ForumsThe TavernWhy to laugh at users

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13,657 posts

Disclaimer: Purely written out of love to the userbase. Also humour.
Disclaimer: Zophia made me post it.

Why you should laugh at users complaining about not getting merits:
- As you go through the new games on the front page, you give an average of one merit per game. And your standards aren't that high.
- There is <5 comments that are actually potential merits in length/quality, but lacks quality/length.
- There is on average a 1:10 ratio on good comments to spam. This ratio decreases proportionally with how new the game is.
- Of all of the above, none of the comments are made by a person who have complained about lack of merits given.
- You find out all of them have stopped writing comments for games, simply because they are not getting a merit. This does not stop them from complaining.
- If you by chance give a mod a merit for a review, there will be complaints that the mods hate the complaining persons, or that the mod gave themselves a merit. Alternatively they will find a comment they made in the same game and complain that that comment did not get a merit, even if that comment was made 10 minutes after the merit giving mod left the game comments.
- If a merit is somehow given to a new comment made by a mod, the mod is obviously neglecting their work by playing a game, and reviewing it, even if it is the first time they have done so in months.
- Any activity in the game comments will be ignored, if it is not giving a merit to the people that complain. Even if it is high activity, and quite visible. If a merit is not given, the mods are neglecting their work.
- Deleting spam/cleaning game comments/stopping problems and banning flamers is not part of the moderator's job. Rewarding merits is. If the mod does not reward merits, they are not doing their job, and should be demodded in favour of the complaining people.
- If the complaining people gets spammed or flammed, the mods are hating on them for not immediately permabanning the offender, even if the mods are not aware of anything happening and are unable to permaban anyone.
- "Fun" is not something a mod should have.
- Neither is "energy".
- When you end up with 2 pages of legit comments after cleaning some 30 pages, have given 2 merits and generally fought through hell to give those two... You should be happy that you got this awesome job of giving people 25ap.
- Giving those 25ap is also the only motivation to do your job. Respect, people thanking you for doing good, any general motivation like goodfeel, rewards or being paid is all overrated, and will only divide you from your goal: To reward someone a merit.
- And when reality hits, you are much too polite to respond to their "We never get merits, the mods don't give any out!!" with "Have you thought about it might just be your writing skills that suck?".
(And if they were a game, they would be rated 2 with a "Boring" to accompany it.)

So, thoughts or something?

  • 56 Replies
13,817 posts

Yeah, far too much fun going on in that AMW.

Eh...I only made like 2 reviews. I'm way too lazy to make a review. And merits aren't very important anyway...just my opinion. And the poetry contests. I did participate for a couple of weeks. But I suck *** at making poems so it's not worth it for me. To be honest, I cared a bit about them around when I was a lower rank. But I don't care about it anymore.

I've bothered to write two dozen or so reviews.. As for poems, I don't really go into those but I will definitely sometime.

I know.

If you're a joke, most of the mod team would also be a joke in my opinion. You're a good guy, well at least it seems you are.

Cenere Fan Club!
780 posts

420 in their name.

So...National Pot Smoking day in your name gets you banned?
I do not know why to laugh at users
417 posts

Too bad you don't have your facts straight.

No, I believe I do.

And I who thought you had come to your senses.

And I thought you knew proper grammar.
9,504 posts

Cenere Fan Club!

There's a link to the Cenere Fan Club in my Bio if you wanna look

And I thought you knew proper grammar.

It's correct.

why to laugh at users is not proper english

It is, actually.

So...National Pot Smoking day in your name gets you banned?

That guy must have had 120 alts...either way, he was banned every single time, even before he started posting.
1,532 posts

Zophia is a joke, but will never admit that she will never be a good mod

She doesnt have to be, she hot =p

Cenere Fan Club!
There's a link to the Cenere Fan Club in my Bio if you wanna look

i had a fan club once. It got banned =(

So...National Pot Smoking day in your name gets you banned?
That guy must have had 120 alts...either way, he was banned every single time, even before he started posting.

He was just annoying. I miss that Aussinizi guy
5,875 posts

I've bothered to write two dozen or so reviews.. As for poems, I don't really go into those but I will definitely sometime.

Good luck. You'll need it. Many other people who participate in there are hella good.
She doesnt have to be, she hot =p

Why the .... are people starting to say that?
16,585 posts

Hahahahaha this made me laugh a lot. And I wish I could have read this earlier.

807 posts

it must be empowering to be able to write in blue letters

10,816 posts

Josh, I'm going to pay special attention to your post because you seem to have missed out on events of recent times, in which several facts were reiterated:

The others are not around, therefore they are not doing their supposed job.

We're not paid, so it's not a job. We have no contractual obligation to be any more active than the other users. There have been lengthy discussions on our alleged relative inactivity, in which it was established that while many of the moderators are indeed inactive, there are several who are, but their activity goes unseen because deleted spam should no longer be visible. It was also recognised that despite appearing counter-intuitive, calling for more moderators would actually be an ineffective measure largely due to the layout of the administration and the current scope of our abilities.

those are the only two mods I know.

We are only responsible for moderating the site. We are not responsible for your ignorance.

13,817 posts

it must be empowering to be able to write in blue letters

No, the empowerment comes from the ability to inflict punishment upon troublemakers. The blue text is a mere indicator.
13,657 posts

No, I believe I do.

Can't argue with you, then. Same reason I didn't reply to the rest, I am fully aware that whatever I tell you, you are going to ignore.
Well, I better go tell Skyrunner420 that he doesn't exist.

And I thought you knew proper grammar.

I don't. Not English grammar at least, because English grammar sucks buttcrack.

it must be empowering to be able to write in blue letters

Not exactly, rather you get a lot of people complaining about you, without doing anything but that. Whine all day.

So...National Pot Smoking day in your name gets you banned?

Well, that depends. Are you going to listen to reality, or are you going to listen to Josh?
Reality: There are users with 420 in their name that are not banned, as we only ban if they show the behaviour of the trollie with the same stupid habit of not even caring to disguise himself.
Same goes for "Priest", which btw is a long time ago, and I don't think we care to react on that anymore as a warning sign.
As well as troll, because that word has lost its power completely, and many a newbie think it is an awesome name.
So no, we don't ban on names, we ban on behaviour.
Or Josh's reply: All mods lie, and ban everyone with a certain name on sight, because they think they know better.
417 posts

Or Josh's reply: All mods lie, and ban everyone with a certain name on sight, because they think they know better.

I doubt all mods lie, but I know you do.

Strop, Thank you for clearing that up, but when you sign up to be a moderate, don't you think you should do a good job at it. I understand people can be busy, but if they're too busy for the site, should they even be moderators in the first place?
13,344 posts

- "Fun" is not something a mod should have.

Hey, didn't I come up with that idea?
4,013 posts

I think you did Ernie, I remember you stating that in the suggestions forum. Listening to Throwing it all away by Genesis, this is for you Ernie.

10,816 posts

I doubt all mods lie, but I know you do.

Josh, that's a bold accusation which you should either provide documented proof of in the appropriate channels (i.e. a private email to the administration), cease and desist, or else stand convicted of libel. Either way, that is not something that is appropriate to post publicly, and I recommend you apologise to Cenere for that.

Strop, Thank you for clearing that up, but when you sign up to be a moderate, don't you think you should do a good job at it. I understand people can be busy, but if they're too busy for the site, should they even be moderators in the first place?

This is the kind of question that requires an appreciation of time and changes over time. I can tell you categorically that availability and activity are two of the essential criteria upon which users are assessed. However this can only be assessed up to that point... what happens after that is another story, and since as I said before there's no pay here, there's no contract and therefore no need to guarantee continued availability, as this would be quite unreasonable!

I obviously cannot speak for everybody else here, but on my part I was most active in 2008. I knew things would get progressively busier until this point where, frankly, as a moderator, I'm really not that effective except dealing directly with user complaints and issues on the forums. In general, we frequently reassess our position and this sometimes means whether we should remain as moderators. I base my own judgement on whether my being a moderator itself (not just what I do with it) is doing more good than harm to the community, and should I ever conclude that it isn't, I will resign at the first convenient opportunity. This has happened with several other mods in the past, so it's standard practice. Frankly, I'm well aware that I'll probably resign when I start working next year, as I'll be doing an average of 50-60 hours a week.

After all, people who truly follow the way of moderation do not have any desire to be one.
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