ForumsThe TavernWhy to laugh at users

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Disclaimer: Purely written out of love to the userbase. Also humour.
Disclaimer: Zophia made me post it.

Why you should laugh at users complaining about not getting merits:
- As you go through the new games on the front page, you give an average of one merit per game. And your standards aren't that high.
- There is <5 comments that are actually potential merits in length/quality, but lacks quality/length.
- There is on average a 1:10 ratio on good comments to spam. This ratio decreases proportionally with how new the game is.
- Of all of the above, none of the comments are made by a person who have complained about lack of merits given.
- You find out all of them have stopped writing comments for games, simply because they are not getting a merit. This does not stop them from complaining.
- If you by chance give a mod a merit for a review, there will be complaints that the mods hate the complaining persons, or that the mod gave themselves a merit. Alternatively they will find a comment they made in the same game and complain that that comment did not get a merit, even if that comment was made 10 minutes after the merit giving mod left the game comments.
- If a merit is somehow given to a new comment made by a mod, the mod is obviously neglecting their work by playing a game, and reviewing it, even if it is the first time they have done so in months.
- Any activity in the game comments will be ignored, if it is not giving a merit to the people that complain. Even if it is high activity, and quite visible. If a merit is not given, the mods are neglecting their work.
- Deleting spam/cleaning game comments/stopping problems and banning flamers is not part of the moderator's job. Rewarding merits is. If the mod does not reward merits, they are not doing their job, and should be demodded in favour of the complaining people.
- If the complaining people gets spammed or flammed, the mods are hating on them for not immediately permabanning the offender, even if the mods are not aware of anything happening and are unable to permaban anyone.
- "Fun" is not something a mod should have.
- Neither is "energy".
- When you end up with 2 pages of legit comments after cleaning some 30 pages, have given 2 merits and generally fought through hell to give those two... You should be happy that you got this awesome job of giving people 25ap.
- Giving those 25ap is also the only motivation to do your job. Respect, people thanking you for doing good, any general motivation like goodfeel, rewards or being paid is all overrated, and will only divide you from your goal: To reward someone a merit.
- And when reality hits, you are much too polite to respond to their "We never get merits, the mods don't give any out!!" with "Have you thought about it might just be your writing skills that suck?".
(And if they were a game, they would be rated 2 with a "Boring" to accompany it.)

So, thoughts or something?

  • 56 Replies
4,375 posts

Josh the boss.....

Lets see here. I'm gonna have to say you have been listening to me and the guys over on antiwhale yes? Well Iadvise yo uto knock that of right now. You see we are all just upset that a great place like Ag is being ruined by douch bags like yourself. See, were all ready to poke fun at someone for a giggle, and make jokes that probably should never be said, but when you go about trying to troll, without even knowing what your tlaking about, its a diffrent story. Yo udon't know the mods, or enough about how this site used to be to say anything your saying.

Honestly your stupid. How does Cenere lie? He is the only Mod on here who actually gives two sh!ts or a f*ck about the users and preserving this site to how it was. People blame him beaucse he tries to mangae the entire site by hi mself and can't do it. Yes Iwill admit, I was mad at cennere, but that was only due to the the fact that he couldn't deal with the stress that he was receiveing from you trash heaps, and I misread him. So yes. You should probably find the nearest road and play in it, untill a large enough truck comes along to end your life. HOnestly, trolling is fun, but it isn't right to troll someone who does so much for your sorry behind. I should have been banned quite a few times, but cen was nice enough to say "Hey, thats not right, you need to stop." so you know what? I did. You guys should probably start hating the users and the mods less.

Sorry for my rant here (strop and cen since you guys are the only mods who will read this sorry for the bad laungege) but it needed to be said. So come on josh, troll me. I dare you.

417 posts

Josh, that's a bold accusation which you should either provide documented proof of in the appropriate channels (i.e. a private email to the administration), cease and desist, or else stand convicted of libel. Either way, that is not something that is appropriate to post publicly, and I recommend you apologise to Cenere for that.

it's not a formal complaint so I won't bother myself with it, however I won't apologise either because it actually happened.

lol at skater. The fact that you made such a big deal out of it means I already successfully trolled you without even trying, sooooo I win, and you wasted your time.
4,375 posts

lol at skater. The fact that you made such a big deal out of it means I already successfully trolled you without even trying, sooooo I win, and you wasted your time.

You didn't troll me no. Just a bit of white whiteing where it is called for. People have feelings. No matter what kind of person. Wasteing my time would imply I had something better to do with it......and I really didn't. And you winning? I remember you sayign you don't care. So...not sure how you cn win something you don't care nything about. I'll take that as a forfite.
60 posts

hah.... funny story

5,860 posts

lol at skater. The fact that you made such a big deal out of it means I already successfully trolled you without even trying, sooooo I win, and you wasted your time.

Lol at you, for the fact that you don't have any idea of what skater is talking about, because all you saw was a long post. I also assume you forfeit.
417 posts

You didn't troll me no. Just a bit of white whiteing where it is called for. People have feelings. No matter what kind of person.

What? White whiteing? I do not believe that is a thing. Anyway, yes, people do have feelings and the definition of trolling is to bring out those feelings in people, so I figure it was successful.
Wasteing my time would imply I had something better to do with it......and I really didn't.

You could have worked on your spelling a little bit.
And you winning? I remember you sayign you don't care. So...not sure how you cn win something you don't care nything about. I'll take that as a forfite.

What? When? Quote please.

Lol at you, for the fact that you don't have any idea of what skater is talking about, because all you saw was a long post. I also assume you forfeit.

I did, It was about how I shouldn't bash on cenere, and that he has some sort of god complex, and that I was reading something, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Antiwhale? I decided not to ask, and instead responded to the only thing worth responding to.
43 posts

who cares? im on here to play games. not to get dumb merits that mean nothing!!

4,375 posts

Hrm....yes. My spelling IS horendous. thanks for noticing this. I as well as all my teachers, and everyone who has ever seen me post is well aware of the fact that my tpying/spelling/grammar is terrible. However, I don't feel like it is bad enough that I need to fix it.....beaucse honestly? Its far from the worse I have seen.

What? White whiteing? I do not believe that is a thing. Anyway, yes, people do have feelings and the definition of trolling is to bring out those feelings in people, so I figure it was successful.

White knighting. bit of lag on my brains part.

You brought out no feelings in me regardless. Afetr all, this is the internet. And getting upset over it, is something very silly. HOwever, a freind in need.....well you know.

and that he has some sort of god complex

this made me giggle.
5,061 posts

he has some sort of god complex

Methinks you've been sniffing some foreign substances.

@All mods as a whole

I feel so freaking sorry for you guys. It must suck to have to put up with the whining of a bunch of little brats day in day out.
440 posts

i like it lmfao

114 posts

I'd say that this is the truth - pretty much, just write loads of good comments and hope for the best, else nothing much is going to happen besides the entire userbase mocking you for failing at life.

That's what I got out of your post, anyway. And I agree, it needs to be spread that complaining accomplishes nearly nothing life. You need to man up and get at it, spread those comments. Mods aren't there for your personal amusement.

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