ForumsWEPRAbortion: Right or Wrong?

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75 posts

This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!

  • 637 Replies
116 posts

A sleeping person is thinking fully. By this logic, sperm is also a baby and condemns are wrong and you must have sex every day or you kill off millions of potential babies. Males make thousands of sperm a day, each with the potential of becoming a baby. Using this logic, if we do not have sex every day then we just murdered.

Once an egg and a sperm are joined then it is wrong to kill it. I dont care about sperm dying you're just twisting my words to make thtem sound foolish.
3,085 posts

Pfft - you're a Christian, right? Then why does your God kill millions of fertilized eggs every day?

34 posts

In some cercumstances i believe that abortion is right for example
A 15 year old having child wouldnt be able to support the child since she would be still in school. even though she should have had the morning after pill or protection. In them cases i believe that its ok.
But for adults your old enough to make the decision before you have the baby if you want to keep it not want to get rid of it half way through. I also think that its fine to have an abortion due to medical conditions what ever they may be. Thats just my opinion though.

20 posts

i agree with yazoo!
Good poit.

3,817 posts

Once an egg and a sperm are joined then it is wrong to kill it. I dont care about sperm dying you're just twisting my words to make thtem sound foolish.

Your words are foolish enough on there own merits.. I understand misspellings more than the next guy, but come on, misspelling "them"?

Why is it wrong to kill once the sperm and the egg are joined? Does this mean that miscarriage is wrong? Does that mean the thousands of sperm that attach to an egg but don't make it is murder?

What about rape and broken condemns? I doubt anyone would want to raise there rapist's baby, and the adoption centers are crowded. What about unexpected things? Like having a baby when the husband gets seriously injured and the parent's can't afford to raise it? What if said family has a number of children already?(Referring to the family with the unexpected injury or other form of disaster)? Thousands of fetuses are aborted every year. Orphanages are already over crowded.
4,871 posts

Does this mean that miscarriage is wrong? Does that mean the thousands of sperm that attach to an egg but don't make it is murder?

Both of these circumstances are natural, abortion is not.

What about **** and broken condemns?

That's why you put the condom on right, pull out, and use birth control. If you still get pregnant it's your own fault, I'll give you all the help you need or want but you still have to own up to your child.

and the adoption centers are crowded.

Build more, it's a worthy pursuit and I doubt it would be hailed as a "waste of tax payers money" unless you happen upon a tea bagger.
3,085 posts

Both of these circumstances are natural, abortion is not.

Really? Several medical conditions can cause the body to mistake the embryo or foetus for a foreign body and eject it immediately.

That's why you put the condom on right, pull out, and use birth control. If you still get pregnant it's your own fault, I'll give you all the help you need or want but you still have to own up to your child.

Pfft, Condoms can break, the pull-out method is stupid and birth control doesn't always work properly as it relies on hormones. It isn't your own fault if you took precautions and so why should your life be ruined because of bad luck. Who cares about one foetus? Abort it and use it for stem cells. Or play punt the foetus, it's all the same really.
9,462 posts

Both of these circumstances are natural, abortion is not.

By definition a miscarriage is an abortion.

That's why you put the condom on right, pull out, and use birth control.

The pull out method simply does not work. As for broken condoms there sometimes is no helping it. Unless you want to promote abstinence only which also has proven faulty up against human nature there is no 100% guarantee.
4,871 posts

Really? Several medical conditions can cause the body to mistake the embryo or foetus for a foreign body and eject it immediately.

Sorry, perhaps you missed the fact that we're debating artificially induced abortion so I'll make it a tad more clear. Abortion induced artificially isn't natural so the comparisons are moot.

Pfft, Condoms can break, the pull-out method is stupid and birth control doesn't always work properly as it relies on hormones. It isn't your own fault if you took precautions and so why should your life be ruined because of bad luck.

Bad luck? Perhaps you shouldn't have had sex if you weren't ready for a child in the first place? Just a thought.

Who cares about one foetus?

Who cares about one baby? Who cares about one teenager? Who cares about one homeless person?

Or play punt the foetus, it's all the same really.

Ever stopped to read what you've written?

Unless you want to promote abstinence only which also has proven faulty up against human nature there is no 100% guarantee.

I only promote abstinence if the couple isn't able to raise a child, or give that child up for adoption.
3,085 posts

Look - undeniable fact here. Sex feels good, it's healthy and a good way for a couple to bond. Stop demonizing sex and start promoting better birth control.

A foetus isn't an independent, living being and therefore doesn't have the same rights as a baby, child or adult.

I read what I posted and while harsh I stand by it.

Abstinence doesn't work at all. Ever. Stop promoting it you douchebag, OK? It's people like you that hold back real sex ed and promotion of birth control.

4,871 posts

Look - undeniable fact here. Sex feels good, it's healthy and a good way for a couple to bond. Stop demonizing sex and start promoting better birth control.

Where the hell did I say it was wrong? I'm not an idiot, conservative, or Christian I simply don't understand why you would actively pursue sex if you can't even spend nine moths of your life to have the child and then give it away for adoption.

A foetus isn't an independent, living being and therefore doesn't have the same rights as a baby, child or adult.

I disagree, again the debate comes down to two things. When do you believe life starts and do you give the rights to women or the unborn life.

Abstinence doesn't work at all. Ever. Stop promoting it you douchebag, OK? It's people like you that hold back real sex ed and promotion of birth control.

Hi, I have absolutely no self control and terrible parents so I'm just going to fuck my brains out and then kill the child I created from my carelessness.

I think you misunderstand what I'm saying; own up to your mistakes and there aren't any problems. I'm for reform in sex education and I'm for birth control.
5,001 posts

Avorne, I like where you are going, but I do have to ask if you are using your terms correctly.

Are you sure you are speaking of a fetus and not an embryo?

3,085 posts

Oh you're right - sorry. I got the two mixed up and I apologize (Thanks for pointing that out Asherlee). I meant to say embryo and I once again apologize to the thread at large for the mistake which may end up causing some unnecessary debating about the wrong thing altogether.

9,462 posts

I simply don't understand why you would actively pursue sex if you can't even spend nine moths of your life to have the child and then give it away for adoption.

Sex isn't just about having children.

Hi, I have absolutely no self control and terrible parents so I'm just going to **** my brains out and then kill the child I created from my carelessness.

I think you misunderstand what I'm saying; own up to your mistakes and there aren't any problems. I'm for reform in sex education and I'm for birth control.

So a child should be brought into this world where he is not wanted? Giving the kid up for adoption really doesn't always solve this issue.
3,085 posts

And the simple fact is that adoption centres are overcrowded at the minute because only a few people consider adopting a child a viable option. Perhaps if you opened up adoption to gay couples in the same way it is open for straight ones then more people would adopt.

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