ForumsThe TavernWhy to laugh at users

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13,657 posts

Disclaimer: Purely written out of love to the userbase. Also humour.
Disclaimer: Zophia made me post it.

Why you should laugh at users complaining about not getting merits:
- As you go through the new games on the front page, you give an average of one merit per game. And your standards aren't that high.
- There is <5 comments that are actually potential merits in length/quality, but lacks quality/length.
- There is on average a 1:10 ratio on good comments to spam. This ratio decreases proportionally with how new the game is.
- Of all of the above, none of the comments are made by a person who have complained about lack of merits given.
- You find out all of them have stopped writing comments for games, simply because they are not getting a merit. This does not stop them from complaining.
- If you by chance give a mod a merit for a review, there will be complaints that the mods hate the complaining persons, or that the mod gave themselves a merit. Alternatively they will find a comment they made in the same game and complain that that comment did not get a merit, even if that comment was made 10 minutes after the merit giving mod left the game comments.
- If a merit is somehow given to a new comment made by a mod, the mod is obviously neglecting their work by playing a game, and reviewing it, even if it is the first time they have done so in months.
- Any activity in the game comments will be ignored, if it is not giving a merit to the people that complain. Even if it is high activity, and quite visible. If a merit is not given, the mods are neglecting their work.
- Deleting spam/cleaning game comments/stopping problems and banning flamers is not part of the moderator's job. Rewarding merits is. If the mod does not reward merits, they are not doing their job, and should be demodded in favour of the complaining people.
- If the complaining people gets spammed or flammed, the mods are hating on them for not immediately permabanning the offender, even if the mods are not aware of anything happening and are unable to permaban anyone.
- "Fun" is not something a mod should have.
- Neither is "energy".
- When you end up with 2 pages of legit comments after cleaning some 30 pages, have given 2 merits and generally fought through hell to give those two... You should be happy that you got this awesome job of giving people 25ap.
- Giving those 25ap is also the only motivation to do your job. Respect, people thanking you for doing good, any general motivation like goodfeel, rewards or being paid is all overrated, and will only divide you from your goal: To reward someone a merit.
- And when reality hits, you are much too polite to respond to their "We never get merits, the mods don't give any out!!" with "Have you thought about it might just be your writing skills that suck?".
(And if they were a game, they would be rated 2 with a "Boring" to accompany it.)

So, thoughts or something?

  • 56 Replies
13,817 posts

can i haeb meret

Do you want the Egyptian goddess Meret? I can give you a beret too, and probably a kick, I mean hug.
4,206 posts

Well i barely complained so i must be really loved :3

1,649 posts

ha! so funny. when people complain about not getting a merit it shows that they wrote that comment just for the purpose of getting a merit. So they probably won't get th merit. they're so stupid.

4,013 posts

If you want to laugh at users do it right now or at other times they won't know when you are doing it.
I laugh to when someone joins and then wants a merit, I don't think I wanted that when I was new.

1,621 posts

i dont got any merits and probably never will and i dont really care

1,360 posts

Meh, I want a merit at some point, but then I'll try for it, and write many reviews and see what happens, if I don't get one I probably wouldn't care.
Have to wait and see

3,035 posts

This makes me glad that I never try to make an awesome review, as I know even my best attempt probably wouldn't be that good, and definetely not merit-worthy. I will only ever get a merit via Haiku Contest. So that means the mods never laugh at me, right? *Starts shaking uncontrollably* RIGHT?!

5,875 posts

Eh...I only made like 2 reviews. I'm way too lazy to make a review. And merits aren't very important anyway...just my opinion. And the poetry contests. I did participate for a couple of weeks. But I suck ass at making poems so it's not worth it for me. To be honest, I cared a bit about them around when I was a lower rank. But I don't care about it anymore.

4,689 posts

Is 25 points all that much when you reach the 1000s? I think thats when I gave up on winning merits in the haiku contest.

2,128 posts

Is 25 points all that much when you reach the 1000s

Points have value?!?!?
1,720 posts

Is this an merit worth comment:

Yeah, the epic, cool and famous age of war - each of you know the game for sure. I can't imagine that I still didn't write a review to this game. But now I will Sure, the game is very famous ... but that doesn't mean it's that good. Oh, and don't forget to play age of war 2 at maxgames, and it would be really nice if you would write your thoughts about the first, the second or even both games in a few sentences on my userpage. Thanks! But now, let's talk age of war (I hope you guys won't call me a castigator):

- - - Overview - - -
Concept idea & transfer: 7 / 10
Creativity: 7 / 10
Strategy: 5 / 10

Music & Sounds: 4 / 5
Graphics: 4 / 5

Altogether: 27 / 40; 7 / 10

- - - Main-idea & transfer: 7 / 10 - - -
Let's say it as simply (and true) as possible: The idea is AWESOME!! It's a mix between a strategy and a tower defense game. Two bases, two players (with CPU) one belongs to each player, and between the bases there is the battlefield. In combination of a much better strategy (balance + tactical thoughts, different possibilities to win and so on...), even better music and graphics, this game would be one of the best of the whole world. The idea is cool, but not so the transfer. The concept: A strategy game with many tactical ways to win the ages-long war. The transfer: Shit balance, fuck of this and this, make only this, it's way the best and the game is over and that's it!

- - - Creativity: 7 / 10 - - -
Honest, the game has not that good unit-style and so on... There were some cool ideas like the egg thrower and dino rider (although that's impossible, but it makes you laugh on the first time ^^), but that's it. The units are a very important element of the main concept of this game - but they are boring-drawn. The turrets are mostly boring to. The specials and the looking of the turret spots are quiet okay I guess.

- - - Strategy: 5 / 10 - - -
Okay, the most important point. I said it many times, the concept is great - in combination with a really good strategy it would be able to make the game awesome or even greater, but the strategy is simply bad. Why? Okay, there are a few tactical thoughts, but not many (which unit is the best to recruit, when do I have to use specials, which turret shall I build and so on), but a bad balance. If the balance and/or the tactical thoughts are shit, the whole strategy is shit. Calculate! All units need other prices; the club man is the standard unit => the slinger is overpriced, the dino rider is overpriced (and the turrets are overpowered: build them, sleep, and wake up: how many XP and gold do you have?). Check out my userpage; my latest news post, you'll find more.

So, give all units and turrets other prices for a better balance . And then, make more characteristics for the units (abilities, walk speed, accuracy, build time, type and so on), add more elements (technologies, mythical creatures and the new resource mythical points or something like that, just an example), for more and cooler tactical thoughts.

Principle + Strategy = great game
Tactic + Balance = Strategy
Tables + Calculators = Balance

If you draw Tables and use Calculators, the game has a good balance. If it has a good balance, it has a good Strategy. And if it has a good Strategy in combination with this cool concept, you have great game

- - - Music & Sounds 4 / 5 - - -
The sounds are okay, and glorious morning is great to. But in long continual-games like Age of war its simply to monotonue after some time. And i think, glorious morning is a bit to slow and cheery. But an epic music wouldnt be that great either. Just something other.

- - - Graphics 4 / 5 - - -
Meh... Normally, its boring to watch two mini-soldiers in a battle if you know: THIS mini-soldier will win!! But not in age of war, dont know why. ^^ But still, it would be much better, if you would draw these soldiers much bigger - because of mininess (lol i know this word doesnt exist XD) the unit style is not that good; another bad point. But the worst is the background!

187 posts

Haha, it made me chuckle a few times! I'll try my best not to be an AG brat! :P

417 posts

Why to laugh at moderators.

Cenere is a joke and will never be a good mod.

They ban anyone with the word troll, priest, or 420 in their name.

Zophia is a joke, but will never admit that she will never be a good mod.

I still don't know what gender cenere is.

those are the only two mods I know.

The others are not around, therefore they are not doing their supposed job.

why to laugh at users is not proper english, but I will let it slide because it's so hilarious.

13,657 posts

Cenere is a joke and will never be a good mod.

I know.

They ban anyone with the word troll, priest, or 420 in their name.

Too bad you don't have your facts straight.

And I who thought you had come to your senses.
4,196 posts

- "Fun" is not something a mod should have. thinks that all of the moderpoopers need demodding for this - I mean...look at the Art Section...

Good job Cenny, you made me laugh
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