ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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3,675 posts

The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
1,628 posts

yeah it was unnecessary

55 posts

IF they legalize drugs now alot of young people are going to try it and get addicted to it. Drugs is far worse for your health than cigarettes(and I think cigarettes should be forbidden as well).
But a good thing is that drugs would than cost less because it's legal and there will be less people making it so after a long while there could be less use.

10,816 posts

But a good thing is that drugs would than cost less because it's legal and there will be less people making it so after a long while there could be less use.

That's mostly correct :P Rather, the price of drugs would be better regulated, as would the production. The profits from blackmarket and underground dealings would be significantly cut down, which would discourage the practice. Also, the products sold would be generally safer, instead of dud stuff, random crap that interacts and has crazy side-effects, and all that.

Think about the Al Capone and the Gangland Wars of the Era of Prohibition (when alcohol was banned in the US in the first half of the 1900s). The reason organised crime was so successful and even acceptable to the public for so long was because bootlegging was desirable to them. Drugs are now a big centerpiece of organised crime- making them legal would undermine this.

IF they legalize drugs now alot of young people are going to try it and get addicted to it.

Your point being? Tons of young people already try it and get addicted to it now. That it's illegal is in fact an incentive to trying it.

Drugs is far worse for your health than cigarettes

We covered this on the previous page.

1,482 posts

By making it illegal i'd like to state out that ONE: Those that abuse it are sometimes Pwned by the cops, not only that but those that try to get it like mafia members dont' really lose INNOCENT lives over it, they're taking the risk to crack the law.

If drugs were Legal, why not a six year old? There would be a flowing weed, pot, and alcohol market and in just 30 years a giant mortality rate would follow. Expeccially if the age limit for buying ciggarettes was lowered, then instead of the usual 400,000 people we lose from smoking the number would soar.

So, in the end, no matter how hard you try its much better to leave it illegal and let stupid crackheads battle over it.

10,816 posts

Oi, Armed, are you done with your exams already or something? >P

Those that abuse it are sometimes Pwned by the cops, not only that but those that try to get it like mafia members dont' really lose INNOCENT lives over it, they're taking the risk to crack the law.

This seems to presume that there's a constant rate of crime, which isn't the case. Criminal or even just plain harmful activity can be reduced by modulating behavior by changing laws.

If drugs were Legal, why not a six year old?

Because if drugs were made legal, that'd give us the ability to legislate on the provision of drugs in more detail. Currently, in the US alone there are several thousand cases (possibly more that we don't know about) of children growing up in the shadow of drug-families, who are often exposed to drugs anyway, and usually subject to systematic sexual abuse. If anybody's innocent in these cases, it's them.

In the end, it's better to go around than to bash your head against a wall. Because it seems pretty obvious this wall isn't tumbling down anytime soon.
1,482 posts

Nah, Just sick, so I get some time on my hands. xP

Also, to the earlier post, there are thousands of young people doing the drug thing, but the number would just rise.

If thats true that it'd give us ability to legislate the provision of drugs, we could stop these sad cases of drunk families -- but then kids outside from their daily lives could go high themselves. It would be disastrous. If they were legal, I could jus go to my school and look in the pot stash and get high. Kids would lose grades, Jobs would be lost, and people would, in the end-- die.

I dunno. Anyway, I has to go in fifteen minuites. Doctors gonna gimme some medicine. :P

10,816 posts

Well, get well soon!

Also, to the earlier post, there are thousands of young people doing the drug thing, but the number would just rise.

If you gave me some reasons for this, I might consider the possibility, or even discuss this in further detail. I've already provided reasons as to why I believe the number would ultimately fall or be largely unaffected.

Regarding alcoholism, it's true that there is a significant burden not just on primary abusers but also their collaterals (family etc.)- as I've pointed out on the previous page. But this is not the fault of the law... *drum roll*

EDUCATION, people! Introducing a law is meaningless without the proper backup to encourage people to embrace it. Seeing as laws are about trying to manage society to run in the most desirable way possible, certain social features are going to be necessary, and in the case of drugs and alcohol (and sex etc.) public education has proven to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective tool for minimising incidence of negative outcomes.

However, if drugs aren't legal, then you can't exactly go about giving advice on how to light up without suffocating yourself and where to hide your stash o' hash so the kids can't get their grubby hands on it. That'd just look...pretty bad. So they're limited to "don't do it, people, not only is it bad for you, it's against the law!"

I daresay that isn't the most effective message we could be bringing across. But I wouldn't dream of introducing a law without being prepared to prove that we could make it work.
6 posts

Here are is an article that ran in the UK's independent in August 2006. The study was instigated by the UK government, however when results were published the study was quickly discarded.
It outlines the relative dangers of 20 leading drugs in the UK based on personal risk and societal damage and the results are quite surprising.

I have loads more to say on this but have to be off to university soon.

145 posts

Six year olds? Cigarettes aren't smoked by six year olds, so why would other drugs be used by the significantly underaged? (sounds like the argument against gay marriage- if we let them marry, when will it stop? can we marry a goat?)

If all drugs (exception being alcohol and tobacco) are made legal, then, like Strop noted, we can impose regulations on their sale, distribution, and taxation. This would greatly reduce the margin of profit that currently supports so much criminal activity these days.

The northern areas of Mexico are practically infested with the minions of local drug lords, because the illegal sale of illicit substances finances a large portion of the lower classes. If we create a legal method of production and distribution, we would virtually eliminate the drug trade industry there, and the associated crime. Why isn't that a valuable enough initiative?

As for drug use by minors, I agree that there is little evidence that would support an increase in abuse and its consequences in that age group: if anything, overt drug use would help establish a social awareness and taboo that is far more pervasive than the current one (aren't we already at a distance from regular drug abuse in public society, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh?). But we can only speculate what outcomes would be likely, I suppose.

10,816 posts

Well, that's the entire point of having debates and discussions, I guess :P

Wait, the entire point apart from trying to see whose e-penis is I allowed to say that on these forums?

At any rate, there's a slight difference in the interpretations of that "six year olds" argument- I was interpreting it as the possibility that drugs in the home etc. would become more accessible to prying hands. Garifu was referring to a systematic, socially integrated usage by six year olds, which, I agree, is extremely unlikely. I daresay six year olds don't exactly have the kind of mental or social infrastructure required for fads to become a widespread phenomenon, especially if parents are a mite responsible.

As for what might happen...I have a suggestion: we'll see a small explosion of new sub-cultural movements that wash over the other drug-related cultures that have integrated an element of "underworld" in it. I shall call it the Neo-Hippie Era :P

Peace, yo!

65 posts

if they legalize chaos would be everywhere(think about it...everyone drugged on all the sides diyng,killing others...)and the dead rating would go on the top

4 posts

An interesting point is that Hitler was allegedly on drugs all the time, and look how that turned out.

1,628 posts

haha lol but if there were drugs a lot of people would die of aids and stuff

608 posts

hey actually drugs are really bad. the high is uncontrollable and when its over you want more. so if it was legalised then the world would be in aliving hell. trust me...i do use drugs(sry) and they are not good.

301 posts

You can still get them when they're illegal.

So why complain?

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