atheism is just a word. also nobody gathers in groups to worship atheism do they? which would be just silly which brings me to my next point. this topic is meaningless
being an ass won't solve anything. it was a simple discussion question, to which their is no right answer. be accepting to all ideas, as long as they are not offensive or hurt anyone
I agree with Avorne, there is a right answer and we have shown which one and why. I also agree with Efan in that it is a pointless topic, since as long as you use the right definition of atheism there is nothing to discuss about.
being an *** won't solve anything. it was a simple discussion question, to which their is no right answer. be accepting to all ideas, as long as they are not offensive or hurt anyone
You asked a question that had already been answered... a number of times... correctly... with evidence supporting it. So what else was there to say but open your damn eyes?
yet again, when it comes down to opinion, no one's mind is changing, i feel more educated about atheists now though.
Dont know about that. I dont think the point of debating is to "win", I would say thats an argument. A debate is more of a journey, the best debates are where noone wins and everyone learns. Sadly the way they teach debating in school is to win, and usually involves devils advocates.
The OP became pointless but the discussion is not locked because there is still meaning to the posts. Why lock a thread when there is good discussion goin on?
Of course the Mods may lock the thread and I will look like a total fanny.
Atheism doesn't really have a god so I would say no.
Ah but we have Science :P I don`t think of Atheism as a religion ,because the definition of religion (has been said 30 times in this 1 thread but who cares) is belief in a higher being. I , myself am a atheist because i see no logic in god. Why would he create earth ? Was he bored and just asid " I have nothing to do ... Oh! i have a idea !! Im going to make a planet that will be called earth ,out of absolutely no reason! and 70 and more % of the beings on it will believe in *French* MUA" and...BOOM!!!! Theres planet earth with millions of dead animals and humans... I don`t think so ... And yes i know this is kind of off-topic
I don`t think of Atheism as a religion ,because the definition of religion (has been said 30 times in this 1 thread but who cares) is belief in a higher being.
not going to say your wrong, but still this is where opinion comes into it. i don't see that believing in a higher power is a requirement to be religious, but then again, i'm just using's first result when i search for religion.