and as such their survival is for the benefit of their predators. If you breed cattle for food and eat them then what is the difference between them and wild cattle who will be eaten by wolves and mountain lions? The simple fact is that life exists by feeding on other life. We can either hunt them or raise them, either way we are going to eat them.
145 posts

Only because it's been that way for so long.
Just because one species have power over another doesn't mean we should control them entirely.

Animals still feel, think, eat, breathe, sleep and basically function the same way we do.
So don't you feel we are doing the wrong thing by breeding these animals basically to be slaughtered and put on our plates?

Anyway nothing will change in the world just because of a few veggies, so I will never personally stop eating meat for a purpose which won't stop anything, not the slaughter of animals nor the consumption of them.
I still feel it's wrong though.

Human is the only animal who feels pity when eating his prey. It is really a retrograde as a lion won't feel pity when it eats a sheep.
372 posts

I hunt the most loved animal of all.

The housecat.

It's an interesting catch, to be honest. Sometimes I'll just be crawling around a family's home, WHILE THEY'RE THERE, and not even bag me a single housecat. Other days though? I'll get maybe 3-4 housecats every couple hours.

844 posts

This is simular to a thread already made here

Anyways my view on hunting is that,it's completeley normal it's not any different then going to the store and buying a steak your still eating an animal that got killed.And hunting was a pretty basic thing 100nds of years ago,to eat you would have to hunt,and It's still kind of a basic thing today.Instead we take animals and put them in a slaughter house..

4,220 posts

I'm not a vegetarian. At all. Not in the slightest.

I love myself some meat, and I would like to try every edible piece of meat on the planet. Why? Because meat tastes good to me. Salad doesn't. I don't mind vegetables and fruit, in fact I quite like most of them. Just the thought of never eating meat is appalling to me.

Personally, I'd prefer that I myself kill the animal I'm eating, at least then I know where it came from, and it wasn't overly brutalized.

Which most animals aren't brutalized when they're killed. Bolt guns are highly effective, when properly maintained. The little bit about slicing their throat is only to drain it. Most of the time, they're dead, or completely incapacitated. It's a good method, and works the vast majority of the time. Will there be mishaps where they don't die? Of course. But if you do it enough, it will eventually happen.

And as for hunting, I'm all for it. On deer. And bear. And other things that aren't staring extinction in the eye.

Especially deer. Go out and blow them away. They need to hunt them a bit more. They're getting overpopulated.
As a story to why cows do not always die instantly: I remember a story my dad told me, a while back. He grew up on a farm, with a huge family. They often had to kill animals, for some meat on the dinner table. Well, every now and again, they would take them to wherever they kill them, and they'd shoot them with a shotgun, right in the head. Most of the time they died, sometimes, didn't work so well. Occasionally it would take up to five shots (with a 12 gauge, so this isn't a little gun) to make the cow flop over.

No matter how many time they kill stuff, they won't always die.

3,880 posts

I know where it came from, and it wasn't overly brutalized.

Why does it matter if it was whether your eating it or not?
366 posts

BUT THE BACON!! nah ill try to be a little more practicle. someone mention this, so im going to say, humans are the greatest thing on earth. if i saw cows with guns and tv and space travel i might think about it a little more. as with breeding to kill ( cattle rancher ) thats just because we figured its smarter,safer,and we can control it so we dont kill to many. ( and yay dairy )

5,860 posts

Arguement for normal omnivore humans
The animals were made to eat each other, and we were made to eat them. You know plants are alive too. So all the people who are vegeterian because they don't eat food that was alive, are prejudice.

Argument for the vegeterians:

9,434 posts

I'm not sure whether to be sad or amused about the way everyone's opinion seem to sway from "we are different from the animals (because of our thinking capabilities/because we have a soul/whatever reason both religious and nonreligious people come up with) to "we are just another animal that eats meat, we can kill as many as we want for food".


Why does it matter if it was whether your eating it or not?
Sympathy. Some people have it for ones who aren't humans too.
815 posts

I agree with Zohpia at the end of the day it comes down that its a dog eat dog world. Yes we are animals and were are the dominatnt aniamls does that make us better, hell yeah, does that mean we can do what we want and kill what we want, hell yeah. We earned our spot at the top.

9,434 posts

That is NOT agreeing with me. At all.

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