Fine, be stingy.
I will sir.
First off, don't base politics off of Jesus. Regardless if Jesus was liberal or not, he did not promote a liberal government, he merely promoted people to do things that you associate with liberals.
To label Jesus politically is missing the point. Jesus' teachings are to do with spiritual individual enlightenment. In fact one of the Romans feared him so much (and thus later adopted Christianity as its official religion) was its appeal to the masses. What would be better to say is that liberalism and socialism contain tenets which were profoundly influenced by his teachings from the New testament, not the other way round.
I completely agree with both of these statements; however, by observing Jesus's views on issues and comparing them to todays political spectrum I feel that it can be determined he was a liberal. As paradox pointed out though many liberal philosophies can be traced back to the New Testament.
Social Justice? He preached equality, so you assume this makes him a liberal? I guess liberals are the only people who believe in equality.
Everyone believes in equality, or at least everyone should. No the difference is that Jesus preached an active way to create an equal society which I generally see pursued more by liberals than conservatives. Also as a side note I don't consider Jesus to be a democrat nor do I believe anyone has the right to say which specific policies he would approve or not approve of. I simply hold the belief that he was a little left leaning.
Pardon me, but he never actually helped the poor with their poor problems. He cured blind and sick people who were poor, but he never actually fixed the whole poor issue.
Fixing the whole poor issue would have required miracles eh? No he simply told his followers to help the poor, multiple time. Also healing someone of blindness would be a big step in making them more economically secure.
In fact, Jesus told people to sell all their possessions. Jesus was telling people to become poor! What kind of an ******* would tell someone they must be poor to go into heaven? I thought heaven was a place that judged you on your sins, not how rich you were.
To be one with God, according to the New Testament, you have to die to yourself which involves not being materialistic so that nothing stands in your way of serving Him. There's a difference between voluntary and involuntary poverty.
What is up with you and everyone here who thinks having money makes you a bad person? You're all just a bunch of hippies.
Not inherently, sorry I should have said disdain for greedy mofos. A certain temple incident comes to mind when he chased out vendors who were screwing over people who came to pray.
I'm trying, it's just hard to find one =P
ROFL. Look Jesus was a pacifist and look what happened to him! He was nailed to a piece of wood.
But, he accomplished his goal thus proving that words and dedication are just as good as bullets and death. I would argue his impact has been greater than any war.
You don't have to be liberal to be feminist. You can be conservative as well.
Right, it's generally associated with liberalism though. Still you bring up a good point about political ambiguousness which allows me to make a statement such as Jesus was a Liberal due to interpretation of some of his actions and words.
I see what you did there.
Half my goal was accomplished. Yes!
So what if Jesus was for helping poor people. All this means is he was pro charity.
Or a welfare state, early Christians lived in socialist societies among themselves.
By the way in case your going to be an idiot and say because he was pro charity he was a liberal the link i showed proved that liberals give less to charity than other people.
Whoa now new kid don't call me an idiot or tell me what I'm going to say you haven't earned that right yet. I never disagreed that conservatives give more to charity but my arguments wasn't about charity but a welfare state.
About Jesus being a socialist or even a communist I don't remember Jesus making us give our money to the community.
As i said the early church lived in socialism. In fact I'd challenge you to find an anti-socialist sentiment from Jesus.
He used several parables which included people who were rich or owned land and had servants.