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ForumsThe Taverntheories for going FASTER than the speed of light

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639 posts

i know a few and don't really feel like posting them, but what have you heard....ok fine ill say the general idea of them i've heard two-first-wormholes eg. folding space and punching a hole in the two sides. second-i don't remember it completely, but it is based on the fact that space can expand faster than the speed of light.

  • 41 Replies
179 posts

i forget if it was dark energy or dark matter. use one while ur going 99.9% speed.

1,766 posts

Well. I was watching the science channel or maybe the discovery channel and they were talking about time travelling and stuff having to do with the S.O.L. And there was this one part that I heard that there is a particle testing lab somewhere in the US where there are particles that can go light speed for a fraction of a second. I forgot what the particles are called, tell me if you find out?
Also, even thought what I'm about to link you to hasn't been proven, you should just go check it out.

815 posts

They travel so fast that they travel backwards. Its a very interesting subject but your going to get laughed at alot.

723 posts

Nothing can go Faster than the speed of light because The speed of light the universal speed limit. Light has not mass so it does not get heavier when it travels so the fact that it has no mass means that there is no drag and it will just kepp retaining that same speed. Anything that goes faster that the speed of light will either implode or die because of the pressure. Anything with mass gets heavier when it goes travels fast.

1 posts

I think a rethinking of propulsulsion systems is in order here, but we have to do it one step at a time, I have just picked up a book on the Physics of Electric Propulsion and althought the most promising report on a system of that kind is attaining a speed in the neighborhood of a little bit faster than 190,000 miles per hour which maintains that we could get to Mars in a little over a month compared to chemical propulsion rockets which would take up to 6 months to get there. even at 190,000 mph that is only about 1/3500 the speed of light, which means we still have a a ways to go yet but it is a step in the right direction I think investigation into electrical and magentic and even antimatter or superconductor applications is in order here maybe within the next couple of generations these speeds may be attainable, also I think we have to think beyond light speed because when you look at the vastness of space light speed would be a snails pace comparitavely speaking.

4,104 posts

The only thing i can contribute to this is that the universe supposedly expanded faster, and may still be expanding faster, then the speed of light.

1,739 posts

If you believe Einstein (Yes, I want to go there), then everything is relative to the speed of light: in other words, the only thing in our universe that is constant and does not change is the speed of light.

Secondly, speed depends on the viewpoint. Standing on the Earth, you would think you were going 0 miles per hour. But someone on the outer rim of the solar system would think you would go 30 km per second, because you are moving with the earth. A viewer from another galaxy would (if he could see you) say you were going many hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour because you are revolving around the galaxy.

That said, lets answer questions in this thread:

ok fine ill say the general idea of them i've heard two-first-wormholes eg. folding space and punching a hole in the two sides. second-

That is not breaking the speed of light because from the viewpoint of the object going through a wormhole he is not exceeding the speed of light. He could walk through the hole at a leisurely pace and come out at the other end.

The only thing i can contribute to this is that the universe supposedly expanded faster, and may still be expanding faster, then the speed of light.

That is also possible because no MATTER is expanding, just empty space. No particle is being moved at the speed of light, so no energy (or very very little) is being used to expand the universe.

Light has not mass so it does not get heavier when it travels so the fact that it has no mass means that there is no drag and it will just kepp retaining that same speed.

Light has nothing to do with drag. That's for particles rubbing and gravity.

Anything that goes faster that the speed of light will either implode or die because of the pressure.

No it would simply warp and then we have no idea what would happen to it, because it exceeds the visible universe (Remember all we see in this universe is light. When something goes faster, we have no way of detecting it, only math modules can guess).

Well. I was watching the science channel or maybe the discovery channel and they were talking about time travelling and stuff having to do with the S.O.L. And there was this one part that I heard that there is a particle testing lab somewhere in the US where there are particles that can go light speed for a fraction of a second. I forgot what the particles are called, tell me if you find out?
Also, even thought what I'm about to link you to hasn't been proven, you should just go check it out.

Don't trust everything you see on TV. Watch the old series, and you will notice that our current science channels have taken a big leap to the dramatic, and sometimes just wild guesses by a maniac living in Egypt.

i forget if it was dark energy or dark matter. use one while ur going 99.9% speed.

Neither. And definitely not dark matter.

Big enough magnet to stave off nuclear de-materialization.

Then it's possible, with proper thrust and use of gravity.

Not if the speed of light is a constant.

Space does expand faster then the speed of light if it didnt the whole of space would be filled with light.

If the number of stars were infinite. Astronomers have decided that if the universe were infinite, it must have a limited amount of stars.
3,675 posts

I fail to remember the specific names of what I am going to talk about, so excuse my use of general terms.

In a beam of light, there are certain &quotarticles" in which make it up. The certain &quotarticles" either can go slightly slower or slightly faster than the speed of light. (If someone could please tell me what these &quotarticles" are, I would appreciate it)
In theory, faster if a thin layer of these &quotarticles" was wrapped around a spaceship and excited in the just the right way, FTL travel would be possible. In order to drop out of FTL travel, the &quotarticles" could be calmed down to go slower than the speed of light.

622 posts

The certain &quotarticles" either can go slightly slower or slightly faster than the speed of light.

I'm not quite sure, but do you mean photons? Or perhaps, tachyons?
3,675 posts

Yes, tachyons. Those are the ones. Thanks you.

4,104 posts

You can travel faster then light, providing you've slowed the light down.

The speed of light isn't the current speed of light your traveling against, it's the constant that comes in at 299 792 458 mps. You can slow it down but then the light is traveling slower then the speed of light.
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