Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
No dont legalize drugs, that a crackheads dream!!! Everyone would wanna try and then they woulkd be addicted.. lil kids would get ahold of it and od cuz they dont know what it is like candy!
Well, I usually give benefit of the doubt: sometimes I don't have the time/patience to read through an entire thread before replying. When it comes to me, though, I always state whether I've done so or not.
So if one hasn't read the thread before making your first post, I'll reference them to the proper spot.
But if they haven't read the thread and continue to make posts after that...they're a noob.
But then you run the risk of everybody becoming a crackhead
Not really. The medical literature suggests while the burden of drug abuse is culturally significant, the incentives to drug taking are overstated, as are the risks for addiction.
I don't get drugs, they either show that you cracked under peer pressure, or your just stupid. It just shortens your life span just for temporary moments of being especially stupider then normal. Legalizing drugs would just be stupid, the FDA doesn't approve of things too risky for your health, alcohol and tobacco being an exception. They wouldn't approve a drug that could manage to kill you after one nights use. This topic seems ridicules to ask, the real question should be Drugs: Why legalize?
But you could get TOO high and overdose, skip the wheelchair and go strait to the morg. Drugs aren't the only fun thing to do in life (your living one sad life if it is) I'd rather live a long, healthy, and still enjoyable life then a short and unhealthy one.
If it is legalized though, it can be obtained by anyone.
Hey KING, maybe you yourself need to go back and read those posts :P Garifu and I already explained to Armed_Blade why not just anybody should be able to or even want to get their hands on drugs.
Legislation isn't the end of the story people. Legislation can't be passed if we can't be reasonably certain that we can put forward measures to make it work.
I dun think alchohol should be banned. though i'm 14.because trhis will mean many business collasping(sp?).pubs will close and such.i guess. DRUGS SHOULD BE BANED they should never in the 1st place be invented.unless for medical purposes.many people die because of this. drugs smuggling and inhaling them it makes people stupid and waste tax payer's money by wasting resources in creating rehabs.
in my opinion,to put a stop to drugs parents should guide their childrens. childrens can be misleaded easily.