Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
Drugs ruins ur life,there's reason why there's rehabs,to kick the habit,overdoes and long term abuse causes death, since drugs ARE addictive,there's no limit to how much one would be likely to take,but a person will only stop when they are dead.
so legalising drugs is not a solution,but it will result in more deaths,compared to the number of people dying for trafficking,the people who consume/use drugs will probably be more
sry necromancer,people aren't afraid to be arrested,they are afraid of the treatment,the only treatment for them to kick of drugs is to stop them from eating it,therefore,it's almost the same as not drinking water,i guess
@shermzx- That statement doesn't make much sense. If you wanted to be free from drugs, you wouldn't b scared of the treatment, you would be scared of telling people you use drugs because then you might be arrested, for use. You can gradually stop drug use, which is in many cases necessary, many drugs kill you if you quit cold turkey. Your analogy doesn't really apply, water is necessary for life.
Drugs being illegal is a good thing. If drugs were legalized, everyday life would be dangerous. Driving would be dangerous, more gangs and violence would uproar, and the crime rate would skyrocket. To even top that off, drugs would make our society unhealthy. The U.S. is better with drugs being illegal.
Uuugh... I wish people would at least glance through older arguments.
Driving would be dangerous, more gangs and violence would uproar, and the crime rate would skyrocket.
They could still enforce impaired driving laws. Gangs make money off selling drugs, legalization would severely wound gangs and their ability to cause crime. Violence and the crime rate would actually decrease, not only are gangs less powerful, but half of all robberies are committed to get money for drugs.
To even top that off, drugs would make our society unhealthy.
Do you favor the banning of McDonald's and Burger King? They also make society unhealthy and more people consume from their than people consume drugs.
The U.S. is better with drugs being illegal.
Amsterdam tolerates pot and mushroom use, and their drug use and crime rates went down, the US of A would be better with drugs legalized.
wow, this is a pretty good topic. if they did legalize it, just think of it, air being polluted, every block you go people taking drugs and a lot of crackheads. i guess it would be kinda better but the people would change in america!
in my opinion i think they should at least legalize marijuana everywhere and just monitor it like alcohol. marijuana has less negative effects than even alcohol or tobacco. they should just go hardcore on other drugs like cocaine and heroin then though.
Some people although not all can be trusted with drugs for the right use so thats why we should not make them illegal but for only poeple who use them correctly
read this its a link to a CNN story about how marijuana causes cancer.There are alot of biased things on-line, but this is not one of them.The thing is there are too many people who think marijuana is harmless,and that it shouldn't be banned.The facts are a little different then what people want to believe.The problem is though that marijuana is not a very useful medical drug since its used on people who are under kemotherapy, which is used b/c they had cancer.The problem with that is that if Marijuana causes cancer than that destroys the purpose of its original use.If you still want to be a pothead and kill yourself than I heard from a freind who lives in California that they are allowed to grow a total of 25 pot plants legally at one time, and his citys economy rely on it.I'm not sure if he was lying or not,but he seemed suprised that we couldn't grow it over here.
@Crimson- Prolonged overuse of cannabis causes cancer, short term medical use shouldn't be a problem. Also, marijuana does not cause as many of the plethora of problems associated with tobacco smoking.
Drugs should not be legalized because people aren't responsible enough to handle them properly. If you really watch people, then you should see that people can not handle driving, having kids, and all the other responsibilities that come with being an adult. If you can't handle following the rules of the road, for example, you shouldn't be allowed anything that will further slow down your reflexes or cognitive processes.
I am for legalizing drugs. My reason is that the government of the netherlands has legalized drugs and prostitution and so far they are fine! They make so mutch money off of it that they buy you your first house and a car! Other then members of congress no one here gets a car. Don't get me wrong there will be people who won.t be able to control thmselves their alway are, but as long as as a country are smart about it its definately doable!
I don't get why people want to legalize drugs so much.Except warmonger where ever he lives.In America though all its used for is to ease up the pain of some people for a little bit, or give them an appetite.The thing is smoking Marijuana,tabacco, or cocaine,or anything else that you inhale, will always cause atleast a small amount of lung damage, and theres nothing that medical Marijuana could be used for, that other drugs couldn't do just as good of a job.
@Crimson- Medical marijuana is used for a lot of things. From my friend Wikipedia: Cannabis is most importantly indicated as an antiemetic for the treatment of nausea and anorexia associated with treatments for cancer, AIDS, and hepatitis. Cannabis also acts as an antispasmodic and anticonvulsant and is indicated for neurological conditions such as epilepsy especially complex partial seizures, multiple sclerosis, and spasms. As an analgesic and an immunomodulator it is indicated for conditions such as migraine, arthritis, spinal and skeletal disorders. As a bronchodilator it is beneficial for asthma. It also reduces the intraocular pressure and is indicated for glaucoma. Recent studies have shown the drug to be efficacious in treating mood disorders and mental health issues such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, Crohn's Disease[20], and bipolar disorder.[3] It is also indicated for premenstrual syndrome, hypertension, and insomnia. It is also reported to be an effective treatment for constipation. According to a survey on the recommendation of cannabis in California,[21] cannabis is indicated for over 250 conditions.
Also, marijuana can be vaporized reducing smoking damage. However, just as in Warmonger's case, legalization would be beneficial to the US economy.