Bah, I dislike most all laws. But it is only illegal if you get caught. ^_^
The ones I have the biggest beef with are the drugs laws. There is a whole war on drugs going on which really does nothing but drain money at an astounding rate. Legalize them, and that solves a lot of problems.
Well, one law I think is particularly stupid is one for a town in England: It is illegal to shoot a Welshman with a longbow in a churchyard on Sunday afternoon. There were no laws making it illegal to kill other people with other weapons in other locations at other times, though.
Wow, i can't believe no one has posted here in two years!
Oregon has some of the worst laws. # Dishes must drip dry. # Ice Cream can't be eaten on Sundays. # It's illegal to use canned corn as fish bait. # It's illigal to be seen in public with the number 69 on any of ones clothing. # In Hood River juggling without a licence is prohibited. # In Myrtle Creek it's against the law to box with a Kangaroo. # In Portland people are banned from wistling underwater.
Wow, i can't believe no one has posted here in two years!
lol....redace you're simply mention obsucre laws that no one knows about, for example in Viginia, it is legal to beat you wife on the courthouse steps after9 and before seven everyday but sunday...
Drug laws are so incredibly stupid, in my opinion the main addiction comes comes from the fact that it's forbidden. The grass is always green on the other side of the fence and what not.
LEGALIZE MARIJUANA MAN, WOOOOO, Lol, jk. I have a question and if anyone can answer me please do so. In the state of Massachusetts, you need to be 18 to buy cigarrettes, but someone told me you can be any age to smoke them, is this true?
Apparently in Indiana it's illegal to snort glue. That and box a kangaroo and juggle in a no-juggling zone. These are all part of laws that insinuate that these are illegal, but still!