atheism isn't a religion. it's not the belief that there is no god, but it's the lack of belief that there is. you don't go to atheist church. you don't have a holy atheist book. it's pretty simple, honestly.
lol @ all u kids, grow up. this is an excuse for you to try to tell religious people that they are wrong, seems like the same thing you spend every moment of your waking life *****ing about. its the same superiority complex shared by all those mean kids that picked on you in grade school. argue if you want, but first, i want you to get a real life, after school, and a job, and a partner, except that one kid whos asexual, he should go team up with godzilla, who is also asexual. lol i just chuckle thinking about it. now, im going to work, and when i get home, im gunna kiss my kids before bed, and then go to sleep with my wife. after all your *****ing, what do you have thats real?
So you're wrong? And you're poorly representing the Christian community at large? And you don't understand that myself, as an agnostic, am completely fine with religions and don't put religious people down. I have a life, I have friends, I play sports, I'm intelligent, this is what I do to keep myself sharp. If you don't have any more argument than that, well then get off the forums.
A religion is a belief. Atheists believe there is no God. What do you think?
Religion is more a faith. Faith is belief without proof. I think we need a new word for athiests, because they neither believe nor have faith in religion. Also I have faith in certain aspects of humankind, but I dont think this makes my belief (without proof) a religion.
lol @ all u kids, grow up
etc etc its just been said
There are more than just kids on here.
What the smeg has you, your wife and your kids got to do with not believing in god? Are you saying all of our thoughts or misgivings are futile and that what we are debating is fruitless because YOU have a life you enjoy?
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
As far as I'm concerned - Atheism as a whole does not have a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe. Nor do we believe in 'superhuman agencies' or have rtual observances.
Oh and while I'm here - notice how nevets resorted to trying to put us all down because he was losing?
Here is what he said earlier:
unless your so insecure about yourself, that you need to be justified by either putting the other guy down, or having someone else tell you your right. otherwise, why would you even say anything??
i want you to get a real life, after school, and a job, and a partner,
after school: Been out of school for some time. and a job: check my about. and a partner: Got a girlfriend
As for your wife and kids I suspect they are about as real as those degrees you claimed to have in subjects that they don't give those degrees in, or one of those kids is sneaking onto your account.
Atheists BELIEVE there is no God. Whether you like it or not, it is true.
We have already pointed out the fallacy of this argument.
you do have a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, you beleive there is no meaning, thats still a belief. regardless, how many of you live near southern oregon or northern cali.
Ok, people, there is no need for a thread here is actual dictionary definition of atheism noun 1. the doctrine or belief that there is no god. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
basically, thats the opposite of religion in a nutshell. and it is therefor not a religion