I think we can compare the two. Who knows? Maybe in another thousand years, Christianity, Islam, etc. will all be school subjects, sort of like Greek Mythology is?
It's possible another religion will rise to replace it, it's also possible the majority of people will eventually do away with feeling they need Gods.
Is it possible that religion changes drastically over the times?
Yes religions do change drastically over time. In fact Christianity is proof of this. Christianity steps from Judaism, Islam and Mormonism stems off from Christianity with all of them having roots in Judaism.
So Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism is just Judaism that has under gone drastic changes over time.
It's a tad militant, but it does make a true point. Which is: yes, religions change.
Militant atheism funny idea.
militant atheist: Your God is a fake cruel joke and your a dumb@$$ for falling for such crap!
militant theist: Believing what we believing, OR WE'LL KILL YOU!
I am just saying without christianity there will be no reason to be good anymore.
Even today there are plenty of people who never heard of Christianity who are good. Not to mention you just said that many of the people on this site have no reason to be good as many aren't Christian.
I see what you're saying 314d1 but without God there would be no such thing as cruel and everything God does or says is right because if like in the Egyptians case he sent the plagues upon them for not letting the his people go and keeping them as slaves.But in your mind I suppose freeing slaves as a bad thing.
It was the Pharaoh who wouldn't set Gods peeps free. Though God mad hardened the Pharaohs heart so he wouldn't in the first place then goes on to harm not the Pharaoh but the Pharaoh's people, innocents by standards in all of this. But even if this wasn't the case the number of non violent methods an all powerful being could use still leaves plagues as a cruel method.
halogunner as your vice presedint I feel obliged to tell you that if God showed himself you would basicly be forced to beleive but God doesn't want to force you he gives you a choice.
God interacts with humans all the time in the Bible, yet free will doesn't seem to be effected there. But even if we were left with no reason not to believe in him we could still choose not to follow that God. So again free will is not effected.
Not only is arguing God not showing himself as a good thing come off as a cop out but it also comes off as an argument that we should remain ignorant suggesting knowledge is a bad thing. (a common theme in the Abrahamic religions BTW)
They knew not to do that.You do realize this is God we're talking about.Did they think they could disobey him and not suffer consequences.
This seems counter intuitive to the whole no messing with free will thing.
Can you take your eyes off of your bible for more than a second?
Considering some of the things he's saying I don't think he is looking at his Bible to much.
With the thing on morals, I almost laughed whenever you said if christians died out morals died out, frankly many christians have poor morals, I personally think either Judaic, or Atheistic people have the best morals.
Good point, personally if I had to turn to any one religion for morals I would go with Wicca. But I don't think I need the religion for the morals.
Monotheism = my god is the only one, there is no room for any other deity than my god thus your god is a false one.
Polythism = there are multiple gods, your gods are not per se untrue ones.
Actually there's evidence Yahweh stemmed from a polytheism.
"Worship me, give me tribute, or I'll blow you up."
Christian God: "Worship me, give me tribute' or burn for eternity in hell."
Yeah I do see the difference.
Most religions with higher powers explain how life came to be so it's the same to me (atheist) it's just people trying to explain how it all happened.
How is being atheist trying to explain how it all happened? All atheism is is a lack of belief in a deity it says nothing about how things happened.