Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
I feel that addicts are always going to be there, so why enforce against them? Instead, control them. Set them in a facility, give them the drug. This gets them off the street, lessens the spread of disease, etc.
Marijuana has more benefits than negative implications.
Well, 'tis true that addicts will always be there, but the best way to control them is to eliminate them. No, I don't mean kill them, but just don't let them get to the drug and they will lose the addiction. Also, if we were to set up facilities to control these addictions, what would be the benefit to spending thousands of dollars giving out free marijuana? Sure it gets them off of the street, but there are much better ways to get them off the street and get them worthwhile lives while we're at it. It's called getting a job. As far as the second quote, I am utterly confused at the idea that anyone would say such a thing. The benefits you listed are all for medical purposes. Marijuana is used sparingly in hospitals, but it's legal there. Soliciting marijuana on the street is not the intended purpose for it.
He was big into games...and drugs, but that was how high he was. One of the other kids who were there with him said that he would just live again after he shot himself and another person sad it would be like a spawn. That is all that I know from what my freinds and poeple have told me.
Then the breeding drug dogs would be useless, the drug tests would suck, and then the people would use before there job and then break something at there work place or injure themselves or others around them because they are high!
People also will OD all over the place, Elvis's famous OD on the toilet wouldn't be so famous anymore...
Why should drugs be illegal? Well, drugs are bad for you. Having it illegal raises awareness that it is bad for you. If it was legal, and your teacher in school told you it was bad for you, you would ask "Why?' "It's not illegal". You would have a hard time understanding that drugs are bad for you, and ultimately you'd try drugs, get addicted, and die early.
Why should drugs be legal? If drugs were legal, the world wouldn't have so much violent actions over this. Drugs would be simply on a rack in a market store that you could get. It could also increase ecnomy in many countries.
Overall, I do believe that drugs should stay illegal.
A lot of people would like to try drugs, but they are stopped by the fact that it is illegal. if drugs were made legal, the usage would fly through the roof, especially among the younger crowd. Because of this, the future of the world would be run by a bunch of druggies, causing only God knows what kind of mayhem.
BAN DRUG LIKE CRAIGGETE AND ACHOLCOLE AND BEER!!!!!!!!Do BARTENDER REALIZE a person is drinking to MUCH BEER(or other things) I hate Bars. They have alot of bad people and gangs.
@Zerlock1124- In Amsterdam where marijuana and mushrooms are legal, there are less user, your entire argument crumbles to pieces.
@SAL37- 1) Learn to spell. 2) People hate caps lock, its annoying. 3) All generalizations are false. 4) Thousands of people are employed in the production of alcohol and tobacco, would you take their livelihood away from them? 5) Why should laws be made to protect people from themselves, your argument is based on the faulty assumption that people are stupid.
I have heritage in Amsterdam, and my family tries to go there every summer. Marijuana is legal yes, but there some times of the week there is much more mayhem than in my home town of Wichita, Kansas. My uncles and aunts who live there didn't let us go outside past 8:30 unless most of us were in a group. We were walking to the market in the middle of the day, and people were having box car races into the canals while mobs threw beer cans at them. It was a mess. Whether or not these things are related to drugs or not, don't assume that there are less users. Also, assuming that people are stupid isn't faulty. It is an extra precaution.
Hardcore narcotics like heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines... things like that are illegal for a reason. Should pot be illegal? well, it has shown to cause no physical addiction, and as far as effect goes, isn't as potent as some of the hardcore drugs. You can easily become more impaired by alcohol than u can by marijuana. do i think it should be legal? no. Sure, it would make money, and help fund the government, and we could then REGULATE it, but its shown that it can lead to more hardcore drug usage. Many close friends use it quite often, and you can see them gradually focus more and more on drugs every day.
overall... drugs should stay illegal. legalized drugs should probably have more strict regulation, and bigger penalties associated with them.
Thr reason that there illegal is to make them hard to get. What do drugs do for you? NOTHING waste your life, money, everything. YOu wanna make them cheaper so depressed high school kids can get addicted and ruin there lives? BAD IDEA. AND if they were that cheap almost all drugees would be dead in a week, idk about you but i'd rather help them BEFORE they even decide to try any druugs AT ALL.
Nobody is saying that legalizing them would make them cheap, in fact, it could raise prices, but at least there would be some regulation to prices, and those who chose to buy wouldnt risk getting ripped off, robbed, or killed in the process.
@Ninjacube- I'm looking for the statistics but I'm pretty sure Amsterdam has a lower drug use rate, however, it appears there are more drug problems because drug users don't hide from the police, they are right out there on the street. People aren't as stupid as you think they are, and precaution against what?
@Redwinger- Why would marijuana lead to use of harder drugs? Oh right, because you need to get it from drug dealers who will try to sell you the more profitable product, if legalized you wouldn't need to see a dealer to get any.
Thr reason that there illegal is to make them hard to get.
I bet you that with $40 I could get some meth within two hours where I live. Prohibition has no effect on availability.
Pot isn't as addicting as cigarettes.
By legalizing we can help drug-abusers more. When drugs are illegal drug-users fear people knowing about their use and shun help; legalized, they would have nothing to fear and it would therefore be easier to treat them. Oh wait, before, lol, that is the parents duty to tell their child about the dangers.