The Modern Church of Satan is an independent organization outside of the original Church of Satan formed by Anton LaVey. They claim to be a Satanic organization that is set up and able to survive in the "modern" world. What do you think of them, and if you are a Satanist (whether "LaVeyan", "Spiritual", or anything else) how do you think this could affect other Satanic organizations?
The Modern Church of Satan Website:
"Modern Satanism VS. Post Modern Satanism" by SatanicInternational
From what I've seen/heard, Satanism is really more of a joke/punchinthefacetoChristians. They don't really worship Satan, their message is that everything here is for our pleasure, so do whatever the hell you want. Satanists tend to be atheists who treat real religion as a huge joke.
From what I've seen/heard, Satanism is really more of a joke/punchinthefacetoChristians. They don't really worship Satan, their message is that everything here is for our pleasure, so do whatever the hell you want. Satanists tend to be atheists who treat real religion as a huge joke.
I find it kind of funny that one of the icons of the site is an inverted cross. Isn't an inverted cross actually a symbol of humility and unworthiness before Christ? I always lol when I see it on "anti-Christian" sites and stuff, when actually it's another pro-Christian symbol. I'm thinking that it's just a slap in the face to Christians. These people probably aren't really Satanists(I'm thinking either teenage Christians or Mormons, or atheists). But to be fair, if they actually worship Satan, why not? I mean, according to the Bible he got in trouble because he disobeyed God, and was sent down to rule Hell, and again, according to the Bible he caused Eve to eat an apple from the tree in the Garden of Eden. That's it. But it was God who stripped humanity of perfection and stuff, and punished them for millenia(still counting) because somebody ate something they weren't supposed to. Lucifer's not so bad by comparison. Not that either of them exist, but seeing the Christians and the true-blue Satanists fight would be awesome. I'd pay to see that right there.
They don't really worship Satan, their message is that everything here is for our pleasure, so do whatever the hell you want. Satanists tend to be atheists who treat real religion as a huge joke.
When I first started looking around at colleges that would suit my study that I want to be a professional at, I knew I should visits the dorms or quarters or whatever you would like to call them. Upon further inspection, people these days (not just rebellious college students) seeing as we live in a new era, are more open to things we wouldn't have been open too if it was fifty years earlier. You probably haven't met any of them but there ARE people in the United States and around the world that believe worshiping Satan is just. They have their own reasons and different sects and don't like Christianity yes, but they are I guess...a legitimate religion (not based on fact mind you) and they don't goof around.
Personally I think generalizing someone who's narcissistic and conceited as Satanist is kind of lame. I think the Satanist like Levey and Peter Gilmore are the ones who should be called Satanists and not overall conceited people xD
Let people worship who they want. If people are allowed to worship virtually anybody else, why can't they worship this evil super villain? If you think about it from an atheist perspective, it's really not too far off from worshipping Lex Luther or Lord Voldemort.
As far as I see it, if there is a god, he's responsible for both heaven and hell. So which ever version your worshiping, it's going to be the same guy.