ForumsSupport ForumModerators & Merits

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This is a compilation of an introduction to the moderators, answering questions on how to become a moderator, and what our merit standards are.


1. The Moderation Team
2. Want to be a Mod? Want Merits?
3. Our Merit Standards
4. Our Moderator Standards


The Moderation Team

Questions can normally be answered through the Help page, so if you have a general site question, please make sure to look there first.

The Moderators on Armor Games make sure that users are following the Rules and Regulations, and help enforce these rules. You may see them around the site, answering users questions and taking care of SPAM. Moderator comments show up in blue in the forums, so it is easier to tell when a moderator is responding on a topic. All site moderators and administrators can be viewed on the About page.

Without further ado, here is a list of the most current Moderators:

Armor Games also has a Community Manager, who acts with the Moderators to help improve the community:

Much thanks to all of the Moderators that help keep the site clean of spam and abuse!


Want to be a Moderator? Want Merits?


We love that you love Armor Games enough to try to become a moderator or that you want extra points for writing a great review but we will not make you a moderator or give you a merit if you ask.


Because we choose our moderators by selecting members of the community who are responsible, mature, and contribute in great ways to the site. We watch in our own eyes and suggest to each other who should become the next mod. If you say to us "hey, I want to be a mod!" you are hurting this process because we want to choose based on qualities of users we need... leadership, responsibility, maturity, respect, and dedication to make the site awesome. Saying "I should be mod!" makes us think twice... mod material comes from people who SHOW US they can be a mod, not ASK US.

So don't:
Ask a mod to make you a moderator on the site.
Ask an admin to make you a moderator on the site.
Suggest a user to become a moderator on the site.

As for merits, we don't want you shoving your merits in our faces. We have quite a few people scouring the site looking for awesome comments to merit so if you wrote something good most likely it will be found. If it isn't found, that isn't to say you didn't do something great for the site. People who write lots of good comments end up becoming mods as well, so maybe you won't get the merit but you might get something even better!

So help the site by being good Armor Games users, but let us choose the next mods and merits on our own accord.


(Thanks to John for this section)

Merit Standards

We have been getting a lot of complaints lately about people not getting merits for their comments. This is not necessarily because we have not seen them, but because we have heightened our standards of what constitutes a merit worthy comment. We have put our standards into some guidelines, so that you guys can see what we look for in a merit:

1) Perfect or near perfect grammar. Remember to use capitalization and proper spelling.
2) Structured. Try to give some flow and structure to what you are writing. Don't just jump around from topic to topic.
3) Comprehensive, and with unique insight into the game that we somehow deem to be valuable.
4) Coherent. A lot of reviews that follow the recommended template become an exercise unto itself i.e. they don't really make sense when you actually read them. They sometimes even contradict themselves. These sort of comments don't get merits. Just because it is long, does not mean it will get a merit. It has to make sense too.
5) Contains constructive criticism of the game. Tell us the changes that you would make to the game, and why. What do you approve of? What don't you like?
6) Do not ask for a merit. Chances are, if you have to ask for a merit, you will not get one. It highly reduces your chances of receiving one, and makes us sad every time you ask

For further hints and tips, check out the N&N and Greg Merit Guide. But remember to always follow the guidelines listed above.


Moderator Standards

"If you would like to become a moderator, you first need to show that you are responsible on the site; show a good posting record and maturity and you may be granted these exclusive rights! We will usually hand pick moderators, but if you feel you have what it take, contact us on the Contact page... we are really, really picky though!" -Courtesy of the Help page.

Now here are some of this things we look for in moderators:

1) Responsibility. Potential moderators must be responsible, mature, honest, and trustworthy. There is not a specific age requirement, but maturity is a big aspect of moderation. This is why we do tend to choose members who are older.
2) Good posting record. We look for members who have a good posting record. This means they have an adequate amount of forum posts, game reviews, and merits. We look for people who post clearly and intelligently with very few spelling or grammatical errors. We will never choose someone who spams any of their writing for points. We look for people who post comments to help improve the site, instead of just posting for points.
3) Helpful. Potential moderators are members who are very helpful and courteous to other members of the community. They answer questions for other members when possible with a friendly attitude. They are active and constructive with suggestions and support. Moderators have a genuine interest in helping improve the community.
4) Activity. We only ask members who are moderately to very active on the site. This helps us ensure that they will be accessible to members of the community, and be around to help enforce the rules of the site.

If you would like to be a moderator, please do not ask a moderator or administrator directly. Chances are, if you have to ask to be a moderator, you probably should not be one. We normally hand pick moderators, and none of the moderators that we currently have were chosen because they asked for it. We don't really go by the 'Ask and you shall receive policy.'

Original post by Carlie
Last updated by Gantic

  • 70 Replies
1 posts

mods are proably use ful ut they cant be buddy buddy with alot of people or they could help them out by givein them alot of merits but then agian mods are helping our ap by us gettin merits so their is ups and downs

2 posts

thanks for the information this really helps

9,504 posts


I see how you would think that. Mods have to work beyond their friendships and have to deliver objective judgment, no matter what bias. At least I hope so! :S If any mod was caught giving merits to users because of questionable actions, that would be quite a scandal.

But really, they are just users like us, just trustworthy enough to have a few perks added in.

1 posts

Without wanting to sound cruel to the people that will inevitably post in this thread asking 'can I haz mod powahz nao?!1':
Perhaps you could better utilize your time and effort PROVING yourself worthy of responsibilities such as those held by Moderators - not that being a Moderator is just a bucket-load of fun (So... Much... Worrrkkk). Be the best contributor you can be and work to improve yourself and the site as a whole by making meaningful and useful posts and reviews and reporting the pointless, one word reviews that breed like Spamoeba. Even if you don't get picked to be a Mod, you should still adhere to the high-standards because only by working as a whole can we hope to make ArmorGames better than Kongre- I mean... The best site it can be. Each of us has a role to play - The coders, the admins, the mods and the players each help to keep the site turning over smoothly. I've rather forgotten what I was saying at the start of this and I can't be bothered scrolling back up so... Erm... That's

9,504 posts

That's very nice. Who are you again? I haven't seen you around before. How would you know what the present standards are? Of course you probably read the OP....but you must have had some experience with forums before...haven't you?

9,504 posts

A man gets good fame by focusing on the path in front of him, but dies when focusing on the big picture -- Anonymous (no, not that fellow on 4chan, the author with no name!)

3 posts

i was oping to get some point for completing a game.. but its really sad that we wont get any pt for that

4,005 posts

i was oping to get some point for completing a game.. but its really sad that we wont get any pt for that

That's because we at AG reward those who are adding to the community and the site as a whole instead of simply rewarding people for being here. Of course we are here to play games, that's what the site is about. But what keeps the site fun is the community and by adding to the community, or helping the developers make better games through well thought out critiques. That's why members are rewarded for these actions, not simply showing up and playing games.
560 posts

I never knew that anyone could be a mod. I thought it was just game producers etc. thanks a lot!

5,845 posts

*Cheer goes up for Mr Walker*

4,005 posts

Wow... I have a whole new respect for the moderators that take the time to look through the game comments for merits and to clean up spam. That's all I've been doing for the past several hours and so far I've deleted over 40 full pages of comments and found nothing even close to worthy of a merit... now that my carpal tunnel is flaring up I'm going AFK for a while...

3,085 posts

Sounds like... fun, Walker. I don't envy you having to clean up spam - still, put a brave face on it and hope for the best, eh? There might be some gold in amongst the sh- dung.

13,657 posts

Sounds like... fun, Walker. I don't envy you having to clean up spam - still, put a brave face on it and hope for the best, eh? There might be some gold in amongst the sh- dung.

Nope Because hardly anyone actually write out a comment longer than two sentences!
And a lot of people whine about not getting merits so much that they don't actually write anything that could be
It is shdung most of it!

It says a lot f you have gone through 30ish pages, and you are done with deleting the spam... And you have 5 pages left. It was a good day if you also awarded a merit.
5,001 posts

I probably sift through 60 pages total when I am spam hunting. And rarely do I find a merit comment as well. However, I did award one yesterday.

3,085 posts

Man... this sounds horrific. It's a shame they can't have a set of moderators for the main page and set a few aside for the forums - On the bright side... Erm... At least your hands are getting exercise?

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