I started looking into this after reading one of the comments in the "Is Atheism a Religion?" thread. The paranormal is what is not yet explained or considered normal, which leaves room for it to become normal or gain an explanation, so I figure it wouldn't be hypocritical for an atheist to believe in. I play with the idea of the paranormal sometimes, but I wouldn't say that I believe in anything like that other than UFOs and ghosts/spirits.
What about any other people out there? You don't have to be an atheist to answer, though this is aimed more towards them than others. I'm sure religion would cause conflicts with the paranormal as well.
Not a fan of agree to disagree, but if you don't want to continue this line it's fine by me.
Well it just seems like we were getting nowhere and I figured it would be stubborn for us to continue to repeat ourselves. Especially since there is no real evidence that was shown on either side that was convincing to the other. Honestly, most of them were just clever quotes that weren't going to convince anyone who had already made up their mind about the opposing side. I said agree to disagree but if you have any better suggestions I'm open to them.
I believe aliens are out there... I believe aliens have contact with certain earthers and have helped our tech along, I believe the human race is not capable of dealing with the knowledge of there being aliens. This is irrational belief and I have nothing but my gut instincts to back em up... hence why I never argue it as a serious topic.
The atheist point of few to the supernatural is science and logical explanations. :P
What dyou mean by this? If you really break it down even shooting fireballs magically from your hand as a wizard would ultimately have a logical explanation! Keep wagging your tongue aliengirl, it will hopefully dry up with all the contact with the air and fall off :P