I've never really been a fan of the Age of Empires titles - while they are good games (from a technical and gameplay aspect) I've never been able to "click" with them.
Well AoEO and SCII seem to be the only things left of RTS's.
As much as I hate to say it, SCII is pretty much the only thing keeping RTS's alive. AoEO simply doesn't have the popularity and publicity (as much as it can be abused, yes, MW2.) to keep up, it will hopefully come out great, and I will be buying it.
Unless it's Pay To Play, nevermind that.
But I am after getting both games, I find RTS's better because the fanbase is usually more mature than say - FPS (for obvious reasons), I'm not trying to sound grownup or anything (because I am 13) but it's sick that you need to widdle through all the trash and idiots to get to some good people.
I hope to go into competitive RTS gameplay, it takes more skill (in my opinion) and it's 1v1, so you don't need a team
In any case. This is a great step that I hope will be appreciated! Nice one Microsoft!
By the way, people are idiots. Me included. FPS players want an MMOFPS and they say that MMORTS's won't work because it isn't really a "world" you explore, just going on missions.
May I ask - how would you do an FPS in a "world" to explore? Mass Effect 2 didn't grasp it (though they greatly done the cinematics, very movie-like
), FPS Multiplayer doesn't grasp it, hell. FPS Multiplayer is the closest you could get!
In all: You cannot have an MMO exploration game as fast paced as an FPS. Imagine killing some NPC terrorists, only to be shot in the back by an enemy, and die in less than a second?
RTS's are possibly the best MMO types out there, I suppose.
RPG? Maybe in league with it, but the best of the 2 is probably an MMORPRTSG. £10 to whomever figures those letters btw.
TL;DR Don't worry, you didn't miss anything xD
- H