ForumsWEPRAbortion: Right or Wrong?

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75 posts

This topic is based upon your personal opinion on whether abortion is wrong or right. I personally believe that it is wrong, and have many reasons for it. You may challenge me if you wish, but please make sense!

  • 637 Replies
508 posts

Also, Walker, if you say that WE are forcing OUR opinion on others, that means YOU are forcing YOUR opinion on US.
Or is there a difference?

It really comes down to the fact that Abortion is a personal decision, influenced by personal beliefs and opinions. By being pro-choice, I leave the decision up to the woman. She can decide whether abortion is immoral on her own terms.

However, by being pro-life you state that no woman, no matter what her opinion may be, can have an abortion. No exceptions. By this you can affect the life of someone else without their consent.
75 posts

It really comes down to the fact that Abortion is a personal decision, influenced by personal beliefs and opinions. By being pro-choice, I leave the decision up to the woman. She can decide whether abortion is immoral on her own terms.

Saying that yourself is forcing your opinion on me. xD How is it any different from ME forcing my opinion on you? Just trying to contradict that point because it annoys me so much when people say it.
4,005 posts

Saying that yourself is forcing your opinion on me. xD How is it any different from ME forcing my opinion on you? Just trying to contradict that point because it annoys me so much when people say it.

Let me put it in simple black and white terms for you.

Position 1: Wants to outlaw abortion because they feel it is immoral, thus using their morals to affect the lives of everyone under the law.

Position 2: Wants it to be a choice left to the woman, thus allowing everyone under the law to make their own choices.

Which side is forcing their ideals on others? (Other than the ideal of freedom to make your own choices)

Let me put it this way: The majority thinks that religion is immoral and moves to ban it completely.

The minority thinks that religion should be a personal choice and they should be free to choose.

Which is oppressive? Same argument, only we substitute religion for abortion. Wouldn't like it if your choices were dictated by law would you?
508 posts

Saying that yourself is forcing your opinion on me. xD How is it any different from ME forcing my opinion on you? Just trying to contradict that point because it annoys me so much when people say it.

I don't think you quite grasp what forcing ones ideals on someone else means. By stating that I'm pro-choice, I'm not forcing you to do anything. I'm presenting an idea. Likewise, when you claim that Abortion should be illegal, you are merely stating your position.

Should your position be made the law, you would be pressing your ideals upon others. They would have no choice but to conform to what you believe. Assuming my position were the basis of abortion, I wouldn't be forcing anyone to do anything, except perhaps choose for themselves.
145 posts

If abortion is outlawed, things will go like this:

Scenario one:
Jane lives in a poor community. She, her friends and her relatives are very poor.
One day, Jane is raped by someone. She get pregnant.
Abortion is not allowed, so the child is born.
Jane doesn't have the money and knowledge to look after the child, so the child get seriously health problems.
The child is sent to hospital and the disease is cured. But the child's health is severed permanently.
Jane realizes that she can't keep the child, so the child was sent to orphanage.
From now on, the child doesn't have a mother nor father.

Scenario 2:
Jack and Nancy is a couple. Jack works hard in a company.
The salary is enough for the two, but not for a child more.
Yet, Jack doesn't want to miss out his weekly sex, so he wear a condom every time, and Nancy takes contraceptive pills.
However, by a very slight chance, Nancy get pregnant.
Because of the child, Jack works doubly hard, and the money is nearly not enough.
As Jack works very hard, the child doesn't see his father often.
And for economical reasons, now Nancy has to work, too.
Now, guess how well is the child treated?

Scenario 3:
Mark and Helen is already in their late 20s. They are economically and mentally ready for a child.
So they go for it.
But the child gets Down Syndrome, along with 2 other diseases.
Yes, they have the money for a normal child, but not for a child with defects.

Scenario 4:
Crystal's family is quite wealthy.
One day, Crystal is raped by somebody who won't take the responsibility, and she gets pregnant.
So far so good, right? Crystal has the money to raise a child.
But the problem is, she is only 14.

676 posts

scenario 3 is cruel. Thats just killing the child because it isn't good enough for them. That is going to happen.

scenario 2 is easily prevented. have sex less and there'll be a less chance.

I don't see a problem in scenario 4. Take care of it

why didn't Jane put the baby up for adoption if she didn't know how to take of it

9,434 posts

Imma gonna completely ignore the currently active discussionings just to rant this:

16 year old girl. Is a month pregnant. Was sorta wanting the child for a while, her and her boyfriend then decided that nah, not a good time, what with the age and the not having an education yet.
So abortion.
I cannot get over how casually she seemed to take it. Like &quotregnant" is just some sort of status akin to "hungry" or "tired", and like you can eat or sleep, you can just go have an abortion if you don't wanna be it anymore.

I do not understand how she can act so casually about it.

To be fair, though, I don't know if she takes it so casually when talking about it with people she knows better and trusts more than a classmate she met last week, but... Baffled Zoph here.

I don't think abortion is inherently wrong, but... Yeah.

42 posts

Just to put this out there. People are debating, which is great, go for it. But don't think, whatever you position is, that having an abortion is easy. Don't think anyone takes it casually; it is the hardest decision a woman could ever make.

Luckily, I haven't been in the position of making this decision but two of my friends have. One was raped by her ex-boyfriend and got pregnant and the other one was fifteen. The latter girl came from a very religious family who didn't tell her anything about sex and she could never go to them to talk about this.

They both had abortions.
Neither regrets it, because neither of them could have put their baby on this earth. Yet, both of them think about the babies everyday day.

So, don't talk about abortion as if it's the easiest decision to make and call them selfish. I think they thought about their babies' lives more than people who put a child on this earth without means to take care of them.

P.S.: I'm pro-choice AND pro-life. They don't rule each other out. I love life, but I also believe in having the choice. If you don't believe in abortions: don't have them! But don't take away the rights from others who might need the choice.

1,258 posts

Another thread questioning our morals!!yay!!!
Anyways religious wise, its wrong.
Moral wise, I still think its wrong, but my opinion may be biased, seeing as to I am already partly influenced by my religion. But yes I agree with Zoph people are way to casual about abortions. :'(

3,085 posts

Your own God kills more foetuses than abortions do and so I don't see why you're being so upset. Abortion is the lesser of two evils in many cases - and in the cases that it isn't then I suppose that morally it is wrong but it's still the body of the woman and not mine - I can't comment on her choices.

9,434 posts

I'm not sure it's people in general. Like Femm said, some do (and should!) consider it a rather huge decision to make.

Some... Don't. I can't understand it, I've tried, I just can't. ._.

3,085 posts

Some people use the fact that the foetus is only potential life as a barrier to shield them from any sense of moral wrongdoing - that's how they can be so cold and detached from the decision Zoph.

1,258 posts

You've tried?
@Avorne that's totally true, but I think my religion says that God is supposed to be in charge of life and death. Idk. I have to read my bible...

9,434 posts

You've tried?
If that was at me, I've tried to understand the lax attitude. Fortunately never had to try getting an abortion.

Some people use the fact that the foetus is only potential life as a barrier to shield them from any sense of moral wrongdoing - that's how they can be so cold and detached from the decision Zoph.
This... Might make sense. Still really having trouble understanding it, though, but I can see how the - logic might work.
3,085 posts

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

Also - Exodus 21:22 states that:
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

Which would suggest that the 'life' of the foetus is considered less important than that of the woman.

Zoph - people are very good at trying to justify their actions by twisting logic into a strangle hold and kicking it in the 'nads til it agrees with them.

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