Hey guys, how are you all doing? this might sound like a common topic, but lately our country has been falling apart, all workers union is striking, or refusing to work, and demanding salary raises. Now our health workers at all the goverment owened hospitals are refusing to work and demanding a 8% salary raise before they go back to work. So whats happening now is that patients are really dying in the hospitals because of no service, no food and no clean bedding. On thusrday the death count was standing well over 10, and it was climbing fast. why does people do that??? whats your opinion on something like this?
Im not sure the issues youre talking about are more to do with selfishness, and less to do with a lack of infrastructure/resources. I had a look at your profile to see where you came from (south africa) and heard from a mate of mine who lives in joeburg, that the lack of development is down to the failing of the anc's trickle down policies since the early 90s.
Drace is right. The workers obviously have a good reason to be striking, and that would be because the CEOs and other rich people who own companies aren't paying them enough. They aren't happy with getting their Bush tax relief, they have to not pay the people who work for them a decent wage to stay multi-billionaires.
To the medical thing; I guess other country's are occupied with giving the children of some African nations the Discovery Channel... I think saving a few lives is more important.
Woody, i agree, the infra structure is up to s... but what can we do, the anc is at this stage stil goin on about being previously disadvantaged ect ect. I mean about 70% of us had nothing to do with that. Get over it and move on, thats what i think. Drace and Sartha, i agree with you guys to, striking isnt selfish, but to the cost of peoples lives??? our country is still in resession, our economy is roughly about 8 months to a year behind the rest of the world, dont you think there is a time and place for everything. I mean, the one union is demanding a 20% raise, hell i wish i could get a raise like that. people here dont think logicly about these things...
And another thing, our country have a very high jobless count because we openend the borders for people from zimbabwe and theres a lot of people from malawi here to because the people there are dying of hunger. Then we get zenephobia attacts just after the 2010 soccer world cup in SA, because they dont want overseas people here ect ect. it doesnt make sence...
yes people are selfish everywhere america is breaking down by a few theorys, america will break up into different "factions" and will start fighting over land and war. our educational system by giving us so much time off and stuff is making it so that that once all the old workers we wont (the young public) wont be able to do neccicary things, we dont car about education or anything i say america is screwed thats just my opinion tho
thats true, i see it in my industry to, you get your older farriers or blacksmoths, and then theres one hell of a age gap, and then only the younger guys. somewhere something went seriously wrong.
Whats selfish is the Goverenment for thinking people can work for penuts, this strike could of been avoided but they want to play hardball and this is what they get for it.
yes the young ppop will be useless it will completely destroy everything, the economy, the govenment everythings gonna turn into a dictator ship im moving to canada
I understand, but to intimidate people who actually want to work, and letting people die just isnt. Look i understand why they are striking, but if our country is battling to make ends meet, i would personaly rather work for peanuts that to have no work at all.
crash, I understand what you are saying, thats the road that our country chose, and now its a majour stuff up. here is a joke for you, at the time our prez started his campaighn, he was the main suspect in a rape case, and he had a couple of fraud cases standing against him.
yes people are selfish everywhere america is breaking down by a few theorys, america will break up into different "factions" and will start fighting over land and war. our educational system by giving us so much time off and stuff is making it so that that once all the old workers we wont (the young public) wont be able to do neccicary things, we dont car about education or anything i say america is screwed thats just my opinion tho
You are wrong in every single way. Too much time off? The reason why young people are uneducated isn't because they haven't had enough education, but because they don't want to learn!
And another thing, our country have a very high jobless count because we openend the borders for people from zimbabwe and theres a lot of people from malawi here to because the people there are dying of hunger. Then we get zenephobia attacts just after the 2010 soccer world cup in SA, because they dont want overseas people here ect ect. it doesnt make sence...
Computers are taking our jobs, not immigrants.
I mean, the one union is demanding a 20% raise, hell i wish i could get a raise like that. people here dont think logicly about these things...
Don't quote me on this, because I'm sure I have some of this wrong, but...
The union has grown too powerful. Even though the union is 'for the people', it demands too much from businesses. Big companies support the union because they can afford to give their worker more payed vacations and offer more benefits, small businesses, however, can not. Big businesses support a stricter union because it starves small businesses of their money and resources. Basically, the union has turned into something to weed out competition so big businesses can thrive.
Great point noname. Looks like there are atleast some people who can stil think logicaly about these things. this 1 union has more than 1.5million people. i mean they run the show!