ForumsWEPRAbortion: Right or Wrong?

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75 posts

This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!

  • 637 Replies
3,085 posts

It isn't a choice that most women take lightly - there are some that are blasé about abortion but those are only a minority - that the media tends to blow out of all proportion.

5,001 posts

Some of the the quotes you've responded to are extremely out of context...

53 posts

sometimes abortion is better than what the kid might grow up having to deal with. just throwing my 2 cents in here.

8,256 posts

Bogus. Any sort of killing of another human being is wrong, except for execution, which isn't murder anyway..

It's an opinion, I think it is murder, but acceptable one in certain circumstances.

If you think about it, there is, but since you don't know what that fate is it doesn't appear to be there. That doesn't mean fate doesn't exist.

Fate? Silly.. in the worst case there's determinism, sure, but since noone will ever know it I don't think this is a supporting argument, not for any of both points.

It is actually pretty dang obvious. Preventing life from being where life should be just because a parent is foolish and irresponsible is pretty retarded.

Life should be nowhere. Life happens, or it does not. It doesn't even care. Not a good point

It's still the unnecessary killing of life, sentient or not it doesn't matter. They still feel pain and react to it.

Did you know that you are a mass murderer, like any of us?

Speculations, sure, but irrelevant, no. This thread is all about opinions and possibilities, so what ifs are perfectly OK. And by the way, they can also be called examples.

IMO forcing a woman to unwanted pregnancy just because of "what if's" is a crime. Sure, responsibility is important, but the heck, noone is perfect! And there are other ways to handle irresponsibility than to carry a child to term that will probably have a poor unwanted child's life, or experience dire poverty. Remember, "what if?".

Sure, if you're talking about a foolish mother who got impregnated on accident. However, without pregnancy there would be no human race. Pregnancy is both a problem and a solution.

It's a solution if you really want it. It is a problem it you don't want it. Simple as that.

[quote]abortion can be a solution

Again, for a foolish mom. [/quote]
Yeah, so you've never been young and irresponsible? Shit happens even to the best, forced pregnancy is too hard a reminder.

And I'll repeat what I've already said: we can't support the number of children that we would have if we abolish abortion. Think about the future of mankind, not of one single baby. Children are a major cause of poverty, and overpopulation an increasing problem.
Never heard of population regulation? If an ecosystem cannot support the fauna anymore, the fauna dies.
600 posts

Bogus. Any sort of killing of another human being is wrong, except for execution, which isn't murder anyway..

Double standards.(see 3rd answer from the bottom and await hypocrisy)

You sorta just proved my point. :P
I never said they can't become evil if they aren't aborted, just that it's possible they could become important to history.

So, your point is that "what ifs" are irrelevent, but still decided to bring them up anyway?

It is actually pretty dang obvious. Preventing life from being where life should be just because a parent is foolish and irresponsible is pretty retarded.

Evidently, its not obviously wrong if its argued over so much.
Also, I assume you will support a law to criminalize masturbation?

It's still the unnecessary killing of life, sentient or not it doesn't matter. They still feel pain and react to it.

Killing of all animals is unnecessary, and sentient means perception by senses so while they still recieve signals, they do not feel pain.

Now that was just downright retarded.

So are many things you say, but I am civil enough to retort it instead of insult it.

So just because humans aren't endangered we can kill each other? That statement makes you sound like a terrorist.

Then you have a skewed view of terrorist. Also I never said it was ok to kill humans, you said people say killing bald eagles and elephants is wrong and I explained some reasoning behind it.

And there is nothing to suggest we didn't. Therefore, it's not for us to judge.

Therefore its also irrelevent in decisions until we have reason to consider it.

Wow dude. Wow. The dream world and reality are so unrelated to this discussion that that statement is laughable.

Whats laughable is you dont seem to understand that a wet dream prevents life, just as abortions.

Speculations, sure, but irrelevant, no. This thread is all about opinions and possibilities, so what ifs are perfectly OK. And by the way, they can also be called examples.

This is not a philosophy thread, speculations without reasons are in fact irrelevant.

Sure, if you're talking about a foolish mother who got impregnated on accident. However, without pregnancy there would be no human race. Pregnancy is both a problem and a solution.

A solution to a problem we are not facing, and I doubt people are looking for a solution to this solution, they are looking for a solution to their problem.

Again, for a foolish mom.

Being foolish does not mean you should not seek the solution.

A good answer; but eggs will be chickens and pinecones will be trees... however, whether an embryo will survive to see the day it "becomes human" is up to the... oh wait, it's up to the foolish mom. :P

might possibly become...
Hydrogen can become helium, but its not helium.

And yes it is killing, and therefore murder, which is illegal, besides this one rare case.

Executions are killing, and therefore murder.

Like I said, prevention of life is the same as taking it

No its not.

just as preventing a disease has the same effect as curing it.

Minus the permenant and short term effects.
810 posts

I can see this discussion still lives on...

12 posts

It is my personal opinion for pro-choice, why? The argument for pro-life falls short of: "Why do you care?". And the automated response is: "Because it's saving a life." I'll state it this way:

1.) No, it's not saving a life for the un-born baby isn't living yet, it's just alive. Would you keep someone attached to a machine that keeps them alive if they're a vegetable?

2.) If someone who, through obvious mis-action, got pregnant at 16. I think they should have the choice to not go through the shame of being pregnant in high school. That, though, is disputable.

3.) In a world that's overpopulated and is becoming more so, what good does fighting for the lives the unborn children do? Think this way: if 1 out of every two Americans are pro-life. They're baby will be kept. The other half's wont.

My final point is, if it doesn't directly effect you, why make it your problem? It's a waste of time, resource, and passion.

135 posts

Abortion is wrong
it is murder

3,085 posts

Abortion under certain circumstances is the lesser of two evils - that makes it no more right but a lot less wrong. It isn't murder but it is the ending of life in potentia.

5,061 posts


An embryo is a group of cells, much like any in your body. As far as my knowledge extends it is not not self aware, this means that theoretically it is no different from a tumor that is removed from the body. This is a large group of cells, by your point of view the removal of a tumor from the body could also be considered murder. Does that mean that we're to allow people to die from cancer?

1,133 posts

An embryo is a group of cells, much like any in your body. As far as my knowledge extends it is not not self aware, this means that theoretically it is no different from a tumor that is removed from the body. This is a large group of cells, by your point of view the removal of a tumor from the body could also be considered murder. Does that mean that we're to allow people to die from cancer?

I think you failed to see the difference between the two. A tumor cannot become a human.
2,226 posts

I think that if the woman was raped and/or the birth carries a large risk to the mother, an abortion should be done as long as the baby is still a few cells. I still don't like it, though.

1,133 posts

I think that if the woman was ***** and/or the birth carries a large risk to the mother, an abortion should be done as long as the baby is still a few cells. I still don't like it, though.

If it is a risk to the mother then I suppose I am a little sympathetic.
8,256 posts

I think that if the woman was ***** and/or the birth carries a large risk to the mother, an abortion should be done as long as the baby is still a few cells. I still don't like it, though.

You don't have to like it. It is not per se a good thing. Just look at what Avorne wrote three posts above.
5,061 posts

Possibility of life isn't life it's self, an embryo has the ability to become sentient but by isn't sentinent.

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