This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!
Oh and killing adults is wrong as well dude yet the governments around the world are happy to " legally" do it.
Abortion wise, are we talking about our just the United States, just Great Britain......or are we talking about the whole world? I know that not everyone on Armor Games is American, so I was wondering what people's goal was; world - wide, or more locally allowing or banning abortion?
I kinda hope we mean the whole world. I usually talk in the context of the earth but its hard not to think of it from the country I spend ALL my time in.
It's always been my opinion that if you're male, you shouldn't have a say in whether or not a woman should be allowed to get an abortion. I don't have a uterus and I don't think I should be able to tell a woman how to use hers.
But then people ask me, 'What if its yours? Would you kill your own child?' My answer to that is if I was irresponsible enough to have unprotected sex or something along those lines then I give up my right to try and influence a woman's choice in something so life changing or dangerous. But if we were married and I happened to marry a psycho who wanted to abort it to spite me, after we talked about having a kid, that's the only time I would consider trying to stop the abortion of a fetus I was responsible for. But let's face it, what are the odds my luck is that bad? This factors more into the argument where a state outlaws abortion rather than the moral ramifications or how late in the term it is. I do think that late term abortions are pretty messed up.
In my world, its not alive till it takes its first breath.
Please don't necro a thread. And I agree with you in this however once it reaches the third trimester I consider it a bad to abort other than serious medical reasons.
And I agree with you in this however once it reaches the third trimester I consider it a bad to abort other than serious medical reasons.
Our laws are quite ok in this aspect.. abortion is legal up to the 12th week, after that only with a medical agreement (meaning there must be a really good reason).
I saw a long post on facebook by a company about abortion, and it was quite moving somehow. Abortion is wrong.
Many things are wrong. I don't necessarily consider abortion as one of those, depending on the circumstances. In some cases it is the more sensible thing to do.
ill just say it this way you brought the baby into life there are better ways to do it like adoption no need to kill the unborn baby and if you didint want it why make it in the first place